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if you see a nidalee top pick fiddlesticks top :]

idk maybe it was a bad nidalee but I wrekket a Nidalee top as Fiddles top

Probably bad; that matchup is just about even, with all Fiddle can do to negate her onslaught until he's burned his Q and E.

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Probably bad; that matchup is just about even, with all Fiddle can do to negate her onslaught until he's burned his Q and E.

She has no cc to stop your drain. When she jumps on you, just silence, q, drain.



a 4 finger glove/hand..

Blitz or Veigar.

Green meteor-like things falling from the sky? Veigar's Dark Matter.

Some people found files relating to Veigar in this.

hey guys the ultimate skin is for Veigar!

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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I guess another argument I can make is Veigar being found in the files in Polish, and Vi has 4 red circles on her fist and this one merely has 3. Vi is possible, but with her just getting Debonair Vi, I find it more likely to be Veigar or Blitzcrank.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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You never know. We've been trolled pretty hard by Riot in the past, so maybe it's just a promo for Arcade Miss Fortune and/or the skin bundle.

Or maybe it's the next (and extremely overdue) 1820.

Should also point out that Veigar isn't the list of champs that fit the hint given us by Morello. Vi, however, is.

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Ok, I was cutting slack on Nidalee before but now I just think she's rather overpowered. Her frailty isn't much to factor when it comes to trades, considering she has incredible mobility immediately from level 1 and her Q deals an INSANE amount of damage, even against more tanky targets; combine this with a low cooldown and an easy way to close gaps/escape and I just feel it's ridiculous. She can even build bruiser-ish and still melt squisher targets to pieces.

Her kit is particularly well built and has a clear purpose; I think the problem is that her passive adds too much damage onto her Q and that's the reason why you don't have any time to trade with her; I feel if they nerfed the empowerment to her cougar abilities from her passive then she'd be completely fine.

rito pls i wouldn't mind a nid nerf although i'm not sure nerfing the empowerment from passive is the best way of solving her problems

you're only using the q empowerment like 1/3 of time, but i wouldn't mind the empowered pounce distance to get nerfed a little; watching nid pounce from a pretty far distance also looks a bit clunky visually to me so maybe they could fix that aswell with a nerf

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rito pls i wouldn't mind a nid nerf although i'm not sure nerfing the empowerment from passive is the best way of solving her problems

you're only using the q empowerment like 1/3 of time, but i wouldn't mind the empowered pounce distance to get nerfed a little; watching nid pounce from a pretty far distance also looks a bit clunky visually to me so maybe they could fix that aswell with a nerf

Fair point; half the time, nidalees have just speared me, then flashed in and pounced totalling a ridiculous distance before finishing me immediately.

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Last I checked PBE, there were mutterings of Nid nerfs, but not this patch...

Partially because said patch is here! Don't expect too much from this, seeing as it is the patch that Worlds is being played on, but for those of you too lazy to look at the site, here are some quickies.

Patcher Speeds

They estimate that the game will now patch and install slightly quicker.

Patching and installing have been sped up a bit. These changes are separate from the upcoming Patcher & Landing Page Refresh, which will inherit these improvements when released a bit further down the road.


The following skins will be released this patch for 975 RP unless otherwise stated:

* = expected to be a limited edition skin

  • Riot Kayle*
  • Arcade Miss Fortune - 1350 RP
  • Dino Gnar

Champions - New to the Institute

  • Gnar will be arriving this patch.

Champions - General

  • Corki...they said "soon" regarding this bastard...what's that supposed to mean? A nerf? A Visual Upgrade? A joke about him showing up to dominate Worlds every year? No idea. Guess we'll find out soon.
  • Kassadin must now wait longer for his Riftwalk's mana cost to reset.

    Although we want Kassadin's iconic strength be his super mobility, we also want him to be thinking hard about when and how often he jumps around.

  • Kayle is getting a temporary Attack Speed per Level buff while Riot works on a bug.
  • Kog'Maw lost some movement speed, and Living Artillery doesn't do as much damage to champions as before.

    Despite our changes in 4.13, Kog'Maw still has few weaknesses for his ultra-powerful late game identity. Since our goal is to to preserve a champion's strategic strengths even as we reduce power, we started with Kog's core weaknesses (low mobility) before tackling his early game strengths.

  • Maokai's Twisted Advance damage was nerfed hard, and Vengeful Maelstrom now has a maximum duration of 10 seconds.

    Maokai's a pretty cool dude and we're always happy to see a magical tree beating up dragons and yordles, but having a 100% uptime on Vengeful Maelstrom doesn't offer many windows of opportunity (otherwise known as counterplay!), and we may have overshot slightly on his base power.

  • Morgana also got a set of nerfs, those being directed at Black Shield and Soul Shackles' bases.

    Regardless of how she's played (as a mage or a support), Morgana brings a lot of utility and damage to the table, so we're looking to reduce some of her overall effectiveness. While we don't usually talk about specific changes in the context, reducing the base value on Black Shield means support Morgana will have to choose between the defense it provides and the offensive power she gets from leveling Dark Binding, while mage Morgana will be less affected with her AP ratios compensating at rank 1.

  • Orianna also got the nerf bat, losing some of her base Attack Damage.

    Although we really like Orianna's complexity and high skill potential, she's often seen as a very reliable - and safe - choice for any team who needs a well-rounded mage. These changes are to give Ori's lane opponents a little more breathing room (especially melee) against her as she winds up for the mid to late game.

  • Rengar? Yep, Thrill of the Hunt's cooldown got raised and people can sense him from father away. However, if he has the Head of Kha'Zix, he gets bonus vision range from brush.

    While Rengar's Thrill of the Hunt is usually quite fun for him, we've seen he can be a little frustrating to play against - particularly in the early game when he's roaming everywhere, and in the late game when his prey is usually dead as they see the warning indicator. The short-form of this context would be that we want Rengar's ganking power to... Slow Down!

  • Xerath now has a minimum cooldown of 0.6 seconds between firing Arcane Barrages (Rite of the Arcane).

    We always intended for Xerath's ultimate to be very dodgeable in a one-on-one situation, as he should be relying on his teammates for help. While we could technically position this as a bugfix, this is a definite power reduction for Xerath, so we're calling it a nerf fix (as opposed to a buff fix).

  • Zed was the only champion in this patch lucky enough to get a buff. Death Mark now places Zed behind his target and gives him a buff while the mark is active that allows him to ignore unit collision.

    Zed lost a lot in 4.10 with our marksman itemization changes, but he's still performing consistently at the highest levels of play. That said, we saw we could give him some small usability buffs to help him stick to his Death Marked targets better.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff

These champions got stuff that is by no means special:

  • Gragas
  • Kog'Maw
  • Lulu
  • Quinn
  • Rengar
  • Syndra
  • Thresh
  • Zilean


  • Sanguine Blade: Like really, who cares about this item? It's so bad and nothing was done to make it much better.

    We're making Sanguine Blade a little more player friendly by extending that passive duration. The small shift from lifesteal to AD is just to make Sanguine Blade more promising as a high-AD item, but we didn't want that lifesteal to get out of hand.

Custom Games

  • Custom game lobbies' maximum number of spectators has risen to 4 from 3. They said it was 2 but...anyway, moving on.

    We've upped the number of spectators that can join a custom lobby. This should be especially useful for local tournament scenes!

Audio Engine

  • About 700 MB of unnecesasary audio files were wiped.

Suggested Players

  • In Teambuilder and Normal queues, captains can now invite from a suggested player list. These includes friends in recent premades, and teammates in recent victories.

That's it!

Here's what Worlds is going to be played on, minus Gnar whom I imagine will be disabled for the duration of the tournament. With that here's the champs I'm guessing we'll see the most of at Worlds:


Nidalee, Irelia, Mundo, Lissandra (possibles: Alistar, Lulu, Ryze)


Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Elise, Nunu (possibles: Rammus, Hecarim, Kha'Zix)

Mid (assuming that Kassadin will remain permabanned throughout worlds)

Talon, Yasuo, Orianna, Akali (possibles: Zed, Lux, Ahri)


Corki, Tristana, Ezreal, Vayne (possibles: any ADC but especially Kog'Maw and Graves)


Braum, Thresh, Nami, Morgana (possibles: Karma, Leona, Janna)

Of course, highly speculative. The only way to find out for real is to see for ourselves when Worlds roll around...

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Lissandra's buffs to her Q in 4.13 made her a really good DPS mage. She's been third tier since her little nerf towards the end of last season but the Ice Shard buffs help her have a niche while being annoying early, great mid and powerful late.

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Even with all the stuff this guy is posting I doubt this will be for Shaco due to his inevitable rework.

Also any idiot can photoshop a tweet onto a page, gyazo the thing and call it a hint - it definitely wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

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