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The Fush

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of all the low range adcs you listed, (not urgot because urgot really isnt a traditional adc) they all have something to make up for low range i.e. kog range increase, sivir ulti, and jinx q. they all have something making up for their low range be it a range increase or immense utility. lucian has good damage, good utility, and good self-peel. what was making him "op" was the fact that he had great range.

also idk where i was going with this it's just kinda food for thought i guess (???????????)

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Well it's probably best to just wait it out until the next patch --

Oh wait...!


Patch 4.12 is here! Link's there, but for those of you too lazy to look at the site, here's the changes that are going down.

Audio Engine

The last pieces of the new Audio Engine (which has been shipped in fragments since 4.7) will arrive this patch, including improved surround support and other things.


The following skins will be released this patch for 1350 RP:

  • Mecha Aatrox
  • Mecha Malphite

Champions - General

  • Ahri's Orb of Deception received an increase in damage and a decrease in mana cost.

    Ahri's a cool fox gal that we'd like to see more of, but she's currently sitting just below the top-tier mid picks. That said, we don't think she needs too many buffs to keep up, so we focused on her ability to push the wave more efficiently so she can find more opportunities to roam.

  • Alistar got some big buffs for support cow, but Trample no longer deals bonus damage to monsters.

    We really want to bring Alistar back up as a support, but our challenge has been to make sure he doesn't also take up his crown of jungling cow king from the days of old. Access to a 'mini' Malphite Unstoppable Force at level 2 (via his Headbutt + Pulverize combo), combined with guaranteed tower dives and the ability to punt people away from safety makes for a pretty oppressive gank-train from the jungle. We want to give Ali the things he needs to succeed but, like we did with Maokai, we also want to make sure he's in a healthy position to do so. There's a little concern that having 70% damage reduction at level 1 Unbreakable Will might make Alistar a little too good at tower diving (even as a support), but we'll see how these changes affect him first.

  • Ezreal can now hit himself with his own Essence Flux. That means he gets both Essence Flux's and Rising Spell Force's attack speed buffs if he does this.

    Just E into it.

  • Kassadin's been nerfed. Nether Blade's cooldown has been jacked up, and Force Pulse slows for less time but applies a far stronger slow.

    This guy. Again.

    Currently, our focus is on Kass's super snowballing potential where, when he's ahead, he can help both himself and his team succeed by constantly slowing and punching people in the face. We still don't want to go after Kass's iconic Riftwalk (as that's clearly his core strength), but these changes mean Kass will have less offensive windows to go in.

  • Kha'Zix's Taste Their Fear got a bit of a damage increase.

    We're doing a little follow-up for Kha'Zix, especially with our previous tanky jungler and marksman buffs.

  • Lucian's Attack Range was reduced, albeit with numerous buffs to base stats, Piercing Light and Relentless Pursuit in compensation.

    Our design philosophy when approaching a strong champion is to highlight their strengths while also emphasizing their weaknesses (I told you we'd be repeating this a lot). This mostly relates to the concept of meaningful choices, where we want that champ to maintain their strategic value while also having some tradeoff that enemies can play against. Specifically for Lucian, his high generic power (a strong early and late game, high burst, high mobility, etc) meant he could just be blindly picked without much consideration for the enemy team. For a while, this is what made Lucian such a strong competitive pick - he could adapt to any team and could still perform well.

    Ultimately our changes are focused on highlighting some of Lucian's strengths as a spell-slinging, mobile marksman, while also emphasizing new weaknesses - like having a lower range. At higher levels with some items (cooldown reduction!!!), Lucian can fluidly chain Es together as long as he has a target to hit with his passive. This also means Lucian will be one of the most mobile mid-range ADCs in teamfights (there are some concerns that he'll be... too mobile thanks to E removing all slows, but we'll keep a close eye here). Having a lower range, however, also means Lucian will need to take more risks in order to get E's cooldown back up, and he might have some tougher matchups during the laning phase (where before he could win almost any lane). This gives us a lot more space to emphasize Lucian's unique traits, and we'll be watching how he performs after these changes.

Champions - Twisted Treeline/Howling Abyss

Only one change to note.

  • Kayle's Intervention cooldown was increased further. (up to 110 at rank 1)

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

The following champs received minor changes, mainly bug fixes:

  • Caitlyn
  • Garen
  • Lucian
  • Nautilus
  • Quinn
  • Rengar
  • Vel'Koz
  • Yasuo
  • Ziggs


  • The Bloodthirster gets increased Life Steal, which is now unique. (RIP bloodthirster stacking) The overheal shield is not as large, but lasts longer before decaying.

    We made Bloodthirster a bit generic when we reworked the passive to a shield, because its other stats (life steal and AD) could be nabbed via other items just as easily. These changes are to push Bloodthirster as the sustain / defense item for anyone who wants to pick up AD along the way. As an aside, the UNIQUE life steal on Bloodthirster means you can't stack BTs for +40%/+60% extra life steal, but it'll still stack with any other life steal items like Vamp Scepter, Blade of the Ruined King, Ravenous Hydra, etc.

  • Essence Reaver now has the same recipe as The Bloodthirster (though it's now 3400G, which is 100 cheaper than Bloodthirster), and now has 80 AD.

    We were a little safe with Essence Reaver because there are a few champions who can get crazy strong with a mana-focused item. After seeing it in the wild, however, Essence Reaver just wasn't giving enough of a power spike for anyone building it, so we're rectifying that to make it more attractive as a pickup.

  • Ardent Censer gives 10 more AP. That's all.

    We were also pretty conservative with Arden Censer, given its high potential as an item (attack speed for everyone!). So... we gave it more AP.

  • Manamune now builds out of a Pickaxe - as such, its base Attack Damage has been increased, as has its cost (now 2200, recipe cost is 625).

    Making this change lets us smooth out the build path for Manamune rather than front-loading it with cheap items and then waiting a full 1000g+ to upgrade.

  • The Lightbringer has been remade: Builds out of Wicked Hatchet + Cloak of Agility; grants 30 AD and 30% crit chance; crits deal 90% of the champion's Attack Damage in bonus physical damage over 3 seconds (targets are revealed for the duration of the bleed).

Summoner's Rift

  • Jungle timers have been added.

    We want League to be all about the smart decisions you make in the moment and how you make plays around those moments, rather than how well you can track certain timers. There's definitely skill in memorizing information, but our philosophy on gameplay clarity is making sure that skillful decisions can be made with the right information and that players are fighting each other, not the system.

    The information you get through clearing an objective is important stuff you've already earned, so we wanted to clarify that through jungle timers. It's also worth mentioning that jungle timers aren't adding new information that hasn't been there before, as they follow the same rules as minimap icons.

Twisted Treeline

  • Ichors now last 3 minutes.
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem's Hunter's Ward passive has been replaced by the Trap Detection Passive/Active.
  • Grez's Spectral Lantern has been remade into a Wriggle's-style jungle item for TT only. As such it's been removed from all other maps.
  • The Lightbringer

Howling Abyss

  • Hunter's Machete and all items it upgrades into have been removed.

Intro Bots

This new queue allows noobs to take advantage special in-game lessons specific to this queue as they play with friends and other people who have queued for it.

  • Anyone above level 10 receives reduced IP/XP from these games, and can't cash in their First Win of the Day bonus.

That should do it!

Not too much to be excited about, at least for me. Erick will probably enjoy those Alistar buffs, though.

I didn't screw around with Lucian very much on the PBE, but after reading feedback, my money's on him still being dominant/OP after his changes. Lucian becoming even more overpowered than he was before probably isn't out of the realm of possibilities. The changes do open up more solid nerfs though, I guess.

Also, I'd bet the next champ is revealed or spoiled before 4.13 hits live.

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How dare you not acknowledge the Sona updates

The client just got some fancy reskinnings. It's still the same old crappy piece of software. :P

Granted they did say they had intentions to change it.

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Bot lane? I dunno, he'll probably be seeing more mid than bot.

and of course, if a champion has ever been FotM in the mid lane, there's a good chance Faker's played it. Here's a clip where he gets a penta with 4.12 Lucian and proceeds to solo Baron like it's no big deal.

EDIT: I like how they announce intentions to buff Vayne the day after Fnatic's Rekkles goes 18/0/3


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and of course, if a champion has ever been FotM in the mid lane, there's a good chance Faker's played it. Here's a clip where he gets a penta with 4.12 Lucian and proceeds to solo Baron like it's no big deal.

Literally ranged Yasuo

But yes, all mid FOTMs are cause of Faker

Xerath will get there too, soon

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That didn't ever stop Yasuo from getting fed.

^ this, pretty much...with the new Lucian builds that mainly involve heavy CDR investment (inc. Youmuu's and Ionian Boots) you've got 3 seconds to kill Lucian, and if you don't, someone's either been chunked or killed, he's gone, and if you want dat ass you probably have to chase him through his ult.

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That didn't ever stop Yasuo from getting fed.

except yasuo has almost no cd on his dash and a shield that stacks up again through dashing around fights and lucian has to get closer to enemy then before to proc his passive and get that cd reduced

i really hate when people try to compare these two champions

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those elise changes look kinda confusing: (c/p from pbe changes)


  • Base attack range lowered to 500 from 550
  • Neurotoxin ( Human Q ) range decreased to 500 from 625
  • Neurotoxin ( Human Q ) now targets from hit box to hit box instead of center to center
  • Cocoon ( Human E ) missile width decreased to 55 from 70
  • Rappel ( Spider E ) range decreased to 700 from 925.
  • Rappel ( Spider E ) now targets from hit box to hit box instead of center to center
  • [ Context: Pwyff dropped off additional context on these changes, saying:

    "Quick thing on the Elise changes: they've also been modified to judge distance from edge of hitbox to edge. The TLDR is that some abilities judge distance from the center of the champion (like dead center) and then draw a straight line to the dead center of their target. That's center-to-center distance.

    Hitbox to hitbox takes into account champion size (average is like... 65 units? 60 units?) as it goes right from the edge of the champ hitbox. Basic attack ranges us edge to edge distance.

    So while these range changes seem significant for Elise (they're still significant, don't me wrong), there's accounting for roughly ~100 units that are being added onto this as a result of shifting from center-to-center to edge-to-edge. If it's a Cho'gath it's sort of a weird buff (at least for Q)." ]

interesting stuff but i think it will still be a big hit, the e width might be too huge. still idk why are they hitting elise i dont think shes that much of an issue in the jungle right now, i mean its obviously gonna really good because her kit is op... it sounds like someone had an idea to 'fix elise' and is trying to implement it lol

also im glad they finally nerfed top gragas but they left nida untouched :( i'll go back to the nidalee hate circlejerk

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