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So, i've been playing Shyvana alot lately and i realized half of her skills AP based (W and E) and that her E can hurt them pretty good actually if you scale her with AP, so i've been wondering how well she'd do with a hybrid AP/AD (without leaving out all of the tankiness ofc) build.

You guys think that would be worth a try or should i stick to the bread and butter full AD Tank build?

So this is a bit old, but seeing as Shyv is one of my better champions I figured I'd go ahead and comment on it

No. Just, no >_>

Shyv outputs damage in three ways:

W+Sunfire, scaling off AD and level respectively

The %max health of her E


None of which benefit from AP

As mentioned, MPen is good on her, since she puts out a lot of magic damage, but actual AP not so much. I tend to get Wit's End when I can

If you want to build her as something other than a tank, go for more attack damage. Dragon Q+Hydra OP owo (I usually build an offensive Shyv, I also usually jungle though)

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OH!! Thanks Kyra!

I thought ALL Magic Damage scaled with AP, this makes a lot more sense.

And i've also been wondering how to jungle with her so i'd really appreciate it if you could help me with that in the game someday since i plan to main her and i don't wanna get limited to just the top lane with her.



and yeah, you can see my usual full build with her with this pic:


replacing nashor's for something else after this.

Edited by Telos
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OH!! Thanks Kyra!

I thought ALL Magic Damage scaled with AP, this makes a lot more sense.

And i've also been wondering how to jungle with her so i'd really appreciate it if you could help me with that in the game someday since i plan to main her and i don't wanna get limited to just the top lane with her.



and yeah, you can see my usual full build with her with this pic:


replacing nashor's for something else after this.

Drop that Nashor's for a Blade of the Ruined King. And maybe drop those swiftness boots for merc treads.

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Nah, the boots are a must, they make me run really fast with burnout, i survived a 5 person gank because of them, i ran too damn fast.

that green armor there provides me enough magic resist.

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Nah, the boots are a must, they make me run really fast with burnout, i survived a 5 person gank because of them, i ran too damn fast.

that green armor there provides me enough magic resist.

Generally you buy Mercury Treads moreso for the Tenacity than the +25 MRes.

Most standard Shyvana builds incorporate defensive boot options, either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads.

3 offensive items on Shyvana is also a bit rare, I'm not sure she makes the best use out of Trinity Force than she would out of another defensive item option. It's more common to see people who play Shyvana building either Ravenous Hydra or Blade of the Ruined King and then investing entirely in defensive item options like Randuin's Omen, Banshee's Veil, Sunfire/Visage, Guardian's Angel, etc.

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Generally you buy Mercury Treads moreso for the Tenacity than the +25 MRes.

Most standard Shyvana builds incorporate defensive boot options, either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads.

Yeah, Tenacity is often times a must against teams with high amounts of CC.

If you want to jungle with her, you either want Ranger's Trailblazer or Stalker's Blade with Devourer enchantment as your jungle item. Blade of the Ruined King and boots (Merc Treads normally, Mobility or Beserker's if you're feeling ballsy), then you would probably get a Randuin's Omen instead of Sunfire Cape. Then the Ravenous Hydra and Spirit Visage come next. But always be willing to adjust your builds to the enemy team. If the enemy team is pretty much all AD, you probably won't need the Magic Resist, and vice versa. But for jungle, BoRK and Devourer enchant are almost vital because Shyvana scales so well with attack speed and the on hit damage is insane, not to mention the life steal is always helpful, and BoRK's active can be really nice for peeling or chasing.

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Drop that Nashor's for a Blade of the Ruined King. And maybe drop those swiftness boots for merc treads.

To accomplish what he's trying to accomplish with the Nashor's Tooth I'd say Wit's End makes a better fit but that's pretty situational.

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Yeah, Tenacity is often times a must against teams with high amounts of CC.

If you want to jungle with her, you either want Ranger's Trailblazer or Stalker's Blade with Devourer enchantment as your jungle item. Blade of the Ruined King and boots (Merc Treads normally, Mobility or Beserker's if you're feeling ballsy), then you would probably get a Randuin's Omen instead of Sunfire Cape. Then the Ravenous Hydra and Spirit Visage come next. But always be willing to adjust your builds to the enemy team. If the enemy team is pretty much all AD, you probably won't need the Magic Resist, and vice versa. But for jungle, BoRK and Devourer enchant are almost vital because Shyvana scales so well with attack speed and the on hit damage is insane, not to mention the life steal is always helpful, and BoRK's active can be really nice for peeling or chasing.

Actually I would recommend against the Stalker's Blade as it is the weakest of the current Machete upgrades. The slow can be good in teamfights but with The Blade of the Ruined King almost guaranteed to be in your build, it's a somewhat redundant purchase if you're getting it just for the slow. The strongest is Ranger's Trailblazer even post-nerf as it can be used almost universally. Skirmisher's Sabre is also a decent investment. Poacher's Knife can be good if you invest into a lot of invades, but you can probably do all the same things with Ranger's Trailblazer and have the added benefit of increased speed in your own jungle plus being at higher HP to better battle other junglers.

I'd also recommend the buildpath prioritizing Devourer if you're planning on getting it then either Tiamat or Bilgewater Cutlass, depending on which of their upgrades you value more. From there, investing into either defensive item options or finishing your Blade of the Ruined King/Ravenous Hydra depending on the game is your next best bet. Generally speaking, finishing your offensive item is a better option when ahead, and building defense is better when behind.

Final builds tend to look like:

Defensive boots [Ninja Tabi/Mercury Treads, depending on the enemy team] or Mobility boots

Jungle item [typically Trailblazer or Sabre and Devourer is likely the most common upgrade]

Blade of the Ruined King [or Hydra, but BotRK is more common and arguably better due to her passive]

some combination of defensive items [Randuin's Omen/Sunfire Cape/Spirit Visage is common, though options like Banshee's Veil, Guardian's Angel and Thornmail can be considered.]

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Just got out of a game with a Shyvana. Couldn't ask for a better example build:


Looks to me like the entire enemy team was physical damage or something; otherwise it seems a bit overkill on armor...

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...Did you just suggest a Shyvana without Sunfire? Ryan, are you okay?

Sunfire is a niche item as a mid-game power spike for tanky top laners. I wouldn't recommend it in the jungle, really, unless paired with Abyssal Scepter on champions like Amumu and Sejuani.
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...I- Eh- Eep- Wuh

This is Shyvana. You build Bork and Sunfire and win. I guess in a few specific instances you could get Randuin's over Sunfire first... (Or Thornmail vs. all AD) And of course it's a safe choice to swap it for something with MR if you need it. It is true it's not all that handy later on, so you can probably swap it for something else later if the game goes that long...

But some %80 of the time you should have a Sunfire

Admittedly this is pre-4.20 experience I'm speaking from, so I can't really say whether it's actually any good in the new JG or not

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...I- Eh- Eep- Wuh

This is Shyvana. You build Bork and Sunfire and win. I guess in a few specific instances you could get Randuin's over Sunfire first... (Or Thornmail vs. all AD) And of course it's a safe choice to swap it for something with MR if you need it. It is true it's not all that handy later on, so you can probably swap it for something else later if the game goes that long...

But some %80 of the time you should have a Sunfire

Admittedly this is pre-4.20 experience I'm speaking from, so I can't really say whether it's actually any good in the new JG or not

Overall, it's not worth it in the jungle and definitely not worth it late game in or out of jungle. Randuin's is really nice over it because it allows you to stay in range of someone when using burnout by slowing them, in which you can also get off many auto attacks to sustain or prepare her ultimate, lower the cooldown on her Q, and get in a lot of E proc'd basic attacks.

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I dont think sunfire is a core item, it's a mid game item and you build it if you expect alot of mid game teamfights. Its a bad item late game, and you dont get this even in midgame if their ap carry is the one doing damage, in that case you get spirit visage and they can't touch you.

You should probably go ranger/stalker devourer into bork in every game unless you are super behind because of getting cheesed or something. As for ranger vs stalker I prefer ranger because op but I guess stalker is viable especially if they have very gankable lanes like malzahar and shit because shyvana lacks cc. I dont like hydra at all but eh.

Also boots of swiftness seems very situational, 99% of the time you should probably get tabi or mercs depending on their comp

In short you afk farm for 20 minutes and hope your team doesnt feed then congrats youre a god ;]

Edited by Rewer
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Not me, it will probably drop to 0.7 with the run of balance changes that will hit the PBE this week (supposedly). Though when people tried a full AP build on PBE that used this ratio, they fed profusely because they could barely deal any upfront damage. Even on ARAM it was bad.

For reference, here is a list of abilities with 100% AP ratios:

  • Aatrox - Massacre ® - 1:1
  • Anivia - Flash Frost (Q) - 1:1 with both hits
  • Anivia - Frostbite (E) critical strike - 1:1
  • Annie - Summon Tibbers ® - 1:1 with cast and first tick of aura
  • Ashe - Enchanted Crystal Arrow ® - 1:1
  • Blitzcrank - Rocket Grab (Q) - 1:1
  • Blitzcrank - Static Field ® active - 1:1
  • Cho'Gath - Rupture (Q) - 1:1
  • Evelynn - Ravage (E) - 1:1
  • Fiddlesticks - Drain (W) - 2.25:1 DoT
  • Fiddlesticks - Crowstorm ® - 2.25:1 DoT
  • Fizz - Chum The Waters ® - 1:1
  • Gangplank - Remove Scurvy (W) - 1:1
  • Gangplank - Cannon Barrage ® - 1.4:1 DoT
  • Heimerdinger - Hextech Rocket Swarm (R+W) - 2.16:1
  • Hecarim - Onslaught of Shadows ® - 1:1
  • Janna - Monsoon ® - 1.8:1 HoT
  • Jinx - Flame Chompers! (E) - 1:1 DoT (can hit twice in a single cast)
  • Karma - Soulflare (R+Q) - 1.5:1
  • Kayle - Divine Blessing (W) - 1:1
  • Katarina - Death Lotus ® - 2.5:1 DoT
  • Kennen - Slicing Maelstrom ® - 1.2:1 DoT
  • LeBlanc - Mimicked Sigil of Malice (R+Q) - 1.3:1 with another ability hit
  • LeBlanc - Ethereal Chains (E) - 1:1 DoT
  • LeBlanc - Mimicked Ethereal Chains (R+E) - 1.3:1 DoT
  • Lucian - The Culling ® - 1.3:1 DoT at rank 1, 1.7:1 DoT at rank 3 (further increased by Attack Speed)
  • Malphite - Unstoppable Force ® - 1:1
  • Malzahar - Nether Grasp ® - 1.3:1 DoT
  • Maokai - Sapling Toss (E) - 1:1 with both hit and explosion
  • Master Yi - Meditate (W) - 1.2:1 HoT (further increased by % of missing health)
  • Miss Fortune - Bullet Time ® - 1.6:1 DoT
  • Morgana - Soul Shackles ® - 1.4:1 DoT
  • Nasus - Spirit Fire (E) - 1.2:1 DoT
  • Nautilus - Riptide (E) - 1:1 DoT
  • Nidalee - Javelin Toss (Human Q) - 1.2:1 at max range
  • Nidalee - Takedown (Cougar Q) - up to 1.2:1 on a weak, Hunted target
  • Nunu - Ice Blast (E) - 1:1
  • Nunu - Absolute Zero ® - 2.5:1
  • Pantheon - Aegis of Zeonia (W) - 1:1
  • Pantheon - Grand Skyfall ® - 1:1
  • Rammus - Powerball (Q) - 1:1
  • Rammus - Tremors ® - 2.4:1 DoT
  • Rumble - Flamespitter (Q) - 1:1 DoT
  • Rumble - Danger Zone Flamespitter (P+Q) - 1.2:1 DoT
  • Rumble - Danger Zone Electro-Harpoon (P+E) - 1.2:1 with both hits
  • Rumble - The Equalizer ® - 1.5:1 DoT
  • Shaco - Two-Shiv Poison (E) - 1:1 (increased by Backstab)
  • Shaco - Hallucinate ® - 1:1
  • Shen - Stand United ® - 1.35:1
  • Skarner - Impale ® - 1:1
  • Tristana - Explosive Shot (E) active - 1:1 DoT
  • Tristana - Buster Shot ® - 1.5:1
  • Tryndamere - Bloodlust (Q) - 1.5:1 at max Fury
  • Tryndamere - Spinning Slash (E) - 1:1
  • Twitch - Contaminate (P+E) - 1:1 at 5 passive stacks, 1.2:1 at 6 passive stacks
  • Udyr - Phoenix Stance ® active - 1.2:1 DoT
  • Varus - Chain of Corruption ® - 1:1
  • Veigar - Dark Matter (W) - 1:1
  • Veigar - Primordial Burst ® - 1.2:1
  • Viktor - Chaos Storm ® - 1.95:1 DoT
  • Warwick - Hungering Strike (Q) - 1:1
  • Xerath - Rite of the Arcane ® - 1.29:1 DoT
  • Yorick - Omen of Pestilence (W) - 1:1
  • Zac - Let's Bounce! ® - 1:1 DoT
  • Zilean - Chronoshift ® - 2:1
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