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No mention of Syndra? Immense CDR is fun! You should try it sometime. She really is untouchable.

Plenty can be overlooked in the chaos.

Definetely trying that sometime! Being able to easily round up enough spheres to deal outrageous damage with her ult due to cdr AT A FREQUENT RATE sounds nice. I DO love a good bouncing bomb or geometry span, however. You must understand.

Saw this and wanted to share it.

Most disgusting Varus play ever @3:01

More like most pro

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Yep, dat patch. I know there are some of you (maybe a lot of you?) who are too lazy to look at the site, so this is what's going down.

Champions - Universal

All champions except for Ziggs have had their base Armor increased by 4.

Champions - Reworks

  • Rengar got the biggest overhaul.

    Overall, the Rengar rework set out to accomplish two goals: add more depth to his gameplay and allow Rengar to contribute meaningfully to team fights as a hunter of weaker targets. Old Rengar's problem was that he was binary in design - he either got ahead and blew up squishies without recourse, or he fell behind and split pushed indefinitely, relying on his stealth for safe escapes. On its own, split pushing isn't an unhealthy strategy, but Rengar could do it with few tradeoffs (especially given his split pushing speed). Ultimately we preserved the more skill-intensive parts of Rengar, like his ability to stalk foes while moving around the fight, and tuned down his less interactive power. Final point on Bonetooth Necklace: now that it's a trinket it can be positioned as a core progression item for Rengar rather than a risky snowball item slot. Tonight we hunt!

  • Gragas got overhaul #2.

    When we initially designed Gragas, we intended for him to be a drunken brawler who jumped into the fight to mess things up. As players began to master him, however, they focused more on his high ability power ratios and sniping potential while relying on Body Slam and Drunken Rage to get away. While we like to support emergent strategies for champions, playing Gragas like a long-range mage created some very imbalanced situations where either he could one-shot his opponents (success) or he couldn't (failure) and therefore became more sad than drunk. With this rework, Gragas should deliver on the core fantasy of a tanky drunkard who takes on his foes belly first.

  • Miss Fortune was the final rework target.

    In the past, Miss Fortune's been seen as the go-to markswoman with a strong early game presence who transitions to high AoE power. As the landscape of League has changed, however, she's been left in the dust for both strengths, so we wanted to give her something of her own to get excited about. So while we did need to tune down some of MF's early game bullying, we did so to further highlight the shock and awe factor of Bullet Time and Impure Shots.

Champions - Skins
  • Super Galaxy Rumble (1820 RP)
  • Void Fizz (1350 RP 975 RP)
Champions - General
  • Anivia's Glacial Storm now deals a tick of damage upon cancellation.

    Anivia's received a small quality-of-life buff to create a clear best use case (if you just want more damage) for Glacial Storm.

  • Blitzcrank's Double Pull of Doom is back!He can now grab onto Thresh's Lantern while
  • Fiddlesticks no longer gives Dread to enemy champions who can't see him.

    Did you know that when Fiddlesticks hides in a bush and you don't have vision of him, he can still affect you with Dread? Astute players knew this and learned to watch for his debuff, which made Fiddlesticks sad. We fixed that so Fiddlesticks wouldn't be so sad.

  • Graves now needs less mana for Quickdraw; in addition, the explosion damage on Collateral Damage has been buffed.

    We're emphasizing the collateral part of Collateral Damage.

  • Heimerdinger's turrets have had their early-game damage nerfed in favor of late-game.

    The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.

  • Kha'Zix no longer breaks stealth when using Flash, however he no longer can reduce damage from turrets with his Evolved Active Camouflage.

    We love seeing Kha'Zix players adapt to the changes to Evolved Active Camouflage. Unfortunately, the increased duration of Void Assault combined with extremely short between stealth windows meant that Kha'Zix was straight face-tanking abilities and turret aggro rather than swiftly moving in and out of fights. These changes let Kha'Zix's opponents have a way to respond when the bug is out hunting.

  • Lee Sin's Safeguard had its cooldown increased (although it's now halved when dashing to champions). He also only grants himself a shield when dashing to allied champions. Iron Will's duration is reduced.

    Even though he was designed to be a high-risk early game champion, Lee Sin can get around making risky plays because of his high mobility and early game base power. We were considering some larger changes to give Lee more early game risk and a way forward into the end game, but your concerns that we would be heavily altering some of Lee's core play patterns (which wasn't our intent!) helped us decide that we should slow our roll. These changes mean Lee will need to take more risks in mobility but don't touch his overall power curve. They also give Lee a real reason to play with his teammates rather than inanimate wards.

  • Leona took a small nerf to her Eclipse.

    he correct play against Leona in lane is to poke her down to make her engages riskier, but her high defensive stats and health regen were mitigating this a little too much. By reducing the bonus armor/magic resistance on Eclipse, Leona's a slightly more viable in-combat target. Plus, if she doesn't get a kill, that combat damage will stick harder.

  • Lulu took several nerfs to her Help, Pix! spell.

    When we made our 2014 Season changes to supports, we wanted to make them feel good about buying AP items. For most supports we gave them forms of additional utility with smaller gains in damage, but Lulu ended up getting a lot in both categories. We actually like mid Lulu, but want to make sure that the reasons for choosing her weren't due to her low-interaction (and high-obnoxiousness) lane harass pattern where she can get instant damage with Help, Pix! before following it up with two high-powered guaranteed Glitterlances. Choosing Lulu as a solo mage champion over being a duo-lane support should come with strategic tradeoffs, but many players were choosing her regardless of team composition or enemy matchups. Ultimately we had to hit some of Lulu's high offensive power, but we're also committed to ensuring this doesn't have a huge impact on support Lulu (who actually comes with tradeoffs like no guaranteed farm or gold generation), so we'll look at ways to help support Lulu if she comes out too weak because of these changes.

  • Renekton's Dominus, like Heimer's turrets, was nerfed at earlier ranks in exchange for late-game power.

    While we're very aware of the high strength Renekton brings to the lane, we're tackling his strengths carefully over time. Dominus was the best ability to look at first, because its high strength was giving the croc an almost guaranteed lane win once he hit level 6. This change also lets Renekton scale a little better into the late game so his early advantages can be built on.

  • Talon no longer loses stealth if he Flashes during Shadow Assault.
  • Twisted Fate's Pick A Card was changed around a bit. Its picking and throwing windows are now 6 seconds each.

    We're finding a middle ground from our changes back in 3.10 to let Twisted Fate gank with a pre-picked card easier.

  • Wukong's Crushing Blow no longer shreds as much armor at early ranks, and his Cyclone deals less damage.

    Statistically, Wukong's performed very well since his launch, despite being played in a number of positions (top, mid, and jungle). Now that Wu's found a position that circumvents his natural weaknesses, we can tune some of his high damage - particularly when he comes roaring out of the jungle with raw offensive items. We considered other options but realized most didn't do enough to tackle his overbearing damage in the early ranks (as an example, removing the armor shred on Crushing Blow versus neutral monsters has minimal impact if you consider how much armor they begin with).

  • ZIggs's attack range was nerfed.

    Ziggs has a super safe laning phase, even when he's constantly harassing his opponents with abilities and auto attacks. This change is to add a little more risk to Ziggs when he goes in for a hit.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

These champs got minor fixes, mostly bug fixes:

  • Ahri
  • Gragas
  • Jarvan IV
  • Jinx
  • Malzahar
  • Nami
  • Pantheon
Items - Trinkets
  • The blue trinkets have had their range and vision duration increased.

    Still in the process of making Blue Trinkets less sad. Maybe it's the color.

Items - New
  • Aether Wisp: 950G +30 Ability Power. UNIQUE Passive: +5% Movement Speed. Builds out of Amplifying Tome and into Lich Bane and Twin Shadows.
  • Forbidden Idol: 750G +8 Mana Regen per 5 sec. UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction. Builds out of two Faerie Charms and into Morellonomicon and Talisman of Ascension.
Items - Support
  • Talisman of Ascension: Cost increased to 2200G, Mana Regen per 5 sec is now 15.
  • Face of the Mountain: Cost increased to 2200G, Health Regen per 5 sec is now 20, Bonus Health increased to 500.
  • Frost Queen's Claim: Cost increased to 2200G, Ability Power increased to 50.
  • Aegis of the Legion: Cost reduced to 1900G, recipe changed, now grants the holder +20 Magic Resist, no longer grants the holder Armor.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari: Cost increased to 2800G, now has Kindlegem in recipe, now grants more Health, now grants the holder +20 Magic Resist, no longer grants the holder Armor.
Items - Enchantments
  • Alacrity: Movement Speed increased.
  • Captain: Cost reduced, bonus Movement Speed granted to approaching allied Champions increased.
  • Distortion: Cooldown reduction on summoner spells reduced, now grants bonus effects to Flash, Teleport and Ghost.
  • Furor: Cost reduced.
  • Homeguard: Now restores a portion of missing health/mana/energy each second as opposed to instantly, activation delay reduced to 6 seconds.
Items - General
  • Will of the Ancients: Cost increased to 2500G, recipe changed, no longer grants Mana Regen, Ability Power increased to 80.
  • Warden's Mail: Recipe changed.
  • Glacial Shroud: Cost reduced to 950G, recipe changed, Armor reduced, Mana reduced. This adversely affects the items it builds into, Frozen Heart and Iceborn Gauntlet.

We promised rune balance changes for the 2014 season but when we took a deeper look we realized that we needed to do more fundamental work on the system itself. That said, we wanted to get a few balance changes in for the 2014 season, so we targeted midseason as the right time. We've heard a lot of feedback from players on the pains surrounding the rune system, and we'll be taking that into consideration in the future! It may not be a holistic fix right now, but these balance changes allow us to open up a little more diversity in rune choice. We've also made some compensation buffs for the two runes we nerfed.

As a side note, we specifically tackled armor runes and lifesteal quintessences because they were becoming the "best in slot" choice for any champion that could use them. In the case of armor, the answer was "everyone," while lifesteal quintessences had a slightly narrower appeal. The buffs we made across other runes were to focus on adding more options without affecting any larger systems while also bringing some runes up to parity in terms of gold value.

The following Tier 3 runes have been buffed:

  • Seal of Scaling Armor
  • Seal of Health
  • Seal Scaling Health
  • Seal of Health Regeneration
  • Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
  • Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
  • Glyph of Mana Regeneration
  • Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
  • Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
  • Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
  • Quintessence of Attack Speed
The following Tier 3 runes have been nerfed:
  • Seal of Armor
  • Quintessence of Life Steal
  • Feast now grants 1 more health upon killing a unit (compensation for Life Steal Quint nerf)
  • Scavenger's range has been increased.

    Completely unrelated buff here - we noticed that Scavenger's range was smaller than Ancient Coin (occasionally resulting in one granting gold while the other didn't), so we fixed it.

Summoner Spells
  • Exhaust now reduces damage further, but reduces Attack Speed. Its cast range is also increased.

    Exhaust has fallen out of favor as Ignite has become the staple for kill lanes around the world. Additionally, the successful "use case" of Exhaust has grown more difficult as burst damage combinations become the norm (both through the current popular support roster and overall damage contributions in lane). These buffs to Exhaust are to give it a stronger defensive use case while also letting the player feel better about using it in a timely manner.

  • Heal's been reworked. It now heals only the closest allied champion to the cursor, or the most wounded nearby allied champion, in addition to the caster. Cooldown has also been reduced, and the heal at later levels has been buffed. Also removes Grievous Wounds from allied champs as long as they don't stand on desecrated ground.

    While the current live environment heavily favors all-in engagements, we wanted a summoner spell that could be reliably used for defensive lanes. These changes let us expand the scope of Heal so that it has more cool use cases and playmaking opportunities.

  • Ignite will now reveal non-stealthed champions.

    Partially to compensate for the Heal changes and because when you set someone on fire, that should make them real visible.


Dragon now deals a percentage of the target's current health as damage (this goes up over time). Dragon's debuff now reduces total damage dealt by 20% instead of reducing attack speed. Dragon gains additional armor and magic resistance over time.

In the mid to late game when champions have enough damage, taking the Dragon becomes a high value, low risk objective. These changes should help the Dragon scale better as a late game objective (rather than a quick gold boost).

That's it!

I've had a lot of fun playing the Gragas rework, he's no longer nearly as annoying to play against. He'll throw people around a lot and it will be easier to hit his combo, but isn't that annoying as fuck sniper thing anymore (partially because his Q range was nerfed). Rengar rework is largely a nerf, at least to jungle kitty. Miss Fortune I haven't tried, but it will be interesting to see. Anyway, time to go remake my rune pages!

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I don't either, although of his skins, I'm glad that Kingpin happens to be the one I have.

I'm hoping that his dialogue comes across sufficiently "manic"

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... I'm personally curious as to when the rune sale is. As a poor not-yet level 30, it would REALLY help me get those Quints and other runes faster. ;~;

In a previous thread, they stated that the rune sale will begin in this upcoming patch and continue till the end of April, along with a cost reduction on IP boosts

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Should point out that picture is based on stuff that's really really tentative and I'm not believing it until it hits the peebs. Zenon (the dude working on Warwick) and Guinsoo (the dude working on Fiora) both have said that their changes are really up in the air and anything could happen (though Guinsoo hinted that he wanted a melee ADC)

Just keep Fiora's beautiful accent and I'm happy

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