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MRC's nostalgia playthrough [rules and set-up]


Poll ad "MRC's nostalgia Reborn run": Starters  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Besides the shiny Cyndaquil I just managed to breed, which Pokemon should I choose as starter in a Gen I-III themed nostalgia-run? (I will not chose Gen III starters)

    • Bulbasaur
    • Totodile
    • No other starter (in this case I would chose Cyndaquil and replace it with the one I bred)
    • "Randomise starter" (within the restrictions)

This poll is closed to new votes

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Ladies and gentlemen!

I hereby present you the thread to my newest run - one themed a nostalgia run.

Like probably most of us, I grew up during the early generations of Pokemon, my first games being the blue version and the gold version.

On the latter, I reached my first milestones, the most notable being getting my first Pokemon to level 100. It was my old friend Typhlosion.

Now going into the details of every milestone and all the fun I had during the first two generations of Pokemon would be too much to cover in this post.

I was still heavily involved when Pokemon Ruby came around, and that was probably the first game where I really got into trying to complete that Pokedex as far as possible, trading the get what was exclusive to Sapphire or Fire Red/Leaf Green. And I did it. (As far as it was possible without cheating)


After that, things got a bit slow, and while I still enjoyed Diamond and Pearl and played the 5th generation as well, those and the following ones just weren't the same. (Actually, I haven't played S/M or US/UM at all)

And I'm not really a fan of Arceus and all the hype around it (#TeamMew - although Lugia is my favorite legendary)


And as the nostalgia hit me some time ago, I decided that I was gonna do a run on Reborn to remember and honor that time.


Obviously, there are rules to this run:



1) The only Pokemon I will be allowed to use in battle are those of the generations I-III, with the exception of forms or additions to the evolution line that came later, but are based on a Pokemon of those generations. This means, Alola-forms are allowed. Mega-Evolutions are allowed. Baby pokemon are allowed (Happiny, Munchlax,...) as well as added evolutions (Roserade, Gliscor,...).


2) I am allowed to catch Pokemon that are not covered by the first rule, if:

  • the are shiny
  • the are event-pokemon and/or have limited availability
  • the are required as part of a ingame-trade for a Pokemon I can use


3) The pokemon MUST NOT be in my team at any point except for the shortest possible time from the nearest computer if I trade them with a NPC. If freshly caught, they must be deposited as soon as possible and I have to ensure that they will not battle anyone.


4) There are no restrictions on items, moves or abilities.



I believe I have covered the essentials.


At this point, this run is still in the "set-up" phase. Uni is very time-intensive right now and I want to make this an experience all of you can follow and enjoy with me properly, therefore it will take some time to get things started.


However, there is something you can do to take part in this before the run has even started.

Initially I had planned on choosing Cyndaquil as my starter (for obvious reasons) and just going from there. Things changed a bit when I just managed to breed a shiny Cyndaquil - the first shiny I've EVER bred.

Even though I'm not sure what I think about shiny Typhlosion yet (mainly because the pictures I found of it don't match the sprite it has now - I believe it's shiny form was changed at least one or two times), I will use that one.

That being said, I will still have to choose a starter at the beginning of the game, therefore I have created a poll for you to vote.


Yours truly,



(also, I apologise for any mistakes in advance as English isn't my mother tongue)

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Not gonna lie, I only just realised that I could just randomise my starter and take whatever fitting Pokemon comes up first!
That being said, the poll is running and I'll stick to it. Right now, it looks to be a close one between Bulbasaur and Totodile!


I'm not sure how long until I close the poll, but for now, it'll stay open. However, I will delete the three answers with the least votes and add the "randomise" option.


Everyone can feel free to share this as I believe the more voters, the better.

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