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The Fush

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Nerfing all the strong champions is nice and all, Riot, but is it me or have you never been buffing any champion struggling in the current meta as of late? Like, how many buffs have you actually made to those kinds of champions as of late? Jarvan, Veigar, Quinn, Zac, any mana based top laner, the list goes on. Are you only going to keep an eye on champions actually doing well, and ignore the ones in need of a performance boost? We don't want to have to stick to the same tired champions in every lane just because you won't give other ones a chance. If the buffs to them turn out too strong, you can just nerf them in the next patch; after all, you've been doing that with all these champs so far.

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Jarvan, Veigar, Quinn, Zac, any mana based top laner

Excuse me

But all of these are perfectly viable

Jarvan is strong as fuck in top lane, Veigar is perfectly fine as well :^), Quinn is a monster toplaner instead of adc, Zac is a megatank that simply doesn't have much damage, is all.

Darius, Nasus, Cho'Gath, Jax, Fiora, Trundle, Wukong, Ryze, Kayle, Olaf, Volibear, Lulu, Pantheon and Singed are all mana based top laners who work perfectly fine there.

There's barely any balance issues. Khazix his nerfs won't be destroying him. You know why? Because every champion is viable, and someone will find a way to make them broken, especially considering Khazix his kit is fluid as hell. He has a gap closer, a slow and stealth. That's enough to make something work.

May I remind you that after Rengar's last nerf, everyone said "OMG RENGAR IS USELESS NOW"

Then Ryan Choi came along to hold hands with people who only think in theory instead of practice to show that rengar is still actually broken as fuck

Only to have Rengar nerfed again

Khazix isn't fucked. He's still just cancerbug, and he shall carry just as easily, except without a bad player crutch that gives him 60% damage reduction while stealthed


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I remember a discussion from earlier in the year (February i think) that Meddler (champion designer) had with some players on buffs vs. nerfs. He said something along the lines of "we'd sooner nerf strong champions than buff weak ones, because if we buff then we run the risk of making that champion really OP and thus not so fun to play against, which affects everyone; however nerfing a champion only runs the risk of being dissatisfying to a group of people.

This is essentially the reason why some of the champs Fush mentioned are not likely to get buffed:

  • Jarvan actually just got a juicy buff a couple of patches ago. Those have made a big difference apparently.
  • Veigar's late game is ridiculous with his massive AoE stun and ability to literally one-shot APs. The only buff I could see him getting would be a movement speed buff...I dunno, I think I've played Veigar all of once.
  • Quinn's really hard to balance due to the similarities in playstyle between solo and duo lanes. If you buff Quinn in one place, you buff Quinn in others, and she's already a strong top (only arguable exception being movement speed buff to her ult at early ranks, which would be targeted at mid Quinn).
  • Zac, maybe...but after all the consecutive nerfs he got after his release and somehow STILL retaining viability, I'd be scared to give him another buff if I was on the balance team.
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if it makes you feel any better pocky I've been fuckin' rockin' karthus mid

take heal against him at all times btw

and doj I never said anything about khazix nerfs being unfair so I don't know where you get that from? (that bug damn deserved those nerf anyway godamnit)

But you can't deny that as it is, a lot of the champions in the game are being shoved aside because there are a select bunch that dominate in the current format. Well, that's what I think anyway.

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Such is a metagame, m'boy.

also if you've ever played Maplestory you know constant buffing leads to power creep which is bad. like maplestory.

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For those of you hearing about the Nidalee rework and are curious to know, here it is.


I personally don't have a solid opinion yet on the rework other than it doesn't seem like it's going to fix any of the current issues with Nidalee - at max build rank, spears do ~1250 damage, Bushwhacks do 33% of target's current health, and Aspect of the Cougar is on a 1 second cooldown, less than that taking into account masteries.

Doesn't help that the thread has a negative score from the PBE goers at time of writing. Shame, because I really liked what I was seeing before the numbers came out.

Of course, I'm being a little bit assumptive and I'll wait until this rework hits PBE.

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Such is a metagame, m'boy.

also if you've ever played Maplestory you know constant buffing leads to power creep which is bad. like maplestory.

are we really going to talk about maplestory here ikaru

are we really

but yeah fuck metas

as an edited note i still think the main problem with nidalee is how there is no punishment for throwing a spear and missing it; you can just walk out and then try again and that doesn't really base the spear throwing on skill as much then because you're gonna be inclined to throw more and therefore hit eventually

I'd say they should make a way to punish you for missing spears; e.g, nidalee can't move while she's throwing the spear (and i actually mean can't move so don't pull that argument on me), so she'll be in trouble if she doesnt hit her target. Whatever makes her based more on skill.

Also, that bushwhack % damage looks absolutely stupid to me; 20 fucking percent over time at max level? Might aswell be a less frequent Teemo ult.

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Excuse me

But all of these are perfectly viable

Jarvan is strong as fuck in top lane, Veigar is perfectly fine as well :^), Quinn is a monster toplaner instead of adc, Zac is a megatank that simply doesn't have much damage, is all.

Darius, Nasus, Cho'Gath, Jax, Fiora, Trundle, Wukong, Ryze, Kayle, Olaf, Volibear, Lulu, Pantheon and Singed are all mana based top laners who work perfectly fine there.

There's barely any balance issues. Khazix his nerfs won't be destroying him. You know why? Because every champion is viable, and someone will find a way to make them broken, especially considering Khazix his kit is fluid as hell. He has a gap closer, a slow and stealth. That's enough to make something work.

May I remind you that after Rengar's last nerf, everyone said "OMG RENGAR IS USELESS NOW"

Then Ryan Choi came along to hold hands with people who only think in theory instead of practice to show that rengar is still actually broken as fuck

Only to have Rengar nerfed again

Khazix isn't fucked. He's still just cancerbug, and he shall carry just as easily, except without a bad player crutch that gives him 60% damage reduction while stealthed


Rengar was useless after his rework, but riot buffed him right after which was a bit much

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Useless is a bit harsh of a term, people just weren't used to the new Rengar's playstyle, and were still trying to build glass cannon that either deleted squishies or was condemned to splitpushing forever. This, however, was not the case; he was definitely able to function well as a bruiser (according to Dyrus on stream), and even had a decent win rate before his buffs. People will find a way. There hasn't been a real butchering into unviability for a while (although that almost happened to LeBlanc this patch).

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But you can't deny that as it is, a lot of the champions in the game are being shoved aside because there are a select bunch that dominate in the current format. Well, that's what I think anyway.

There are more than 100 champions, it's hard to create perfect balance, so there'll always be a few select champs that are just abused the fuck out of until Riot notices them, in which case they do nerf them.

This doesn't mean all other champions are unplayable. Far from. It just takes more practice to get used to such champions.

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There are more than 100 champions, it's hard to create perfect balance, so there'll always be a few select champs that are just abused the fuck out of until Riot notices them, in which case they do nerf them.

This doesn't mean all other champions are unplayable. Far from. It just takes more practice to get used to such champions.

Fair enough; I've been doing that myself, I suppose.

So long as they're not completely bad and are actually useable which is the status of pretty much every champion at least now I've been fine with that so far

i just kinda noticed that nothing had really been happening in terms of champion buffs because nerfs to big threats aren't always the surefire way to get "lesser" champs more used

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There are more than 100 champions, it's hard to create perfect balance, so there'll always be a few select champs that are just abused the fuck out of until Riot notices them, in which case they do nerf them.

This doesn't mean all other champions are unplayable. Far from. It just takes more practice to get used to such champions.

if dota can do it, why can't league do it?

truth is, dota balance team actually knows wtf they're doing and aren't simply on a fotm cycling spree

when you keep on nerfing everything and leaving terrible mechanics alone, it just repeats itself until everyone ends up with 1 hp 1 everything

so saying that because there are way too many champs to balance is just a stupid cop out

get competent people on the balance team and see how much better the balance will be

having silver players in charge of balance is sickening

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if dota can do it, why can't league do it?

truth is, dota balance team actually knows wtf they're doing and aren't simply on a fotm cycling spree

when you keep on nerfing everything and leaving terrible mechanics alone, it just repeats itself until everyone ends up with 1 hp 1 everything

so saying that because there are way too many champs to balance is just a stupid cop out

get competent people on the balance team and see how much better the balance will be

having silver players in charge of balance is sickening


Different fucking playing fields.

Different fucking games.

League's also a far more dynamic game than Dota. Constant changes to shift the game here and there, items constantly changing, new champs constantly being released, AND a vibrant competitive scene that's gotta be dealt with. I think Riot's doing an excellent job on balancing the game as they go, but eh, if some random guy thinks he can do better than people who sit around all day and balance the game, more power to him.

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More or less what Erick said.

Let's keep in mind that many of the balance team, if not all of them, were involved, in some way or another, in the creation of the game's content. With their experiences in all the thought processes that have gone into the creation of the content, those "silver players" have a way better idea of what they're doing and what works and doesn't work than you, I, or some Challenger-tier bum ever will.

In other news:

These skins just keep getting better.

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oh my...

what...wow...holy shit...

it looks amazing...

So there you have it. The new Summoner's Rift.

I'm honestly not a big fan of it; graphical upgrading is absolutely awesome and I must admit the camps spawn like bosses but

there's a difference between graphically upgrading something and butchering the style of something and this new rift looks like it's done both

like the map emanates a completely different feel now and it's really uncomfortable to me

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It's what the rift was intended to be, but Riot didn't have to means to make it happen. What about it is butchered? It's perfectly aligned thematically with the rest of the game.

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if dota can do it, why can't league do it?

DotA is less balanced. The game is literally all about luck. Like half of all items have some kind of stupid as hell percentage to activate affect that turns the tides really easily.

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DotA is less balanced. The game is literally all about luck. Like half of all items have some kind of stupid as hell percentage to activate affect that turns the tides really easily.

balance doesn't even exist in dota

like there's non-ult globals, multiple availible flashes and crazy shit

it's more like a hey go loco

It's what the rift was intended to be, but Riot didn't have to means to make it happen. What about it is butchered? It's perfectly aligned thematically with the rest of the game.

I have to disagree; the theme feels more like something from dota than the vibrancy league usually emanates from the rift.

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get competent people on the balance team and see how much better the balance will be

having silver players in charge of balance is sickening

These aren't just silver players. These are balance designers. They know what they need to do and they have so much information than you do to make informed decisions on your account. The fact is, players don't know what they want or what they need. They get angry at balance changes because their favourite FOTM champion is getting nerfed and they don't understand the big picture.

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Losing streak. Anyone got any tips? No matter what I do, I just seem to keep losing. xD

Should I try going back to more comfort champs? I've lost with them too recently and it's all bleh.

oi, do what i did and just go right back to the basics. play comfort champs and dont think too much and if you lose just look at what you did wrong. also, mute everyone after champ select no matter what and if you do end up losing again, just take a break and do something else like play osu for a bit or a hearthstone game or s/t idc just something to take your mind off the loss.

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