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The only reason they aren't gutting Lee Sin is because Morello is a spineless cock


Which once again proves they don't know shit about balance and only care about popularity :^)

Edited by Doj
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The only reason they aren't gutting Lee Sin is because Morello is a spineless cock


Which once again proves they don't know shit about balance and only care about popularity :^)

Should be pointed out that Morello doesn't balance.

That tweet was also from a lil while ago. Pwyff and Statikk have since both said they had intentions to nerf Lee before worlds, and Ghostcrawler hinted at Lee getting nerfed further come preseason.

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It's just that Lee Sin has a bit of everything and is good at it all. Displacement, reveal, damage, execute, sustain, shield, movement and attack speed slow, et cetera. If you have everything you therefore have no weaknesses and therefore there is no counterplay and it is a toxic champion. Yes his damage falls off late game but with his ability to kick people into his team, and provide AoE attack speed and movement speed slows going as high as 60% is a bit stupid, and if you DO build him with a fair amount of damage his completely insane ratios can destroy you. Being able to dominate the game completely and not give much if any chances for comebacks or stopping it because of 1 champion, regardless of how long you took learning it, is not something that should be allowed. Cough Kassadin.

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It's just that Lee Sin has a bit of everything and is good at it all. Displacement, reveal, damage, execute, sustain, shield, movement and attack speed slow, et cetera. If you have everything you therefore have no weaknesses and therefore there is no counterplay and it is a toxic champion. Yes his damage falls off late game but with his ability to kick people into his team, and provide AoE attack speed and movement speed slows going as high as 60% is a bit stupid, and if you DO build him with a fair amount of damage his completely insane ratios can destroy you. Being able to dominate the game completely and not give much if any chances for comebacks or stopping it because of 1 champion, regardless of how long you took learning it, is not something that should be allowed. Cough Kassadin.

Yes, he does indeed have a bit of everything, but at the same time that makes him a jack of all trades and a master of none. If he builds Damage, he falls off. If he doesn't get ahead by a lot and win the game pre 20-minutes, he's already falled off. If he builds tank, he's not doing damage and is nothing but something that can get in and kick someone back. His insane scalings are not that insane: It's bonus AD, not total. The thing about Lee is that there is so little room for error unless the enemy team is outright bad. Kassadin is a completely different story in the means of he is a late game champion. He does not win lane, he's not intended to. He's supposed to survive until 6 and then come back. He's almost always starved for farm unless the enemy is like Veigar who is doing nearly the same thing.

On another note, Lee is a high skill cap champion who deserves the versitility. If you can play him to the perfection that he demands to be played at in higher elos, not even Challenger, but something other than the bronze to gold most of us are in, then there's no reason for it to not be rewarded. Otherwise there would be no reason to play the champion.

All this salt to do with Lee Sin needs to stop because this isn't the first time he's been brought up on Reborn.

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Well since people are still using curse voice a lot Riot is doing more bans on people which are using the programs and have done another warning about it recently on forums. I am only bringing this up because yesterday a friend was banned for using curse voice a heads to all. Also even if you send a ticket in that the ban is unfair or ect, well Riot is allowed to it's 3rd party software and they can ban you on the spot if some 1 sends a screenshot of you using curse voice just a friendly thing I'm mentioning.

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Well since people are still using curse voice a lot Riot is doing more bans on people which are using the programs and have done another warning about it recently on forums. I am only bringing this up because yesterday a friend was banned for using curse voice a heads to all. Also even if you send a ticket in that the ban is unfair or ect, well Riot is allowed to it's 3rd party software and they can ban you on the spot if some 1 sends a screenshot of you using curse voice just a friendly thing I'm mentioning.

Yep. There was a lot of advance warning. LoLNexus used to be able to detect which players in a given game were using Curse Voice, so Riot will know as well, j/s.

The timing of your friend's ban is odd though. Most if not all of the bans I read about on the forums yesterday (and there were a lot of them) were manually-issued 14 day bans as a result of a close eye on the systems Monday by Riot.

Taken from Twitter:

Today, players that show extreme toxicity (intentional feeding or racism, etc) will be instantly 14-day or permabanned in #LeagueOfLegends

Might be a stupid question, but your friend was sure that the email mentioned "third-party programs", right?

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Trinity Force part whatever The Rise of Corki Electric Boogaloodadingdong

Also mystery skins for yourself is super fun it's almost like gambling money for good skins...

Put $10 in and got Red Card Katarina, Nemesis Jax, and Silent Based Sona. Now to wait for Sona to be good again.

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