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This is an interesting opinion, but it probably isn't correct. Having a little bit of everything doesn't make you broken. It makes you a jack of all trades. And jack of all trades are always the least desired archetype of character in RPGs because while they have a little bit of everything, they do everything worse than their specialized counterparts.

Irelia can heal, but not enough to stop someone from killing her.

Her W alone is 26 HP per attack (that's a lot more than it sounds like with enough attack speed (more with Spirit Visage)) and her ult heals a lot if it hits enough (and ideally you should be aiming for more than just your primary target) not to mention any lifesteal if you have Blade of the Ruined King

It isn't just the healing but her combination of built-in sustain and ability to go essentially full-tank that stops people from killing her.

Irelia can stun, but only if she's about to die.

Any % lower than your opponent is not necessarily "about to die" also see above it's called "Equilibrium" Strike because it turns fights around

Irelia can dash, but it makes her surrounded by enemies with no escape.

Play LeBlanc or Lee Sin if you want to jump around a million times; are there any dashes aside from the aforementioned champions' that don't have the unfortunate side effect of throwing yourself into enemies without an immediate method of escape? The dash is used kind of like an auto attack reset early game to grab minions you'd have otherwise missed and if anyone tries to start a fight to take advantage of that you stun them and walk away

Irelia can deal true damage, but not enough to wear down a tank.

That's because ideally you're not fighting the tanks and instead diving the enemy squish with tons of sticking power and trinity force procs. Failing that either because you're behind or something, you're peeling for the ones on your team that can deal with the enemy. And even then if she's fighting only a tank and nothing else, as unlikely as that is, she'll probably be able to come out on top eventually.

The only thing truly amazing about her is the tenacity that lets her shrug off any CC like a honey badger, but it follows Riot's design philosophy where kits give you more defense if you charge into more enemies. Rengar's Battle Cry and Wukong's Stoneskin, for example.

And that's why she's good at diving enemy teams while relatively tanky and doesn't build much damage outside Trinity Force, unlike a typical assassin.

That's a really obvious thing to say. A Lee Sin or Irelia that isn't fed or farmed is garbage too. Being "full tank" needs a LOT of gold.

Less than being full damage

Responses within the quote for organisation purposes.

"Only if she's about to die" or "not enough to wear down a tank" are pretty heavy exaggerations and unrealistic expectations, respectively. Of course she doesn't do x as well as y but she does a lot of things just well enough for it to be effective.

And since when (and why) is Nashor's good on Irelia? o-o

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RumbleTTT, on 20 Mar 2014 - 2:54 PM, said:snapback.png

This is an interesting opinion, but it probably isn't correct. Having a little bit of everything doesn't make you broken. It makes you a jack of all trades. And jack of all trades are always the least desired archetype of character in RPGs because while they have a little bit of everything, they do everything worse than their specialized counterparts.

Irelia can heal, but not enough to stop someone from killing her.

Her W alone is 26 HP per attack (that's a lot more than it sounds like with enough attack speed (more with Spirit Visage)) and her ult heals a lot if it hits enough (and ideally you should be aiming for more than just your primary target) not to mention any lifesteal if you have Blade of the Ruined King
It isn't just the healing but her combination of built-in sustain and ability to go essentially full-tank that stops people from killing her.

Irelia can stun, but only if she's about to die.

Any % lower than your opponent is not necessarily "about to die" also see above it's called "Equilibrium" Strike because it turns fights around

Irelia can dash, but it makes her surrounded by enemies with no escape.

Play LeBlanc or Lee Sin if you want to jump around a million times; are there any dashes aside from the aforementioned champions' that don't have the unfortunate side effect of throwing yourself into enemies without an immediate method of escape? The dash is used kind of like an auto attack reset early game to grab minions you'd have otherwise missed and if anyone tries to start a fight to take advantage of that you stun them and walk away

Irelia can deal true damage, but not enough to wear down a tank.

That's because ideally you're not fighting the tanks and instead diving the enemy squish with tons of sticking power and trinity force procs. Failing that either because you're behind or something, you're peeling for the ones on your team that can deal with the enemy. And even then if she's fighting only a tank and nothing else, as unlikely as that is, she'll probably be able to come out on top eventually.

The only thing truly amazing about her is the tenacity that lets her shrug off any CC like a honey badger, but it follows Riot's design philosophy where kits give you more defense if you charge into more enemies. Rengar's Battle Cry and Wukong's Stoneskin, for example.

And that's why she's good at diving enemy teams while relatively tanky and doesn't build much damage outside Trinity Force, unlike a typical assassin.

That's a really obvious thing to say. A Lee Sin or Irelia that isn't fed or farmed is garbage too. Being "full tank" needs a LOT of gold.

Less than being full damage

Responses within the quote for organisation purposes.

"Only if she's about to die" or "not enough to wear down a tank" are pretty heavy exaggerations and unrealistic expectations, respectively. Of course she doesn't do x as well as y but she does a lot of things just well enough for it to be effective.

And since when (and why) is Nashor's good on Irelia? o-o

This man speaks the truth.

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tbh irelia is at the point now where you just rush trinity and merc treads, get either visage or randuin's (depending on whichever lane fed harder), and then get like either botrk if you're ahead or hydra if you need to splitpush or like wit's end of you need the extra mr. then like GA because once lategame comes you are basically gonna just be there to disrupt the enemy backline and they'll do 59863976902 damage and you'll do like -4 so the chance of staying alive is nice.

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tbh irelia is at the point now where you just rush trinity and merc treads, get either visage or randuin's (depending on whichever lane fed harder), and then get like either botrk if you're ahead or hydra if you need to splitpush or like wit's end of you need the extra mr. then like GA because once lategame comes you are basically gonna just be there to disrupt the enemy backline and they'll do 59863976902 damage and you'll do like -4 so the chance of staying alive is nice.

Then you're playing irelia wrong or something because Irelias damage late game is through the roof. It all comes from that sheen proc. If you're smart and know how to play irelia you will get a sheen proc with every blade from your ult, every q you do and every stun. The true damage and sheen proc combined chunks any carries they have. You can full burst an adc/apc and lose almost no health.

I generally build:


Frozen Heart (CDR and Armor is amazing)


Ninja Tabi

Zephyr/Nashors (depens on their cc)

And Banshees/Spirit Visage (Depends on cc once more)

Eventually ill sell boots for something else

Full tank masteriess with lifesteal quints makes laning phase mad easy and you scale really hard into late game with only two-three damage items.

You can tank a lot of damage

and deal a lot of damage.

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Meanwhile in LCS


This is why I like watching Dignitas more than any other team, even if they lost this game. Besides, it was against a TSM team that picked entirely FotM champs so this comp might be worth another shot.

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Meanwhile in LCS


This is why I like watching Dignitas more than any other team, even if they lost this game. Besides, it was against a TSM team that picked entirely FotM champs so this comp might be worth another shot.

While I love Dignitas, you can't blame TSM for picking strong champions. This is their JOB. If you expect them to do off meta picks and jeopardize their income, you're insane. It's nice to see off meta thigns be picked and as ironic as it sounds, but in high up competitive play you cannot expect things to be diverse in games with a lot of options simply because not all of that diversity is actually viable for securing wins.

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