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Wise words from the dojmaster

Something I find that helps is that when I feel like doing a certain thing I just consider what I might be up against and that might make me decide to go through with it whether it's "meta" or not

I'd argue that LoL definitely has some set idea in terms of a meta though, and that arguing that LoL has no meta is going it a bit far; going beyond the idea of solo top, solo mid, ad carry and support bot and solo jungler, the meta usually tends to promotes certain roles of champions to go in certain lanes; Mages in middle, Fighters at top, etc. I feel that the community's fixation on these ideas aswell as Riot's hesitancy to work out of them until a new season or heavy patch is what is making LoL grow stale to me and is why I think League Of Legends has the most constricted meta out of any moba I've played; as long as Riot is turtle-ish in it's methods it will never escape this problem and certain roles and champions in lanes will always be forcibly promoted and supported. It doesn't help that this, consequently, also constricts the build and items used in the meta. I understand that making the changes to pull through with this are difficult for the company to determine and decide, but we've had 3 whole seasons that have shown little overall variance in the meta's structure.

I feel that LoL and it's community will never stop being conservative about the workings of it's meta, and that's ultimately my biggest problem with the whole game (although it doesn't stop it from being a good game, otherwise I wouldn't have been playing it for 2 years now).

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Heads up: For those of you playing on NA and EUNE, those servers been DDoS'd by some Brazilian hacker group. Nothing special really, not the same group as last time, they just seem like attention whores. NA's since recovered, no word on EUNE or if any other servers were affected.

So that's what's been going on there. If you can't get on the servers, here are a couple videos to hold you over.

Karthus Champion Spotlight:

Korean Summoner's Rift VU Showgame: (in Korean)

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Wise words from the dojmaster

Something I find that helps is that when I feel like doing a certain thing I just consider what I might be up against and that might make me decide to go through with it whether it's "meta" or not

I'd argue that LoL definitely has some set idea in terms of a meta though, and that arguing that LoL has no meta is going it a bit far; going beyond the idea of solo top, solo mid, ad carry and support bot and solo jungler, the meta usually tends to promotes certain roles of champions to go in certain lanes; Mages in middle, Fighters at top, etc. I feel that the community's fixation on these ideas aswell as Riot's hesitancy to work out of them until a new season or heavy patch is what is making LoL grow stale to me and is why I think League Of Legends has the most constricted meta out of any moba I've played; as long as Riot is turtle-ish in it's methods it will never escape this problem and certain roles and champions in lanes will always be forcibly promoted and supported. It doesn't help that this, consequently, also constricts the build and items used in the meta. I understand that making the changes to pull through with this are difficult for the company to determine and decide, but we've had 3 whole seasons that have shown little overall variance in the meta's structure.

I feel that LoL and it's community will never stop being conservative about the workings of it's meta, and that's ultimately my biggest problem with the whole game (although it doesn't stop it from being a good game, otherwise I wouldn't have been playing it for 2 years now).

you didn't mention dota once in this post i'm proud of you

but yeah that thing Doj posted is basically what I'd be doing, ideally, if I had any form of dedication- pick one champion for each role and be so good at them that I can disregard matchups and all that nonsense and win anyway just through sheer mastery of the champion.

Something like...

Top- Irelia

Mid- Syndra

ADC- Quinn (although I was looking at Ezreal recently but Quinn muh bb)

Support- this one is hard because my favorite is Sona but she's not really... "master-able" so to speak. Ult good. Power Chord good. das it. Second would probably be Nami

Jungle- man idek I'm so bad at jungle if I had to pick any given one I've done least bad with Vi

I don't jungle much so that's probably the hardest one to judge but yeah those things ok bye

Also how necessary were those last few posts, guys? >>

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Support- this one is hard because my favorite is Sona but she's not really... "master-able" so to speak.

Let me tell you about Paladin who carries games as mixed support/AP Sona. She's hella fucking good with her

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Having seen Paladin's Sona myself, I would agree.

You know what else I've seen?
The patch notes!

4.10 brings a boatload of champ changes and item changes and whatnot, but for those too lazy to look at the site, I'll see what I can do.


The following skins go on sale this patch, for 750 RP unless otherwise stated:

  • Goalkeeper Maokai
  • Red Card Twisted Fate
  • Striker Lucian
  • Superfan Gragas
  • Sweeper Alistar
  • Primetime Draven (975 RP)

Champions - Reworks

  • Nidalee was one of two reworked champions this patch.

    With her oppressively high spear damage and catlike (maybe just cat-ish) elusiveness, Nidalee's been a contentious low-risk, low-interaction champion for quite some time. Specifically, old Nidalee's gameplay often revolved around the question of "when should I stop throwing spears?" to which the answer was typically "never."

    To that end, our goals with this Nidalee gameplay update are to tone down some of her many frustration points while also giving her more options other than chucking projectiles. We also saw this as a great opportunity to cement Nidalee as a real shapeshifting huntress, which meant stronger ties from her human form to her cougar form. Additionally, by connecting Nidalee's offense with cougar form, she now has to balance her high escape potential against her ability to hunt down squishy targets ("Leap away or leap at their face?"). There's certainly more counterplay (and teamplay for those playing around Nidalee engages) when a cougar goes flying into the backline versus a single nuclear-tipped spear.

  • Skarner...well, it's not a rework, but a refurbishing of the last one. He gets a new passive, along with some other changes.

    And we're back with our second Skarner update! We've spoken at length about getting Skarner to a more exciting place since our initial changes in 4.2, but we needed to make sure we were giving him a stronger identity without bringing back his old gameplay issues (particularly his 'feast or famine' problem where he'd either succeed really hard or he'd get squished without contributing much to a fight).

    In approaching these changes, we heard a lot of your feedback about getting Skarner closer to his old role as a sticky crowd-control focused tank-bug (arachnid, whatever) and less of a damage-dealing scorpion duelist. Ultimately these changes should give Skarner a stronger identity as a disruptive tank while also giving him more opportunities to peel in a team fight, even if he's behind. We've obviously had to tune back some of Skarner's offensive powers to give him that extra annoyance, but this time around he should feel closer to his old lonesome self.

Champions - General

  • Diana's Lunar Rush no longer procs her passive.
  • Galio now gains Magic Resist per level.

    Magic resistance per level for Galio has been commonly requested by gargoyle fans around the world and, given our nerf to Athene's Unholy Grail (an item typically considered 'core' on Galio), we figured we could give him a thicker skin.

  • Gragas now gains the damage reduction from Drunken Rage regardless of whether it's interrupted.

    Graggy's gotten better at drinking under fire. This change means Gragas will only have to worry about losing the damage buff if he's interrupted mid-drink, but he'll feel better about using W to tank out a brawl.

  • Karthus now has an eagle join in his dance. (Statue of Karthus skin only)
  • LeBlanc's Sigil of Silence Malice no longer silences.

    LeBlanc's a champion who has a lot of power associated with her character - omnidirectional movement, high burst damage, precise target selection, a cool hat - so it's been difficult to give her meaningful counterplay without directly hurting that identity. We're taking a more deliberate approach here because we want LeBlanc to remain an exciting champion to play and watch, but removing the silence on Q means at least her opponents can fight back when she's QRWEing (or WQREing or WRQEing for those long range fancy plays) around the fight. That said, LeBlanc will definitely stay on our radar as we track how she's performing post-change.

  • Lucian received a tiny nerf, that being to the AD ratio of his Ardent Blaze.

    At higher levels of play, Lucian tends to be a master-of-all-trades marksman with his strong damage in lane, high mobility, decent scaling, and general safety in teamfights. With the new AD itemization changes, however, we don't want to implement bigger modifications with so much in the air. At this point in time we do think Lucian will need some broader changes to give him meaningful weaknesses, but a reduction on W (which was designed for utility as opposed to any form of burst damage) is something we're confident is in line with our potential changes in the future.

  • Pantheon can no longer cast summoner spells while airborne.

    As a side note, this might also affect Pantheon's ability to ignite opponents while he's falling through the air.

  • Sivir's base mana, mana per level and mana regen per level were all buffed.

    While our previous mana cost nerfs accomplished their goal of reducing Sivir's uninteractive laning, they also made her mana pool too limiting in late game team fights, which we're compensating now.

  • Skarner got a Texture Update!
  • Tristana's Rocket Jump mana cost has been reduced. In addition, her Buster Shot range matches her autoattack range.

    We're giving Trist some modernization buffs to help emphasize her high moments (STOMP THEM ALL TRIST!). For additional context, the Rocket Jump change doesn't mean you'll make every wall-jump, but it should be more forgiving when used around terrain. If you're still failing wall-jumps, get closer before jumping!

  • Twitch's base AD, passive, and Ambush, all nerfed.

    We think Twitch has awesome lategame power, but he's also got a offensively strong early game on top of having a lot of safety throughout. To focus on that safety aspect, Ambush's stealth often let Twitch make an escape even when already caught out by enemies. We do think the new AD itemization changes will benefit the smelly rat, but the focus here is (mostly) to provide some additional counterplay for preventing stealth (hit him in the face!).

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

Bug fixes or other small changes were made to the following champions:

  • Gragas
  • Karthus
  • Thresh
  • Tryndamere
  • Zed

Items - Life Steal

  • Doran's Blade: 70 Health, 7 Attack Damage, 3% Life Steal / 440G
  • Essence Reaver: 50 Attack Damage, 10% Life Steal, 10% Cooldown Reduction / UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks restore mana equal to between 2% and 8% of the damage dealt on hit. (Increases based on how much mana you're missing) / Recipe: Vampiric Scepter + Pickaxe / 2650G
  • The Bloodthirster: 80 Attack Damage, 15% Life Steal / UNIQUE Passive: Lifesteal can now overheal, granting a bloody shield that absorbs 50-450 damage (based on champion level). This shield decays when out of combat for 15 seconds. / Recipe unchanged / 3500G
  • Blade of the Ruined King: Passive increased to 8% of current Health (max 60 vs Minions, Monsters) / Active Movement Speed steal nerfed, as is the damage

Items - Attack Damage

  • BF Sword: Increased AD (now 50)
  • Infinity Edge: Increased AD (now 80, like it used to be)
  • Mercurial Scimitar: Increased AD (80), price now 3800G, now grants movement speed buff to ranged champs as well as melee
  • Youmuu's Ghostblade: Active now lasts 6 seconds on ranged champs as well as melee ones

Items - Attack Speed

Dagger saw an increase in Attack Speed and price in the shop. This has adversely affected other items as well. Check out the notes for more details.

Items - Cold Steel

  • Warden's Mail and Randuin's Omen now only reduce attackers' Attack Speed by 10%.
  • Randuin's Omen no longer slows attackers.
  • Frozen Heart is unaffected by these changes.

Items - Forbidden Idol

  • Forbidden Idol's cost has been lowered.
  • Ardent Censer: 30 Ability Power, 10% Cooldown Reduction, 10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds, 8% Movement Speed / UNIQUE Passive: Healing or shielding an allied champion grants them 25% Attack Speed for 6 seconds. / Forbidden Idol + Aether Wisp / 2200G
  • Mikael's Crucible changed: +40 Magic Resist(?), 20 Mana Regen per 5 seconds, 10% cooldown reduction / Passives unchanged / 2450G (was 1600)

Items - Fiendish Codex

  • Athene's Unholy Grail: Magic Resist nerfed, base Mana Regen nerfed, now restores more mana on champion kill or assist
  • Morellonomicon: Ability Power increased, Mana Regen reduced

Summoner's Rift

The Dragon now gives base gold, but the extra gold per level has been slashed.

By slightly raising the base gold reward of dragon, we're hoping to continue to emphasize its value as an early level objective. This also means teams who consistently kick off lane swaps will need to make greater strategic tradeoffs for a safer lane.

Summoner Spells

  • Teleport now only shaves 60 seconds off its cooldown when used on an allied tower.

    We're generally happy with what the new Teleport changes are achieving, but it's a little too strong as a lane recovery ability. Particularly in competitive play we were seeing a lot of top laners constantly using Teleport as a way of stagnating the early lane rather than trying to set up for global map pressure.

  • Heal's Movement Speed buff now only lasts half as long.

    With the removal of Randuin's Omen's passive movement speed debuff, we saw that Heal was giving too much additional safety when a marksmen takes on a fighter, so we're tuning Heal down just a bit.

  • Exhaust: bug fix

Ranked - Duo Queue

You may now only duo with friends in the same tier, or one tier above or below you.

We're introducing a new restriction for ranked duo queues so players can only duo queue with teammates ranked within one full tier above or below them. We found that the vast majority of duos are already between players within these thresholds and this change allows us to curb some of the potential abuse cases we saw under the previous matchmaking system.

In the case of unseeded players, the new system will allow for duo queuing with Gold, Silver and Bronze players while their skill level is still being assessed. After they've been placed, the usual restrictions will apply.

Team Builder

Captains in Team Builder will now be able to see a list of "Suggested Players" that they are able to invite into their games.

That's it!

I've had the pleasure of trying out these "new" items, and this is, in case you couldn't tell, a massive buff to AD carries (sorry bruisers, but get rekt); each one benefits from a different life steal item. Ardent Censer also helps too for those Attack Speed heavy carries like Twitch and Vayne. It'll be a good patch for Vayne, that's for sure...

EDIT @06/29: Diana was nerfed in this patch and it went undocumented, I've added details.

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nice copy/paste.

I can understand wanting to give your opinions of each change, but if you're going to straight up post the patch notes in this thread, you might as well save a lot of effort and just straight up easier by linking the patch notes or posting the TL;DR for those who are too lazy to read.

by all means, i think it would be better to add what you think about these. example) Saint Vicious' patch run down.

rather than giving a wishy washy I think it would be nice to add something more insightful and helpful. I wouldn't mind seeing it in the future. :D

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oh man doran's blade spam start rengar is gonna be so strong now

Doran's Blade actually got nerfed hard with that.

You'd need 200 attack damage to get 6 hitpoints of lifesteal compared to the 5 hitpoins of lifesteal of the previous Dblade.

Rip doran's

Also how fucking hard did they buff Skarner, jesus

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