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The Fush

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alistar top is actually rly good because once you get sheen nobody can really trade with you if you're even in lane

and he just adds a lot more utility to a team and brings so much roaming potential

Edited by JellyMan
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This is why I love Roccat. They have the balls to innovate. Top Alistar, top Maokai, Xerath, etc. were all picks that they started using before anyone else until someone said "fuck, this is actually pretty good." (the Koreans started using some of the picks before roccat but no one really paid them any mind.)

Hell, even Kayle got popular because of Overpow.

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I dont see what Faker had to do with Zilean that was anything mind boggling but ok

  On 8/8/2014 at 9:35 PM, Abbey Street said:

Mage Zilean is fucking hilarious especially if you get maximum CDR with Athene's / Lucidity.

yes oh my god

constant spamming of Time Warp > Rewind > Time Warp > Rewind and pairs of bombs being sent out every few seconds

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Zilean anything is hilarious if you like nothing but mindlessly pressing all your buttons off cooldown (twice!!!) and serving only to infuriate the enemy team and not even being very good at that


bomb rewind bomb

do absolutely nothing except go fast until the next two bombs

wow such fun

  On 8/8/2014 at 11:38 PM, Abbey Street said:

This is why I love Roccat. They have the balls to innovate. Top Alistar, top Maokai, Xerath, etc. were all picks that they started using before anyone else until someone said "fuck, this is actually pretty good." (the Koreans started using some of the picks before roccat but no one really paid them any mind.)

Hell, even Kayle got popular because of Overpow.

"someone else did it before these guys and should probably have the credit but nobody cared"

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  On 8/9/2014 at 2:35 AM, Ikaru said:

Zilean anything is hilarious if you like nothing but mindlessly pressing all your buttons off cooldown (twice!!!) and serving only to infuriate the enemy team and not even being very good at that


bomb rewind bomb

do absolutely nothing except go fast until the next two bombs

wow such fun

I applaud you; you made one of the most fun champions to play sound like an absolute bore.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 3:43 PM, JellyMan said:

he hasn't been banned so much as picked into xerath since after a point he can keep up with xerath's waveclear

in eu lcs. super hot crew vs Roccat SHC banned Zilean. In playoffs. I doubt he's getting banned because he has g00d waveclear.

It's not that he can keep up in wave clear - he can. He's got some of the best. It's his amazing utility, ult being a second life, super low cds and some of the freest damage in the game with his q w q. In lane, not much can deal with that. LoL loves free damage champs - Nidalee for example.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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  On 8/9/2014 at 10:13 AM, The Fush said:

I applaud you; you made one of the most fun champions to play sound like an absolute bore.

I do try. Thank you, I'll be here all week!

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  On 8/9/2014 at 3:56 PM, Annie Leonhardt said:

in eu lcs. super hot crew vs Roccat SHC banned Zilean. In playoffs. I doubt he's getting banned because he has g00d waveclear.

That wasn't exactly a ban on an "OP" champ, per se. The Zilean ban was targeted at Overpow, but it really isn't very smart to target-ban a player with a massive champion pool...

The only "must-bans" in competitive play right now are Kassadin and, to a lesser extent, Twisted Fate. I can imagine Elise joining that club soon, as well as Lucian with his extremely oppressive early-game.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 5:06 PM, Abbey Street said:

That wasn't exactly a ban on an "OP" champ, per se. The Zilean ban was targeted at Overpow, but it really isn't very smart to target-ban a player with a massive champion pool...

The only "must-bans" in competitive play right now are Kassadin and, to a lesser extent, Twisted Fate. I can imagine Elise joining that club soon, as well as Lucian with his extremely oppressive early-game.

I respectfully agree but also want to tag on; I think it was more just how good Zilean is in pro eyes. good co-ordination provides some really good bombs, poke with unexpected range and some super damage. I completely agree it wasn't a champ that's OP - not at all. Just quite strong in the current meta.

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Speaking of Nidalee, am I the only one feeling like her early game AD Burst is REALLY high? If she lands a spear on you, she has the mobility in cougar form to jump in and melt about half or 2/3rds of your health once that's done. I feel like Riot kinda changed her directly into an assassin.

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  On 8/9/2014 at 10:26 PM, The Fush said:

I feel like Riot kinda changed her directly into an assassin.


Geez I wonder. On the topic of Nidalee, I really wish Riot would change the French Maid and Pharaoh artwork. Outside of my own...er preferences, I just feel that changing Snow Bunny and Leopard to their Chinese counterparts lessens the appeal of the other two older skins. And especially so with French maid because the art looks nearly identical to the arts that got changed besides the fact it is black. Then again I don't know if French Maid Nidalee has a Chinese counterpart. But at least change Pharaoh's. It just looks awful.

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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Nidalee's cougar damage is absolutely insane and no wonder why she can dominate the lane so hard. If she gets the hunt proc she easily blows you up (http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Nidalee for reference on her numbers... ). As for the skins I agree that french maid and pharaoh splashes look way too weird; especially her face. Snow Bunny and Leopard splashes are pretty great though.

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I've had my q doing roughly 700 damage as a fed AD Nidalee, not factoring in the % health - her ratio on her q is amazingly high and with it's execute it can easily do stupid amounts of damage, early and late game.

Nothings more fun than landing a spear on a squishy, landing on them, and having your q take them down from half health >:3

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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  On 8/10/2014 at 9:53 AM, Annie Leonhardt said:

I've had my q doing roughly 700 damage as a fed AD Nidalee, not factoring in the % health - her ratio on her q is amazingly high and with it's execute it can easily do stupid amounts of damage, early and late game.

Nothings more fun than landing a spear on a squishy, landing on them, and having your q take them down from half health >:3

Unless you're playing against it, unfortunately; champions that aren't able to harass from a safe distance are going to get completely destroyed by her... and unfortunately for me, I like playing Veigar and Vel'koz ;_;

It's a good thing she's still as frail as she was before.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 11:20 AM, The Fush said:

Unless you're playing against it, unfortunately; champions that aren't able to harass from a safe distance are going to get completely destroyed by her... and unfortunately for me, I like playing Veigar and Vel'koz ;_;

It's a good thing she's still as frail as she was before.

i was talking about pantheon =]

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Just a heads up, they disabled the new-look launcher as well as the Summoner's Rift VU this past Friday, so that means that a patch is inevitable. This will be the patch that worlds is played on, so #gethype!

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Ok, I was cutting slack on Nidalee before but now I just think she's rather overpowered. Her frailty isn't much to factor when it comes to trades, considering she has incredible mobility immediately from level 1 and her Q deals an INSANE amount of damage, even against more tanky targets; combine this with a low cooldown and an easy way to close gaps/escape and I just feel it's ridiculous. She can even build bruiser-ish and still melt squisher targets to pieces.

Her kit is particularly well built and has a clear purpose; I think the problem is that her passive adds too much damage onto her Q and that's the reason why you don't have any time to trade with her; I feel if they nerfed the empowerment to her cougar abilities from her passive then she'd be completely fine.

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  On 8/11/2014 at 12:00 PM, The Fush said:

Ok, I was cutting slack on Nidalee before but now I just think she's rather overpowered. Her frailty isn't much to factor when it comes to trades, considering she has incredible mobility immediately from level 1 and her Q deals an INSANE amount of damage, even against more tanky targets; combine this with a low cooldown and an easy way to close gaps/escape and I just feel it's ridiculous. She can even build bruiser-ish and still melt squisher targets to pieces.

Her kit is particularly well built and has a clear purpose; I think the problem is that her passive adds too much damage onto her Q and that's the reason why you don't have any time to trade with her; I feel if they nerfed the empowerment to her cougar abilities from her passive then she'd be completely fine.

if you see a nidalee top pick fiddlesticks top :]

idk maybe it was a bad nidalee but I wrekket a Nidalee top as Fiddles top

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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I'm just wondering this. Why the hell is Master Hand coming in armed with the goddamned Infinity Gauntlet?


Like seriously is Vi coming through with the Infinity Gauntlet ready to smack some bitches in the face? Blitzcrank trying to pull from another dimension? Xerath ascends so goddamn much that he can summon the hands of God to rain down holy judgement on a unicorn?

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