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The Fush

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Judging from that, my guess is that her model will change with each cast of her Q,W, or E spells. She will have a basic one first, and the three different music styles leaked earlier will coincide with a different model upon a spell cast. Just like Udyr had different models for his different spells, I think Riot may be beginning to go down a path in which the Ultimate Skins will be targeted towards champions whose skills alter their gameplay such as Sona's aura changes and Udyr's forms.

Also, have this. Disproves my little theory... Whoops

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ranked is SO hard right now, sigh. i dunno if it's just me but like i feel like right now in soloq you either get those people who CLEARLY don't below in that elo and hard carry your team, or you get the complete opposite and they're on your team completely hard carrying enemy team.

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