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K, so.

post-16850-0-40382600-1417499067.png Legend of the Poro King post-16850-0-40382600-1417499067.png

What is this game mode?

It's a blind draft played on the Howling Abyss, and it retains the original goal of taking out the enemy towers, inhibitors and then Nexus. There are a few twists however.

The Poro King

One of your summoner spells allows you to throw poros at the other team. The first team to pelt the other ten times summons the Poro King to fight for their team!


Pretty damn big, as you can tell. The Poro King at first seems to be just a massive, glorified minion that is immune to CC, but he does some cool stuff:

  • He's very tanky, albeit does very little damage
  • Allied champions in the radius shown above gain bonus Health, Mana, and Energy Regeneration
  • Tossed enemy poros that enter the radius are automatically drawn to him
  • Allies may cast To The King! to instantly dash to him
  • Poros fly off of him and deal damage when they land

Once summoned, the Poro King deals damage in an area when he lands (pretty much Grand Skyfall). When dispelled, his team's Poro Counter returns to 0, meaning that they must hurl ten more poros to get him on their side again. The enemy thus gets more than enough time to summon him for themselves!

On a side note: As long as the Poro King is active, no poros tossed can count towards the ten poros needed to summon the Poro King. This goes for both the team that the Poro King is with, and the team that he's against.

Summoner Spells

You will not be using the standard summoner spells. Instead, you get two new ones!

  • Poro Toss (20s cooldown): Throw a poro a very long distance in a direction. The first enemy hit takes true damage and is marked and revealed for 3 seconds. Upon hitting an enemy (aside from the Poro King) you may recast Poro Toss within the next three seconds to dash to that enemy (you are untargetable during the dash). If you do, Poro Toss's cooldown is lowered by 5 seconds.
  • To the King! (10s cooldown): Dash to the Poro King (you are untargetable during the dash). You may only cast this when the Poro King is active for your team.

What are people playing?

Assassins, bruisers, and champs with considerable CC (such as Leona). My personal favorite champions to play in this mode are Pantheon, Lee Sin, and Wukong, but any champion can do well in this mode.

The usual bans are Katarina, Pantheon, Wukong, Sona, Galio, and Fizz.

Why do my poros look plain and that guy has a cool poro in a space suit?

Well, that would be because he happens to have the Astronaut Poro summoner icon!

There are five different Poro icons, and each will be sold during Snowdown for 250 RP (not sure if they will be available for purchase with IP). When you buy one, they will change the appearance of the poro in Legend of the Poro King, however the icons themselves are permanent once bought.

Dragonslayer Poro:


Astronaut Poro:


Shadow Isles Poro:


Battlecast Poro:


Gentleman Poro:


What is this music playing in the background?

That would be more familiar to the veterans, as it's the music of the old Winter Summoner's Rift maps! Besides, the Howling Abyss music isn't the best when you're too busy chucking poros at each other anyway.

Full Game

Here's one from Redmercy.

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okay guys i feel like swain might be getting back into top meta

i cant really seem to think of anyone who has a super good matchup against him

Not necessarily a super good match up but Aatrox can actually outsustain him since he can lifesteal through all of swains dps. Neither of you will ever die if fighting 1v1 unless one of you royally fucks up end of the day though Aatrox can force swain out of lane simply because without blue and poor mana management will force swain to back and aatrox can take tower and win lane so technically aatrox does well against him

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aight, bringing in my friend, a Diamond Swain player:

swain's biggest counters top lane are gangplank lulu and xin zhao...fizz is by far swain's biggest counter overall if you wanna take him top but fizz is op in general and is probably gonna get nerfed so.

there's a lot of champs that beat swain pre-6 but get shit on once swain gets level 6. for example fiora, yasuo, and a lot of ad casters in general that aren't named darius.

also i've never had issues vs an aatrox lol, take flask + ignite and he's fresh meat at level 6 though he does have quite a bit of sustain before then.

oh, and he's really weak when he faces a 2v1 due to a lane swap, which is why pros don't like playing him.

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So, i've been playing Shyvana alot lately and i realized half of her skills AP based (W and E) and that her E can hurt them pretty good actually if you scale her with AP, so i've been wondering how well she'd do with a hybrid AP/AD (without leaving out all of the tankiness ofc) build.

You guys think that would be worth a try or should i stick to the bread and butter full AD Tank build?

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I wouldn't stack AP or anything, but building things like Abyssal, Wit's End, and Sorcerer's Shoes on her are fine in the right situations. I've even gone as far as to build an early Haunting Guise(don't upgrade) when I'm ahead and if it's the best item at the time to help me snowball the lane itself.

AD quints with Hybrid Pen marks are also really good on her when it comes to runes. Here's an example rune page that I'm currently using.


You're probably better off just going AD quints with Hybrid Pen marks though.

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Basically what Tony said. Building an AP item with some sort of Magic Pen on her is really good, especially with Hybrid Pen marks, but building actual AP items for the sake of having more AP isn't the way to go unless you're just straight BMing.

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i was talking about straight ap. like most ap items arent that great on her. magic pen, however, is pretty decent. can you stop nitpicking every little thing i say please. i dont feel the need to explain why ap items arent good on fucking shyvana

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So yea I'm playing to fully start maining Olaf so anyone have some tips and tricks for Olaf? :3

Be a man. Your W gives you extra healing off your autos the more HP you lose, so if you think that you'll have a close fight, go for it. Also remember that your passive gives you extra Attack Speed as you lose health.

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max q if you are in a hard lane, max w vs dueling dudes and e vs tanks

go bork into tank items then ur gonna start crushing (unless u are behind, then get vamp into tank items then finish bork l8er)

run 4 the carries in the fight, olaf sux at peeling (unless u already killed their carry). dont run in when ur team isnt fully commited or ur gonna die 1v5

olaf is snowbally if u get a kill top u can call ur jungler and jus dive the dude n put him on tilt

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If you're not against a bursty champion, stay in lane with about 20% HP as to bait them in. When the duel starts, you should lifesteal so well that your health percentage doesn't matter.

Also use Ragnarok conservatively; a lot of the time, the armor/MR is better than the AD

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