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Yep. There was a lot of advance warning. LoLNexus used to be able to detect which players in a given game were using Curse Voice, so Riot will know as well, j/s.

The timing of your friend's ban is odd though. Most if not all of the bans I read about on the forums yesterday (and there were a lot of them) were manually-issued 14 day bans as a result of a close eye on the systems Monday by Riot.

Taken from Twitter:

Might be a stupid question, but your friend was sure that the email mentioned "third-party programs", right?

Could have been for being toxic not sure Ill have to ask him for the email he just said it was for curse voice but who knows he might of just over reacted.

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Instabuying the fuckin' beast of the east

look at this motherfucker that boomerang gon' be smashing yo' head in

You can chase with the boomerang, hop ahead and transform and then brutalize them completely

loving the pure distinction between the two forms

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Double post because patch 4.13 is out. It's pretty much all balance changes like the last few have been (for the most part). For those of you too lazy to look at the site, this is what happened.


These skins will be available for 750 RP each:

  • Debonair Ezreal and Vi
  • Headhunter Caitlyn

Skins - Splash Art Updates

The following skins got their splashes replaced with the Chinese ones:

  • Anivia - Noxus Hunter
  • Annie - Red Riding
  • Blitzcrank - Rusty, Goalkeeper
  • Cassiopeia - Desperada, Siren
  • Mundo - Mr. Mundoverse
  • Evelynn - Tango
  • Gangplank - Minuteman
  • Garen - Dreadknight
  • Heimerdinger - Alien Invader, Blast Zone
  • Irelia - Nightblade, Aviator
  • Jarvan - Commando
  • Kayle - Silver, Emerald
  • Lux - Sorceress
  • Master Yi - Chosen
  • Miss Fortune - Candy Cane
  • Nasus - Pharaoh
  • Nidalee - Leopard, Snow Bunny
  • Nocturne - Ravager
  • Olaf - Forsaken, Glacial
  • Pantheon - Ruthless
  • Poppy - Noxus
  • Rammus - Chrome
  • Shen - Frozen
  • Singed - Hextech
  • Udyr - Black Belt
  • Veigar - Curling

We've temporarily swapped out some skin splashes with their international counterparts to bring them more in line with our quality bar. We're committed to raising the quality of our splash art across the board, but our focus for now is on improving base champion splashes.

Champions - Reworks

  • Sona is the only one this time. Her model got some touch ups to go with it.

    Sona's strumming into this session with a harmonious Gameplay Update and an orchestra of new visuals! Keep time with the full symphony of changes hear here!

    Not only does this Sona update give us more room to balance her in the future (old Sona's aura abilities were a nightmare, given how statistically strong they were without having much gameplay involved), but it'll also let Sona players show off their skills outside of that one clutch Flash Crescendo play. Now with these new Sona 'snuggle zones,' she'll be amplifying her friends with more impactful (and recognizable) effects.

    Or, as Sona so eloquently puts it, "......"

Champions - General

  • Braum nerfed...again. Passive damage and Stand Behind Me nerfed AGAIN, and his ult takes a hit this time as well.

    Braum's continuing to dominate games in both high level and competitive, so we're looking to tone down his oppressive laning and stupendous disruption in early fights. Braum will still scale to the same levels (roughly) at the late game, but he won't have so much power in the early to mid to consistently snowball into it.

  • Elise's Cocoon width is narrower. Also Rappel range got nerfed.

    Thanks to her strong dueling power, great objective control (both in damage and spiderling tanking), and high utility ganks, Elise's got all the right things to make her a priority pick in competitive play. You'll hear the same for Lee Sin, but when a champion has so many strengths, it's tough to choose the right direction to take them. For now, our focus is less on introducing new meaningful weaknesses for Elise, and more about reducing her consistency and reliability in getting to targets.

  • Eve's Hate Spike base damage got nerfed, but increases in ratios + decreases in mana cost.

    Right now Evelynn's high base damage means she can go tanky while still blowing people up, so we're hoping she'll think more about her priorities with these changes. Basically if Evelynn wants to kill things quickly, she'll need to build offensively for it - if she wants to tank it out in the middle of fight, she'll have to itemize for that.

  • Gnar is not in this patch.
  • Gragas nerfed. Barrel Roll does reduced damage to minions, and Drunken Rage now costs mana.

    Way back when we gave Gragas a gameplay update, we wanted to solve the thematic problem where a big fat drunken brawler was being played as a backline mage who throws barrels for days. These changes mean Gragas works best when he's scrapping in the middle of a fight, and not hiding like a sissy.

  • Graves's Buckshot and Collateral Damage got damage buffs (in Buckshot's case, changes to the damage reduction of subsequent hits with one cast).

    We're buffing Graves' ability to shoot people with a shotgun.

  • Hecarim's passive now scales with level, and Rampage (helihorse) costs less mana.

    Way back in the day, Hecarim used to have near infinite sustain in the jungle and we made targeted balance changes to address that. On re-examining, we overshot some of those nerfs.

  • Janna's Tailwind aura has a larger range, and Howling Gale's cooldown is started as it's cast (as opposed to released).

    Some small buffs for Janna, given she's still very strong as a disengage support champion.

  • Jinx gets excited when an inhibitor goes down.

    We are all very excited about this change. Extremely.

  • Kayle's nerfs from 4.11 were tuned back a bit.

    We're just backing up a bit from our previous Kayle changes from 4.11.

  • Kog'Maw got a base HP nerf (in exchange, an HP/level buff), and the Caustic Spittle shreds less at earlier ranks.

    When we made our AD itemization changes back in 4.10, Kog'Maw got significantly stronger on top of his already strong base kit. We still want Koggles to hit his late game power, but in order to get there he needs to have a real weakness in the early to mid game. As a quick rundown on why these changes specifically: Kog's current favored item build (Trinity Force + Blade of the Ruined King) lets him build more utility / tank than traditional Infinity Edge marksmen, but he can still deal tons of damage with Q's high base shred + W's damage amp. Now he'll just take a little longer to hit that level of effectiveness.

  • LeBlanc's Distortion costs less mana at higher ranks.

    Without a silence, LeBlanc's even more reliant on Distortion as it lets her sneak around the map for clever ambushes.

  • Lee Sin's Cripple no longer reduces Attack Speed, and his Safeguard shield doesn't last as long. In return, he got a Health Regen Buff. I'd expect further Lee nerfs in later patches.

    Like Elise, Lee Sin has a ton of strengths and few weaknesses, so it's equally tough to find the right direction to take him. In this case, after considering a lot of player feedback about Lee Sin's identity as a high-pressure early jungler who falls off late, we're maintaining that direction in our changes (specifically through the late-game falloff on his survivability and utility).

  • Lissandra got more DPS (and slow on her ult) in exchange for some power on her Ring of Frost.

    I'm going to directly quote someone here: "We want to emphasize Lissandra's strengths that aren't 'stun some fool for 1.5 seconds and then burst them down.'"

    In other words, we're giving this ice mage more sustained damage in the late game while also improving her battlefield control. This does mean we need to tune down some of Lissandra's burstiness (especially with Q getting a full second reduction), but overall it lets us highlight more of her unique talents.

  • Lucian's Relentless Pursuit has a higher cooldown and no longer removes slows.

    When we made our big Lucian changes in 4.12, we had three concerns in the back of our heads: the first was that Lucian would struggle too much in the early game to hit his mid to late game power (false!), the second was that players would have difficulty adapting to the new Lucian changes (false!), and the third was that he would be a little too strong in the mid to late game so maybe our concerns didn't matter (true!).

    Specifically on these changes: giving Relentless Pursuit a reset interaction with Lightslinger (and making it cost 0 mana) makes Lucian almost completely immune to slows, which leads to a lot of 'hard counter' situations where he's untouchable for a number of enemy champions. Ultimately we still want Lucian to have tons of mobility after he's picked up some cooldown reduction, but to make it a healthy mechanic he can't also shrug off any attempt to fight back.

  • Lulu's Glitterlance slow no longer scales with AP, and her Whimsy's movement speed buff has been shortened at earlier levels in exchange for a reduced mana cost at higher ranks.

    We initially thought solo lane Lulu was a unique addition to the game, so we wanted to let her stay a viable pick in both solo and duo lanes. That said, top lane Lulu is currently shutting down a lot of diversity in competitive play and, because Lulu's solo lane and support power are tied so closely together, we had to go for changes that reduce her oppressive strengths first. As an aside, we know this isn't a great situation where we keep indirectly reducing support Lulu's power to maintain her viability as a mage, so this is something we'll have to really consider for the future.

  • Lux buff hype! Her passive now scales with AP as well as level.

    We thought Lux needed some extra help scaling into the late game, so...

  • Nami's Movement Speed was nerfed as well as her Ebb and Flow cooldown.

    We're shaving off some of Nami's less obvious power as, with Braum and Thresh both receiving nerfs, she's on the rise to being the dominant support pick in competitive play.

  • Olaf buffs helped out his Undertow, Vicious Strikes and his ult Ragnarok.

    Olaf hasn't had the best time adapting to the evolving game (especially losing out on a lot of cooldown reduction + health items), so he's getting a few buffs to keep up.


    This was one of the toughest and longest-standing bugs to track down. Yeesh.

  • Sivir's ult got increase in the initial movement speed buff duration at later ranks. The total duration remains the same.

    Sivir's an interesting champion who offers a lot of strategic power from the markswoman role, so we're amping up her unique strengths.

  • Thresh's Flay now shields only one allied champion, and his ult now only damages upon the first wall being broken.

    As Thresh continues to be a reliable top tier support, we decided to tone down some of his less appreciated (but very strong) area-of-effect teamfight presence.

  • Tristana was...nerfed? Neither the Rocket Jump slow nerf or Explosive Shot damage nerf don't do too much to AD Tristana (AP, maybe).

    Tristana follows the same story as Kog'Maw: a hypercarry markswoman who received a few buffs through the season (when it was dominated by mid-game dudes) before exploding onto the scene when we made our AD itemization changes in 4.10. Also like Kog: we want to make sure that Trist makes a meaningful strategic tradeoffwith a weaker early to mid game before transforming into a late game powerhouse.

  • Varus's ult now has a lower cooldown, especially at higher levels.

    Varus' core identity in the late game revolves mostly around his initiation and counter-engagement, so we're nudging that up.

  • Vayne was buffed by way of Attack Speed and AD boost from Final Hour per Doj's link.

    Vayne's always been one of the best examples of a hyperscaling markswoman, as she has to pay the cost of a weak early game before being rewarded with an extremely strong late game. So we buffed that.

  • Yasuo's passive shield is slightly shorter, Steel Tempest scales less with attack speed, and Wind Wall no longer gives bonus flow to Sweeping Blade. Nerfs all around.

    We've been watching Yasuo over the past few months and while we don't think he's really out of line, we did some fine-tuning to round him out.

  • Ziggs's ult is now 120 second cooldown at all ranks.

    By increasing the late game cooldown of Mega Inferno Bomb, Ziggs will have to think harder about whether he uses his R for wave clear or if he should save it for an important team fight.

  • Zilean's Time Bomb explosion no longer ignores spell shields (the application of the bomb did, now the application ignores them).

    Ultimately this was a change we had to make for clarity - sorry Zilean!

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

The following champs received minor/bug fixes:

  • Gragas
  • Jax
  • Sona
  • Shyvana
  • Thresh
  • Vayne
  • Vel'Koz
  • Yasuo


Banshee's Veil cooldown increased. Burst magesc rejoice!

The low cooldown on Banshee's Veil's spell shield allows it to be 'up' for the arrival of every new minion wave, which makes it a little too strong in evenly matched scenarios where one team is trying to siege out the other under a tower.

This is a WIP. In the meantime go read the notes, you lazy bums.


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Really loving both the look on the new Sona, and the patch in general; I get the feeling you'll probably feel more actively contributing now as her, but the main reason I like the rework is because MAGIC DAMAGE ON NEXT AUTOATTACK AFTER Q PREPARE YOUR POWERCHORD JIMMIES WITH ALL THE SALTY LICH BANE

i'm going to love that

Patch looks great in general because they've taken action on so many champs to promote some diversity in champion selection (bye yasuo bye lucian). Granted, some of the changes don't look all that impacting (I'm still expecting Thresh to be a mainstay support pick), but it's a great start at the least.

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I hate the Sona rework.

Yes let's make an extremely squishy champion have to get close to do anything


>Implying she didn't have to get close to begin with anyway

This just requires her to get a bit close in exchange for more active abilities on her auras that redeem this feature.

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I personally believe she was hit extremely hard. Her range being the main thing - her auras are extremely small, and anyone with AoE cc will find it a bit too easy to catch both Sona and her AD Carry, and she's going to have to get in range for pretty much all cc ever to land any poke. With Leona, Thresh and Braum running around getting close is a death sentence and Thresh will land so many sentences he'll write a fucking paragraph.

Keep in mind this is all in my opinion, so it's all whatever until everyone tests it on live. Just when I was on PBE playing Sona it was extremely different, and I'm not sure I like the change.

EDIT: Forgot to mention she no longer has passive, consistent auras via her skills. Just a 1-2 second brief aura.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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"With some of her biggest counters running around, getting close is an issue"

I'm kinda proud of Riot making big balance changes this time around. The Gragas nerd sucks a little, but once he's got catalyst it shouldn't be an issue.

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