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Oh my, you guys are big on LoL too? GREAT!!

TFW it seems like Riot thought it would be cool to create a monster without knowing exactly how to make it behave, I swear with this much tentativeness and consideration the Feral Flare is gonna end up being deleted...

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TFW it seems like Riot thought it would be cool to create a monster without knowing exactly how to make it behave, I swear with this much tentativeness and consideration the Feral Flare is gonna end up being deleted...

People haven't figured out yet that exhaust destroys a feral flare user if it tries to go full ham 1v5.

Lee Sin's cripple also.. Cripples them for a while, enough to waste them in a teamfight without them being too big of a threat.

>also just ban udyr, noc and yi by default in draft pick

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  • 2 weeks later...

>also just ban udyr, noc and yi by default in draft pick

Aye, you're forgetting Kayle, Jax, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Shyvana, Shen, Aatrox, Fiora, Trundle...

If you really wanna stretch the list, I've seen Yasuo, Diana and Jinx all do well with the "Freelo Flare" in featured games.

I'd just take Exhaust in solo lane to shut em down long enough to screw them in a teamfight, or in the case of Udyr, I just like to kite the shit out of him with Ashe or something.

There's also a lot of other champs who can shut them down (other than Lee Sin); Darius, Doge and Malphite are my faves although I only really play one of them. Jax too...hue (although he's banned like constantly now which is why I didn't mention him before)

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Sometimes friends can be infuriating. I have a friend that's never won lane once, and he usually says something like "I could have won lane with more ganks." or "I didn't know that the champion I faced in lane was so overpowered after his rework." This after playing Orianna versus Xerath and being level 5 while Xerath was level 7, or building a Null Magic Mantle versus Nasus as Trundle and giving up first blood in a 1v1 fight. Then the rest of the game he doesn't have a positive attitude because he got so thoroughly whipped in lane.

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There's a patch tonight?!?

Lo and behold or whatever the saying it is, tonight is patch night. Pretty small patch but for those of you too lazy to look at the site here's what's happening.


The following skins will be released this patch, both at 975 RP:

  • Blade Queen Lissandra
  • River Spirit Nami

Champions - General

  • Blitzcrank now has lowered mana costs on his Rocket Grab and Static Field.

    With popular utility champions providing additional utility beyond vision control and a body on the field, Blitzcrank needed some small upgrades to keep up. Given Blitz already has strong utility (gated by his long cooldowns), some mana cost reductions means he should be able to bring Amumu to your team more often.

  • Cho'Gath's Feast has been buffed to 175 range and its cast time has been cut in half.

    This is a change we've wanted to do for some time, given how sad Cho gets when his meals flash away. Basically this means Cho's Feast range will correctly match his attack range when he's at 6 Feast Stacks. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!

  • Malzahar's Nether Grasp now costs 100 mana like many other ults in the game now.

    We realize that high mobility mages are currently valued in the competitive landscape, but buffing Malz against his identity ends up flattening the role of a mage and inhibits other forms of role experimentation. Still, streamlining Nether Grasp's mana cost to be in line with other high cooldown ultimates was a change Malz could use, so we heeded the call (... of the void).

  • The Pantheon bugfixes mentioned before (that went undocumented in 4.7) have been reiterated in these notes.

    Last patch, we made a functional change to Pantheon without documenting the change (sorry!). Before the change, Pantheon's Grand Skyfall was dealing damage a full 0.5 seconds after he visually hit the ground, which was inconsistent (not to mention weird). Visually it's confusing that Pantheon can stun opponents before he's even finished landing from Grand Skyfall, so we made the change for Clarity purposes while also affecting his power. That said, we've heard a lot of your feedback that this hampers Pantheon's ability to use Grand Skyfall effectively (or at all), and we're going to keep a close eye on him in this patch.

  • Soraka gets the nerf bat this patch. Starcall damage way down, Infuse now has a mana cost when cast on enemies. RIP in peace

    Soraka's solo lane patterns are pretty obnoxious, as she can simply shove out opponents with Starcall while inhibiting their ability to fight back with her free Infuses. Soraka should be brought to a solo lane as someone who can consistently support her team, rather than dealing high ramping magic damage via Starcall.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

The following champs received minor changes, mainly bug fixes, this patch:

  • Kha'Zix
  • Nami
  • Sejuani
  • Udyr

Items - Dominion/3v3

  • Twin Shadows now gains the Trap Detection passive.


  • Flashing and stealthing under an enemy turret no longer drops turret aggro. A unit can only drop turret aggro if it leaves its range, dies, or becomes untargetable.

Twisted Treeline

  • Turrets have been buffed to adapt to the current meta.

    Currently on TT, turrets simply aren't threatening enough to super-bruisers that stack armor and dive for their squishier teammates. While this change alone may not fix this, it's the start of us enforcing turrets as a meaningful safety zone for players on the losing team. We're also beefing up turret resists in the case of a siege - you can still 'chip' turrets over the course of a game before breaking them down in a big push, but we felt they could stay up a little longer.

  • Big Monsters now have more health, while Small Monsters have less.

    The low base health on the original jungle camps in TT cuts their threat scaling significantly, making jungling a little too easy for anyone with a small amount of Attack Damage (or in 120% of all cases, Ravenous Hydra). We'll be watching this closely as we don't want junglers to feel hyper-vulnerable, but with the recent buffs to scaling jungle experience, we felt increasing the risk/commitment of the jungle was appropriate.

Team Builder

  • Wins and losses are added to the normal Team Builder queue.

That's it!

As if I needed more incentive to play 3v3...

Now give me those bloody Lucian nerfs already. Sick of seein' his ass every game. :I

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Now give me those bloody Lucian nerfs already. Sick of seein' his ass every game. :I

I rarely play in bot lane, but you'd think there should be some underplayed ADC than can whoop his ass easily.

Anyone tried Urgot or Corki against him?

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Did someone say "Celtic Quinn skin where Valor is an owl?" Yes! It was me, right now!

The best way to beat Lucian is probably to be competent at playing the marksman of your choice. Someone like Quinn, Caitlyn or Tristana.

See, the problem with Lucian is that there isn't a problem with Lucian. He's just a character with reliable damage and reliable escapes. The only way you can beat him is by being decent.

Edited by RumbleTTT
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I think Corki works well against Lucian because of his shredding through Lucy's already weak defenses, his kiting ability around Lucian's Q and W and his chase potential even against his E. Granted, it'll still be a little challenging.

also Ryan quit bein' the news nerd

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No one wants to read that small text :I

Also, the number of references that Pentakill Karthus makes is fucking beautiful

"You can't kill the metal!"

"TOWER DIVER! Gotta get away, get away."

"Death is blacker than the blackest black, times infinity."

Instabuying this skin when the VU comes out

EDIT: that infographic crashes my phone browser. :I

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  • 2 weeks later...

Die, bug, die!

Yes, Khazix getting pierced and skewered this patch, but many things are getting shifted around, as always, in patch 4.9. So for those of you too lazy to look at the site, here's the low down.


The following skin will go hit the shelves this patch for 975 RP:

  • Woad Scout Quinn

Skins - Texture Updates

The following skins got updates to go along with the release of Smite and Ignite, including a universal splash art:

  • Pentakill Sona
  • Pentakill Olaf
  • Pentakill Mordekaiser
  • Pentakill Yorick
  • Pentakill Karthus (accompanying full champion VU)


  • Braum got slapped with a huge nerf, though this was mainly to his offensive power.

    It's tough to pinpoint the strength of a new champion while also accounting for how quickly players adapt, and Braum was picked up very quickly as a strong lane bully with his combined high damage and defensive power. When we want to reduce power in a champion, we first look to trim 'hidden' strengths that aren't really appreciated in their core playstyle, like Braum's W, which was giving a pile of free defensive stats to both himself and his protected target. That said, Braum's offensive strengths are also very high for a protective champion, so we also decided to trim back that 'stache.

  • Karthus got a visual upgrade!
  • Kassadin's buffs from patch 4.6 have been reverted. (affects his base movement speed and Netherblade.

    Following up on our champion update, we've been keeping track of Kassadin as he continues to become a more and more dominant force. We think we released Kassadin in a good state but then gave him a little too much strength as we saw folks struggling with the new kit. After our buffs, however, we saw a lot of players learning to play the updated Kass (and well), so we're peeling back the layers we added to get him back to a correct power level.

  • Kha'Zix is going to have a lot of nerf bat-shaped bruises for a while. Those Taste Their Fear and Void Assault nerfs...at least Void Spike got a buff.

    Up to now, most of our changes failed to give Kha'Zix meaningful weaknesses for an assassin because evolved R's damage reduction was letting Kha'Zix force fight initiations whenever it was up while his high base Q damage was letting him take out squishy targets even when they were actively trying to prevent isolation. As an assassin, Kha'Zix should be an opportunistic killer who needs to find isolated targets to munch on while the rest of his team jumps into the mosh pit of the team fight. What Kha'Zix shouldn't be able to do, however, is directly engage a full team fight with the expectation to live while also taking out high priority targets without isolation.

    With that said, our philosophy behind these changes is aimed at reducing some of Kha'Zix's many strengths while refining his core identity as an assassin. First, we pushed more power to his evolutions so that he'll have to think more about the choices he makes in life (or the game). Kha'Zix's base Q is lower compared to live, but his evolved Q is guaranteed to deal more damage to isolated targets in the mid to late game. The added power to W and its evolution was to give Kha'Zix more fallback strengths when evolving W. It's also worth pointing out that while evolved R took a significant power hit with the loss of its damage reduction, it's still offering a lot of extra mobility for Kha'Zix in a fight (doubling his stealth duration while also adding an extra charge).

    We'll be watching how these changes pan out, but we're hoping to see more opportunistic Kha'Zixes (Kha'Zixi? Kha'Zii?) who seek out isolated meals in team fights but can't just jump in to scrap with the frontline while also having the mobility and explosive damage to take out the backline.

  • Pantheon is now untargetable as long as he remains in the air with his Grand Skyfall.

    When we made the Pantheon changes back in patch 4.7, we also introduced a bug where Pantheon could be hit by area-effect spells before he physically landed on the screen. Ultimately we made a fix that leaned more in Panth's favor, where he can 'pop' all projectiles as he jumps off screen (so that pesky Sion stun won't follow him through the sky) and remains untargetable until he physically lands. In terms of other tweaks to Grand Skyfall, we've been keeping a close eye on how Pantheon's performance has been affected by the 4.7 changes, but he's remained pretty strong in both top lane and the jungle. We're going to keep watching for now!

  • Rengar's Savagery and Empowered Savagery can no longer critically strike.

    We're very aware of Rengar's champion-eating capabilities (unlike the poor squishy targets he's surprising), but we're going to be watching how these changes / bug fixes affect the kitty before we take any larger action.

  • Soraka now reduces her Astral Blessing's cooldown further when she hits a champion with Starcall.

    In our zeal to reduce solo lane Soraka's obnoxiousness, we kicked her a little too hard in the shins. These changes may not get her up to par, but we're committed to supporting her beyond these buffs.

Champions - Insignficant Stuff

The following champions received bug fixes or other insignificant stuff:

  • Braum
  • Diana
  • Elise
  • Karthus
  • Kha'Zix
  • Nami
  • Rengar
  • Rumble
  • Volibear

Champions - Twisted Treeline

  • Kha'Zix's Taste Their Fear isolation bonus has been brought down to match the Summoner's Rift value (30% in 4.9).

Summoner's Rift

  • Jungle monsters will no longer give more XP based on their level.

    As we continue to keep a close eye on the jungle, we noticed that jungle monster experience rewards were going up with the average level of the map while lane minion experience didn't. On deeper analysis, we saw this inconsistency was amplifying snowballing in the game: if a jungler's team continues to pull ahead (either through ganks or just #winning), the jungler could continuously clear their monsters for additional bonus experience. Ultimately that meant the jungler of a successful team would come out disproportionately stronger than even the rest of his or her team for contributing the same amount of work. While we want to give specific junglers the gold income and capability to 'carry' their team in the mid to end game, a jungler's overall rewards are currently being amplified beyond the four other players who have had their own set of challenges to overcome. All roles should contribute to the outcome of a game, and we're committed to ensuring a jungler has the same potential (not more) as any other.

Ranked Teams

  • They did some shit to grant special rewards to ranked teams. I didn't really read it.

    We've added Team Rewards as a new class of rewards to further differentiate ranked team play from ranked solo play. Since ranked teams place a special focus on jolly cooperation, require more effort to coordinate, and embody the teamwork that defines League, we wanted players to have a way to commemorate and celebrate their success as part of a team.

PVP.net Friends List

The Friend List should make it easy to see which of your friends are available to play with, but its feature set needed a little work. This patch's updates are aimed at facilitating how players use the Friend List, both to find individuals (search bar!) and to quickly check on their Friend Groups (which now contain offline members).

  • The friends list has been repurposed into a friend search tool. I really hate this, especially since with the Reborn forums I had enough trouble telling status bars from search bars.
  • A whole bunch of other settings were added in. Something about friend list settings being saved locally now as well.

That's it for now!

I think it's pretty obvious what the big attraction is this patch.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give KARTHUS

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