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The Fush

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... Oh dear god, Roo. I can never unsee that now, that skin is totally Shadow Kanji.

And yeah, we all have games like that. You have my sympathies. ._. What ADC was he playing?

If I had to take a guess, Corki. Would be stretching it if it was Kog'maw.

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You're right, blue build Ez isn't awful. He was actually doing well. The problem was he constantly had two big tanks in his face later in the game and I had to peel for him so I suggested for him to get LW to chunk them down faster, and that's what he told me, lol.

If he got LW I'm pretty sure our team could've carried our heavy mid laner, but since he didn't have LW, their front line lasted SO much longer than our front line.

Edited by unicorngummi
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As you are probably aware, it's very likely that Patch 5.3 is going to hit live this weekend. Sooooo...here's what you can expect to see come patch time!

The following skins will be released this patch at 750 RP unless otherwise stated:

  • Warden Sivir
  • Warden Nautilus
  • Marauder Ashe
  • Marauder Warwick
  • Sweetheart Annie
  • Heartseeker Varus - 1350 RP

* The Lunar Revel skins were included in a previous patch. Tuesday release date, perhaps?

Ward Skins

  • Heartseeker Ward - 640 RP

New Summoner Icons

  • Sweetheart Tibbers icon - ??? RP / ???? IP (might be special, like a gift; will need to check.)
  • Nemesis Bravery icon - Special (Nemesis Draft - play a game of Nemesis Draft, and this is rewarded if you did NOT dodge any N.D. lobby)
  • Masked Teemo 2015 icon 1 - Special (Lunar Revel)
  • Masked Teemo 2015 icon 2 - Special? (might be available in the store)

Champions - Texture Rebalances
The following champions are receiving texture rebalances for most (if not all) of their skins:

  • Fiddlesticks
  • Kennen
  • Mordekaiser
  • Veigar

Champions - General

  • Ahri is getting a few nerfs. Orb of Deception's mana cost is up, and Fox-Fire's range and base damage are down.
  • Azir's soldiers' attack range is being cut down, Conquering Sands' Base Damage is down, and Arise! lost a third of its damage on turrets.
  • Diana got a small buff to her Pale Cascade - the spheres now spin around Diana much faster than before. Click here to view
  • Fiddlesticks got a pretty minute nerf to his Drain range.
  • Gnar nerfed again - he spends less time in Mega Gnar, and he must wait longer before he can build Rage afterward.
  • Gragas had the slow on his Barrel Roll strengthened (now 60% at rank 5)
  • Kassadin's Null Sphere lost 10 base damage.
  • Kennen's Electrical Surge now shocks enemies who are in his Slicing Maelstrom, even if they aren't marked yet.
  • Rengar's Bonetooth Necklace (Yellow) gains a new upgrade at 20 stacks or with the Head of Kha'ZIx: it will store wards via charge system (up to two charges), gaining one charge every 60 seconds.
  • Sona has had a few base stat changes (NOTE: This change will be reverted in a hotfix later on)
  • Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck buildup now applies to towers (the bonus damage will not trigger, however).
  • Varus's Chain of Corruption now has a greater missile width, making it easier to hit
  • Zyra's plants now have a range indicator visible to Zyra and her allies.

Champions - Insignificant Stuff
The following champions are receiving minor changes this patch, mainly bug fixes:

  • Annie
  • Cassiopeia
  • Diana
  • Katarina
  • Kennen
  • Nidalee
  • Twisted Fate
  • Udyr

Locked Screen offset
There is a new option in the menu that allows you to offset locked screen based on whether you're on the blue or the purple side. This offset will be turned on by default.

Items - Trinkets

  • Greater Stealth Totem now holds up to two charges and gains one every 60 seconds.
  • Farsight Orb now drops a visible ward at the target area. This thing lasts for one minute and has only 1 HP.
  • Oracle's Lens joins the other upgraded trinkets at 250 gold to upgrade, down from 475.

Items - General

  • Spectre's Cowl is the only affected item this patch outside of trinkets, it got a 50% buff to the regen that triggers on taking damage from enemy champions.

Summoner's Rift

  • Baron Nashor can no longer be walked through even if your champion ignores unit collision.

New Featured Game Mode - Nemesis Draft
Pretty straightforward this time around. You pick the champions for the ENEMY team!

  • There is still a ban phase beforehand.
  • The timer after all champions have been selected has been increased to 60 seconds to allow for comp arrangement.
  • Dodge penalties have been strengthened for Nemesis Draft (minimum 30 minutes, up to 2 hours for 3rd dodge)
  • Summoners who do not dodge any match of Nemesis Draft (played at least one game) will receive a special Summoner Icon at event's end

In-Client Match History
The match history has been expanded to include the last twenty games, and has detailed information mostly seen on the website. I've taken screenshots to give you a better idea of what this is about.





That's it!
Lots of nice little things coming out this patch. The next featured game mode is here though! Are you ready to play champions that are out of your personal comfort zone? I know I am. Bring on the Fiddlesticks. Pls don't ty

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Don't hold me to this but I've caught a rumor that Fizz is on the scope for a potential rework sometime down the road. To quote someone on a public chat, "he's basically a bruiser that you can not kill or even peel off your carry without lots of team dedication and coordination".

There are champs that are in greater need of a rework, such as Mordekaiser, Poppy, Vladimir, etc. before Fizz can be so much as thought about.

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I don't think the lunar revel skins are being released on tuesday, maybe it will, but chinese new year will be on the 19th of february this year, maybe on the 19th? Have no idea, just my prediction

Riot said they had intended to release them during 5.2
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