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The Fush

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So, some important end-of-season stuff was announced.


First off, the new Master Tier.

They've tested this in all sorts of different regions and it'll be coming to EUW as well soon.

Dafuq is this?

Master Tier is the tier above Diamond I, serving kinda the same purpose as Challenger has but without a player limit. The 200 players with the most LP in Master will be in the exclusive Challenger tier (this refreshes every 24 hours), with players losing LP falling out of Challenger. For clarity, Master and Challenger share an LP ladder.

TL;DR Challenger is the top 200 players in the Master Tier.

Now, the ranked rewards.

These are given out the end of the season:

  • All Bronze players will receive the obligatory summoner icon.
  • All Silver players will receive their own icon, their own banner trim on their profile, and their own loading screen.
  • All Gold and above players receive that plus the Victorious Morgana skin.
Guess it's time for me to win my promos already...

EDIT: The season ends in November.

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I kinda don't like the fact that Morgana is getting a victorious skin.
I mean, she did have the highest pick and ban rate this season, but I feel there are already so many Morgana skins, just me though.

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Skin amount isn't factored in for the Victorious line. It's about champs that had a huge impact on that season. She's definitely earned it this season. I wonder who's gonna get the Championship skin this year.

edit: Page 100 get

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Should be Kha-Zix tbh.

He got nerfed like 20 million times and still is one of the better champs and still sees a lot of play. Throughout all of season 4. Though Morgana is way more popular.

Besides, Kha-Zix only has one skin. So he needs another one someday.

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There were some posts either yesterday or today where Riot expressed their disappointment when they couldn't make a sand mage concept work...all of a sudden, SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKA

Also, Ascension actually sounds pretty cool. A completely out of the norm game mode. Will have to try.

In the meantime, a patch! 4.15 goes out tonight, and it may be the patch that Worlds is played on given the many (bug) fixes. For those of you too lazy to look at the site, here's what's happening.

Good stuff to know
This patch will carry little fixes that should see an FPS improvement of up to 10% for all players.

We've made some incremental performance improvements this patch, resulting in a small framerate boost across all configurations.

These are hitting live this patch:

  • Final Boss Veigar - 1820 RP
  • PROJECT: Yasuo - 1350 RP
  • Headhunter Caitlyn - 975 RP (for real this time!)

Champions - splash art updates
These champions obviously are - wait, why aren't you simply scrolling up the page to look at them? Man, that's some laziness...

Champions - General

  • Alistar can no longer autoattack an enemy that he's sent flying from Headbutt (if he Pulverizes them with the combo, he can still land the attack).

    When we buffed Alistar back in 4.12, our big concern for competitive play was that he would be too strong in the jungle, where his terrifying level 2 ganks would obliterate all semblance of lane safety on the map. Didn't happen! He just went to terrorize top lane instead.

    Jokes aside, it's not a bad thing when a champion finds a new position to play on the map, but often times we'll see their strength being used in inhibitive ways (hello Soraka, hello Lulu). We're not taking large steps against Alistar for now, but we did identify one very obnoxious aspect of his strength where he could get a free high-damage trade by Headbutting his opponent while also sneaking in a basic attack. When combined with next-attack items like Sheen, it's easy to see how uninteractive Alistar can get, especially when he puts the opponent in a position where they can't retaliate in a meaningful way. We still think Alistar's in a very strong place after his buffs, but will continue to monitor him for the future.

  • Azir? No, he's not in the patch, relax.

    He's not even on the PBE yet.

  • Gnar got buffs to his Boomerang/Boulder Toss, as well as some small buffs to his ult (it's got an AP ratio, AP Gnar OP). He also now has extra Health Regen.

    We've been keeping a close eye on Gnar during the past two weeks, and while we try not to make major changes during big learning periods, we did see the opportunity to improve some of his play patterns. In other words, while these are definitely buffs, they're more 'spiritual improvements' that we'd like to do regardless of power. So even if Gnar ends up being too strong (or too weak), these are changes we're making to get him to feel better, and future tuning points would be unrelated.

  • Sivir's Boomerang Blade now deals damage when when enemies touch the blade's edge, rather than the center. This is a small buff. of course.

    We're just re-aligning the visuals on Sivir's Q to better match the actual hitbox of the spell (but it's still a small buff!).

  • Urgot buffs? Is this real? Anyway, his Acid Hunter now refunds half the mana cost when it kills something, and his ult's mana cost and cooldown were both reduced. Urgot also now temporarily ignores unit collision when he casts it.

    We're just doing a bunch of small changes aimed at helping Urgot get back onto his... feet. While we try not to discuss our changes in the context, the big thing here is the mana refund on Acid Hunter, which will give Urgot a better fallback mechanic when it comes to last hitting.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
These champions got bug fixes or other small changes:

  • Caitlyn
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Graves
  • Gnar
  • Katarina
  • Lee Sin
  • Nocturne
  • Pantheon
  • Rengar
  • Rumble
  • Shyvana
  • Twisted Fate
  • Xerath
  • Zed

Champions - Twisted Treeline / Crystal Scar

  • (TT) Cassiopeia's Miasma base damage has been hit.

    Miasma can be a bit overbearing on Twisted Treeline. This change, combined with the nerf to TT's mana regen aura, should make her more reasonable.

  • (CS/TT) Leona's Solar Flare cooldown has been increased at higher ranks.

    Solar Flare is a game changer, and with easy access to a number of tanky cooldown reduction items on these maps, her ult is up a little too frequently.

  • (CS/TT) Jarvan IV's Martial Cadence "cooldown" has been increased while the Armor shred on his Dragon Strike has been nerfed at later ranks.

    Jarvan has great base stats and gets to build a ton of damage items while still remaining fairly tanky. We don't want to take away his utility, so we're focusing on his damage potential instead.


  • Essence Reaver's recipe cost has been slashed by 200, bringing the total cost down to 3200 (like the old bloodthirster).

    Cheaper Essence Reaver. Bam.

  • Ichor of Illumination grants less Cooldown Reduction.

    Too much cooldown reduction! We don't want it to be so easy for mages to hit - and stay at - the cooldown reduction cap.

Respecting the dead

  • If you're dead, players can not see the items you buy while dead by looking at your corpse. They have to wait until they see you again to see what you have.

Twisted Treeline

  • The map-wide Mana Regeneration buff has been halved.

    These days, double AP comps have been very dominant in the meta, so we're trying to reduce those that focus on non-stop push / waveclear.

Patcher and landing page

  • New patcher and landing page incoming. Very little of interfaces elsewhere in the client have been touched.

Not sure if this will affect anyone here

  • The Master Tier (along with new Challenger) will hit live servers after its testing across numerous regions.

That's it!
Not looking back, but looking forward - Ascension...Azir...rumors surrounding Renekton...is a Shurima event on the horizon? It's been hinted at by the lore team since last year, so I can't help but think such a possibility.

EDIT: Holy fuck, I might be right.

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Also, should be noted that Cassiopeia's new VO lines (done by Karen Strassman) are a completely new voiceover (like Anivia / Ashe in 3.6).

Renekton (Patrick Seitz) and Sivir (uncredited) just seem to be getting add-ons to their current VOs.

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