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Team Review Request


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I mentioned this in another thread but the Wasteland gym is wrecking my crap hard. I think now's a good time to give up on the team I'm rolling right now and make some serious changes so I can progress with the plot. Suggestions are welcome.


Edited by rwbonesy
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Hello there man. If I remember right, Aya is the leader at wasteland. As she uses poison pokemon and makes a good use of the wasteland terrain, I would suggest you using Psychic and ground pokemon. If I'm not mistaken, you can get Espurr soon in the game (before Julia) it's really strong and fast, can help you a lot against she

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First of all, you have some unusual choices - I like that.

That being said, Noctowl just doesn't cut it, it doesn't have great stats. (It may do alright in the poison gym, but I'd kick it right after.


Cofragigus and Blaziken I'd definitely keep. 


Granbull may be a fairy type, but it doesn't have great stats either AND it's extremely vulnerable to poison. I'd say, kick it as well.

If you happened to obtain an Azurill from the mystery egg, I think your team could truly benefit from Azumarill.


Edit: I approve of the recommendation of @Thundermaze - Crobat could be a really good addition!
I also think Togekiss could be very valuable (after this gym)

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Garbador is useful but only until this point..

You can get rid both Garbador and Noctowl and can grab a CROBAT instead of them(Seriously i love Crobat and i am biased as fuck but he is still very useful)

I don't wanna suggest Gardevoir or Magnezone,if i  see another Gardy/Zone suggestion i might seriously puke..but regardless two of them are great in Reborn.

Alternatively you can get Empoleon since Piplup is fairly easy to obtain(tho you are a bit far from that point of the game) and you can change Whiscash to a Excadrill,or you can get Azumarill and can cover Water/Fairy in one pokemon.

Ghost types are godsend in reborn and Cofagrigus is a good wall and has good defensive typing.

I don't know..maybe.


I can give you any mon you want via trade btw..


Good luck~

Edited by Thundermaze
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I third Crobat. Swap Noctowl for it. It is simply so useful, I highly recommend it. Extremely fast and it hits quite hard. You can find Zubat in the caves in the Wastes.


I also recommend swapping Garbador for a good Psychic type such as Meowstic. You can find Espurr in the Lapis Ward alleys.


Also, a good steel type would work wonders. I'd recommend Magneton for your team (maybe swap with Granbull until you get access to a good fairy like Clefable). You can find some Magnemite in Shade's gym (you probably encountered a bunch when you got Yamask).

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You know, I thought I was the only one who hated double typings. Glad to see I'm not alone in this!

In all seriousness, the two who would benefit the least from this fight are definitely Granbull and Noctowl. I would bench them for this fight. The first possible replacement for you would be Crobat, as recommended. However, there's a steel type I don't see many people recommending: Klinklang. You've had access to Klink for awhile, and it's ability to set up can help you defeat this leader. If those don't work, I highly recommend looking into getting one of the Nidos (even if it is a repeating type). Both are excellent in this fight.

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As much as it pains me to say this, there are only 3 fairies in the whole dex that can be useful against Aya. 1 of them is Tapu Lele, one of them is locked till the Late Game and the other is Mr. Mime... (Take a wild guess which the late game one is. you won't ever guess). Booting Granbull (sorry buddy) for a psychic type and booting Mr. Biggles and Noctowl for Crobat is a great idea (kudos @Thundermaze) Wishcash might remain useful for a bit, but I wouldn't count on it. Cofagrigus and Blaziken should stay though, those work well

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Too lazy to post an updated screenshot but assuming my team is now Klinklang, Blaziken, Crobat, Meowstic, Cofagrigus, and Whiscash and I'm right after the mirror shenanigans gym: What's a good replacement for Whiscash? If my hunch is right the random egg I got from the Police station looks like a Togepi egg so that's out as far as Azumarill is concerned I think.

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I really don't know what pokemon you could replace Whiscash, you can try Quagsire, Swampert being better than him of course. But there is a good pokemon you could use on your team, maybe replacing Cofagrigus: Mismagius. I think you can defeat it's illusion easy by now. Mismagius learns Psybeam and Shadow Ball by level, those will be really good against the next three gym leaders, it can also learn Power Gem, Mystical Fire and Magical Leaf (those last two with move relearner). Also, if you keep trying catch it for a while, it comes with Nasty Plot as egg move that can make Mismgius a good sweeper. It can be found in an event on Byxbysion. Hope it helps :D


Also, why do you hate double typings? It normally gives you more options in moves and so on, so why? 

Edited by Trufa
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A replacement for Wishcash is easy: Gastrodon. It shares the same typing, but also comes with the handy ability of Water Absorb. It also learns fantastic moves, and can learn a multitude of HMs if necessary. I highly recommend looking into it.

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