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The Fush

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Time to start speculating woot woot

Some candidates for the ultimate, by this hint, are:

  • Blitzcrank (Mana Barrier)
  • Caitlyn? (.90 Caliber Net)
  • Cho'Gath (Feral Scream)
  • Diana (Lunar Rush)
  • Elise (Human Form)
  • Evelynn (Ravage)
  • Fiddlesticks (Dread)
  • Hecarim (Devastating Charge)
  • Jarvan IV (Cataclysm)
  • Katarina (Voracity)
  • Kog'Maw (Bio-Arcane Barrage)
  • Leona (Solar Flare)
  • Lux (Final Spark)
  • Maokai (Arcane Smash)
  • Nami (Tidal Wave)
  • Nautilus (Titan's Wrath)
  • Nocturne (Paranoia)
  • Pantheon (Spear Shot)
  • Poppy (Devastating Blow)
  • Rengar (Bola Strike)
  • Rumble (Scrap Shield)
  • Ryze (Arcane Mastery)
  • Singed (Insanity Potion)
  • Sion (Enrage)
  • Sona (Aria of Perseverance)
  • Skarner (Impale)
  • Vayne (Final Hour)
  • Vel'Koz (Organic Deconstruction)
  • Vi (Assault and Battery)
  • Xerath (Arcanopulse)
  • Xin Zhao (Audacious Charge)
  • Ziggs (Mega Inferno Bomb)
    Zyra (Stranglethorns)

pls be lux

pls be lux

pls be lux

pls be lux

EDIT: List updated

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It just might.

1- I get the feeling Riot generally tries to not be too gender imbalanced, and both previous ultimate skins have gone to male champions

2- I believe Riot has said a number of times that Evelynn needs a VU and as such she isn't likely to get a new skin until then. (Meaning the only other likely female by this thread's logic is Lux)

3- After Steel Legion was released everyone was like rito pls stop with military lux skins they do not suit her personality and rito was like o yea, ok, we start making new skin for her immediately. We haven't heard anything about that skin since then.

I was thinking the Victorious skin might go to Lux, but this would be wayyy better.

On a semi-unrelated note, I still want Blacklight Lux to be a thing.

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I doubt Lux is getting the Victorious skin. That should be for Lucian if anyone. Maybe Lulu.

There has, however, been an Avatar/Ascended/Insert-Divine-Word-Here Lux fan concept floating around which depicts her as some funky neon hextech-enhanced angel thing. It looks wicked and Riot would have all my money if it were to be made.

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Eve isn't getting any skins until her VU - my money's on Xerath and Lux. There were new game mode files closely tied to ascension - Xerath is the Magus Ascendant, and one even states xerath-something or other (not really, but it does say Xerath)

Lux also needs a more 'fitting' skin for her so that's where my money's at!

Riot also likes to hint stuff in their cinematics - Baron VU for one. Well, check this out.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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urge to tell you intensifies but i'm under contract not to. Went to hackathon at riot hq and watch them demo concept for it. too bad they make you sign a release form stating that you won't disclose ANYTHING you see there or face prosecution. quite frankly i already give them enough money, i'm not trying to give them more.

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  On 8/8/2014 at 10:32 AM, The Fush said:

I'd be inclined to say it wasn't Xerath; he has a fair selection of varied skins already, and there would probably be a lack of inventive ideas for a Xerath ultimate skin as a result.

3 skins, all complete with shiny new recolours and slightly different particles? And his ultimate skin could easily be something like his particles being weaker and him being just a human, progressing at certain levels and his spells looking more powerful until at the end it's him, ascended into an ultimate form after absorbing all magic.

it could just be battlecast skarner tho lel

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Battlecast Skarner will likely be released in a bundle with Battlecast Kog'Maw maybe next year or during preseason. Those should be 1350 skins.

  On 8/8/2014 at 8:54 AM, Annie Leonhardt said:

Eve isn't getting any skins until her VU - my money's on Xerath and Lux. There were new game mode files closely tied to ascension - Xerath is the Magus Ascendant, and one even states xerath-something or other (not really, but it does say Xerath)




There you go.

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Well, he didn't say "and/or" so that hints that only one of those vowels is in the champion's name.

If that were the case, that would narrow the list to two, Evelynn and Lux. Evelynn's on the list for a Visual Upgrade next year.

I'm convinced it's Lux.

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  On 8/8/2014 at 1:29 PM, Abbey Street said:



There you go.

Dropping by to note that with this context of "hint" or "leak", you may want to reevaluate the previous one.

Q: "What's the fourth letter of the champion's spells that is receiving an ultimate skin?"

A: "A"

The wording is important here - instead of "ability" or "skill" the question uses the word "spell." As someone pointed out on reddit, every champion has access to the Recall spell, the fourth letter of which is A. I'm not sure that Morello has given out any sort of hint and is mostly just being the huge tease that he always is with this stuff.

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in this week's edition of "putting too much value into everything" we take a joke referencing the fact that every word in the english language has at least one of those letters in it (and as such is not remotely a hint) and put too much value into it

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Kassadin's force pulse passive states the following: Kassadin draws energy from spells cast in his vicinity, gaining a charge whenever a spell is cast near him (including his own spells).

Recall is NOT a spell since Kassadin doesn't gain a force pulse charge when someone or himself recalls.

Edited by JellyMan
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  On 8/8/2014 at 7:24 PM, Wes said:

And WHOOOOSH is the sound of the joke going over your head.

  On 8/8/2014 at 7:46 PM, JellyMan said:

just trying to disprove a theory no need to be a dick lmao

  On 8/8/2014 at 7:51 PM, Wes said:

I mean it's not like the recall thing is a joke and you're being a dick by disproving it seriously or anything.

  On 8/8/2014 at 7:56 PM, JellyMan said:

i mean there's no need to play the victim or anything


  On 8/8/2014 at 6:37 PM, JellyMan said:

Kassadin's force pulse passive states the following: Kassadin draws energy from spells cast in his vicinity, gaining a charge whenever a spell is cast near him (including his own spells).

Recall is NOT a spell since Kassadin doesn't gain a force pulse charge when someone or himself recalls.

If we want to get technical here, Kassadin's Force Pulse not having an interaction doesn't prove that Recall isn't a spell. A looong time ago when Ryze was first reworked so that his passive decreased the cooldowns of all his spells by 1s per cast, he was able to trigger it a ton of times quickly by tapping Recall and moving, which is obviously unintended and was fixed. Similarly, I think this exception is intended as it'd be a pretty broken interaction otherwise, no?

These leaks are more or less all jokes to create hype/interest over the new ultimate skin imho.. not that we'd need that to theorize and get hyped anyway.

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I'm honestly much more hyped for the rift VU than the ultimate skin, probably not buying it anyways :x And I saw some rift VU videos and it looks super pretty.

The faker zilean game vs samsung white was pretty amazing to watch so it might be his fault

And rofl at maokai destroying the lcs eu playoffs. Dat tree coming thru.

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