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Aight motherfuckers Veigar's gotten his little rework on PBE and while I'm not good at writing official shit I'll try to put in my own words

Firstly, his Q; far better now. Has a Lux Q effect in that it can pierce through a single enemy so he can grab 2 minions at once giving him some nice sexy increased farm. Range also appears better, and it's a skillshot now so you can actually pick off running scrubs that you can't see. Apparently the cooldown's lower at lower levels but not as low at higher levels so it's more consistent but less snowballish all game, a change that I don't mind at all considering that I love everything else about this.

W's claimed to have no changes but it appears a little faster to me, eh anyway

E's been arguably nerfed but IMO it's just a lot fairer now. The radius of the horizon is fucking gigantic so you can hit it from further away and it's better at catching multiple enemies now, which, combined with his piercing Q means Veig overall has some more multiple target options now if you play him right. It also means that, combined with his new Q range he can play a lot safer early game if he choses. The big thing is that there's a 0.75 second delay that means the enemy has a small window of time to react, but it's hilariously large now so it's easier to catch them with it if you predict their movement in advance, and still has that domineering presence even when it's not up so it's fairer to both sides and actually requires some skill now.

R apparently got an AP ratio nerf but the cooldown is lower like with his early-game Q so that means Veig's sacrificing a little bit of his humongous power to have some more consistent damage throughout the game, another change with I'm completely fine with.

Overall Veig definetely has a higher skillcap now (if not all that high still); play your cards right, you can kick ass left and right and possibly flip the birdie at old Veigar, though misplay also means less damage than old Veigy. He's more fair to both sides, is more interesting to face and has more options, reliability and consistency damage plus faster Q farming so now while it feels like R nerf makes him deal less he can probably scale up a LOT quicker, which is essentially the trade-off for DFG

of course I'm a shit player so we'll see if I can actually still be good at him like I was but I definetely think these changes are for the better and makes his game a whole lot more interesting

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I'll comment on Veigar's W, having play tested him yesterday; and I will say that it is much better than the old iteration.

One of the biggest problems of Veigar's W was it's absurd mana cost, which made it difficult to use properly with builds that didn't involve extra Mana, such as Archangel's Staff or Rod of Ages. Now that it gets 20 off its mana cost at rank 5, he can now use it as a poke/zone tool and ingredient to his burst immediately afterward when he catches someone out with his stun.

The fact that it now also has a lower Cooldown at rank 5 also helps in terms of poking/zoning. Baleful Strike also is a somewhat feasible poking tool now, although I would stick with Dark Matter as it is much better in that regard.

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Ideally, you shouldn't really be poking them at all unless there isn't a minion nearby; you either take them down in 2 E combos during laning phase or you wait around for a while. Without E, Q's easier to land on them anyways, and you should be busy farming with that

especially now that it can hit 2 at once.

If you're trying to use W for anything outside of E aside from zoning/pressure/lucky kills I'd giggle

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Jungle I always, always try to counter-gank if I can get there, at the very least I can usually clean up weak opponents. Mid it depends on wards and how far ahead/behind I am

If there's not enough wards then I won't be able to react to the gank in time to counter. If I'm too far behind then I'll probably just end up feeding a kill. And if I'm a bit ahead I may try to take their tower while they're gone, especially if they're doing badly enough I think they'll end up just dying

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So, just a question to those who frequent jungle or mid, what is your opinion on counter-ganking/roaming bot when your opposing jungle/laner goes there?

Do you do it often? If bot dies, who should take the responsibility?

Use wards. If they're already down there mopping up kills, you are not helping by slowly trudging down bot lane when you could have taken or gotten close to taking the tower. If you see them going, clear the wave as soon as possible if its pushed and roam after them. Otherwise, your wasting your time.

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So, just a question to those who frequent jungle or mid, what is your opinion on counter-ganking/roaming bot when your opposing jungle/laner goes there?

Do you do it often? If bot dies, who should take the responsibility?

from a mid's perspective:

It comes down to the mid in question and whether not i see the enemy jungler well before he even gets close to bot lane.

For example, with a champion like Fizz you should head down there quickly, while a champ like Ziggs probably shouldn't leave land outside of tossing an ult unless dragon is involved. And if the jungler is already bot before you leave lane, don't bother unless Dragon is at risk or you can bag someone easily.

If the bot lane dies in such a scenario, then why is it the mid or jungler's fault? The bot lane got caught out, and that's not the doing of anyone else on the team. They shoulda warded.

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Hi Veigar main here.

These new changes were put in place to appeal to bad players who are unaware of how to deal with Veigar, much like other pubstompers such as Katarina or Akali. The reason Veigar isn't played so much as them, however, is because he doesn't have the capability to 1v5. He's a single target burst mage and that's it.

These changes are actually really unfair and have completely castrated Veigar anywhere beyond high gold. His targeted Q and E > W > Q combos were his only means of harassing and trading in lane.

In lower elos, people will not be smart enough to abuse minions to shield themselves against Veigar's skillshot Q, in turn changing it into a plain bad ability. The reason it works for lux is because she has her E to reliably harass with, AND her Q snares while veigar's Q only gives him some bonus AP.

His E being given a delay have completely fucked Veigar over in at least midlane, where assassins with instant blinks are en masse. If you as a player have anywhere near a decent reaction speed, then 0.75 seconds is enough to never, ever get hit by his stun. However worse players may of course not be fast enough for this. Veigar will, as a result, be an Urgot or Gangplank tier pick which simply can not deal with the powercreeped kits of all the high tier champions in higher elo, but like any other champion will work fine in lower elos.

These changes were completely uncalled for because, besides stabbing veigar in the dick by removing DFG, you can very easily buy mercs in lane and a banshee's lategame to have Veigar become a non factor to you. If you've never played as Veigar against someone who rushed mercs, or against a team who all got banshee's, then you don't really have a clue how completely balanced and "muh counterplay"ayable Veigar was.

TL;DR Meddler is gold 1, Morello is Silver 4 and thus their balancing is only for the good of equally bad players.

Enjoy even less diversity in the viability of mid's champion pool.

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godamnit i've been playing this whole time against people who didn't even run those

i'm immediately reminded of the game where i was facing a braum with his adc and he took fucking ninja tabi instead of mercs

yeah i'm probably screwed

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