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[IC] BNWL Day 2: Trails Ablaze


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Oil Devil's Action Sequence:
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Oil Bubble] (1 hs Warmup / 2 hs Cooldown / 1 hs/panel)

2 hs: Oil Devil took 225 damage from the Giga Cannon! Oil Devil was deleted!

Enemy Deleted!


Deletion Time: 2 hs
Busting Level: S
Get Data: Oil Bubble B



Oil Devil's Action Sequence:
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Oil Bubble] (1 hs Warmup / 2 hs Cooldown / 1 hs/panel)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)

2~4 hs: Oil Devil took six hits from Tornado D, taking a total of 180 damage.
5 hs: Oil Devil took two hits from Tornado D, taking a total of 60 damage. Buzzkill took 60 damage from the bursting Oil Bubble, with the panels directly adjacent to her covered in oil. (In a cross pattern) Oil Devil was deleted!


Enemy Deleted!


Deletion Time: 5 hs
Busting Level: 9
Get Data: 300 Zenny




Mettaur's Action Sequence:
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Move: Down] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)

Canodumb A's Action Sequence:
[Wait 4 hs] (4 hs)
[Use Cannon] (2 hs Warmup / 2 hs Cooldown / Instant projectile)

Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 7 hs] (7 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)

3 hs: Mettaur, Canodumb A, and Canodumb B took 45 damage from Spreader C. Mettaur was deleted.
5 hs: Canodumb A took 6 damage from the buster spam. Canodumb A was deleted.
8 hs: Canodumb B took 6 damage from the buster spam. Canodumb B was deleted.


Enemy Deleted!


Deletion Time: 8 hs
Busting Level: 10
Get Data: Cannon C




Canodumb A's Action Sequence:
[Wait 3 hs] (3 hs)
[Use Cannon] (2 hs Warmup / 2 hs Cooldown / Instant projectile)


Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 10 hs] (10 hs)

Mettaur's Action Sequence:
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Move: Up] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)


4 hs: Canodumb A took 80 damage from Sword L! Canodumb A was deleted.


Pattern Analysis:

  • Canodumbs don't move.
  • Canodumbs will use Cannon as soon as you enter their line of sight.
  • Mettaurs wait 1 hs before they move in consideration to your current location

  • Mettaurs always attempts to move into your row. They can only move up and down.

  • Mettaurs will keep waiting until the Mettaur before them is either done attacking or deleted.

  • Mettaurs use Shockwave once they share the same row as you. It's probably never going to hit anyway, with how slow it is.


(The Shockwave on the left still has one more hs left before it moves into the next panel. The Shockwave on the right will move into the next panel in the next hs)


HP Status:
Orenucu: 300/300 [First Barrier]
Mettaur: 40/40
Canodumb B: 50/50


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Predictive Mode

Chips Selected: Recovery 80 B

[Move: Right, Up] 2 hs
[Wait] 1 hs
[Move: Up] 1 hs
[Charge Shot: DeathWaltz.EXE] 1 hs
[Buster Spam]  3 hs
[Use: Recovery 80 B] 1 hs
[Move: Left] 1 hs
[Buster Spam] 7 hs

[Wait] 2 hs

[Buster Spam] 1 hs




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Mettaur's Action Sequence:
[Shockwave's remaining cooldown] (1 hs)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Move: Up] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)
[Wait 1 hs] (1 hs)
[Use Shockwave] (4 hs)

Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 4 hs] (4 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)


5 hs: Canodumb B took 30 damage from DeathWaltz.EXE.
7 hs: Orenucu's First Barrier took 40 damage from the Cannon and was removed!
6~8 hs: Canodumb B took a total of 27 damage from the buster spam and was deleted!
9 hs: Orenucu restored 80 HP using Recovery 80 B.
11~15 hs: Mettaur took a total of 45 damage from the buster spam and was deleted!

Enemy Deleted!

Deletion Time: 25 hs
Busting Level: 7
Get Data: Cannon A




Buzzkill and Score were bound by the sticky remains of the Oil Devil, preventing them from moving for two turns!


The Race continues, make your moves.





The Blue Diamonds are Blue Mystery Data (BMD), which contain rarer loots than usual, and can only be collected by the first Navi that reaches it! If two Navis reach a BMD at the same time, the two Navis will need to decide who gets it. (Means include Netbattling, but that sounds petty)





"Come on, we're lagging behind that purple HeelNavi!" 


"HeelNavi? ... Yeah, let's go with that. HeelNavi," Hotshot chuckled, and then ran for the next area.

[Down / Right / Down / Right x3]




"Another job well done... " GatlingMan muttered. He was almost concerned.


[Up x4]


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Mirona simply nodded in thanks, and stoically moved on. Up till now, she had been quite lucky with the viruses - and they had all been low tier. She was surely to face a more difficult virus soon; hubris, she had learnt time and time again from Axel's behavior, led to no success.

[Up 4]

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Orenucu and Hotshot entered DungeonMaintNet2.


Mirona and GatlingMan entered DungeonMaintNet3.

Vile collected 100 Zenny from the GMD.



Battle Start!





HP Status:
Vile: 260/300 [Undershirt]

Canodumb A: 50/50
Canodumb B: 50/50
Canodumb C: 50/50

Sword L | Cannon C | Spreader C | Spreader C | Slow Gauge C


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Canodumb A's Action Sequence:
[Wait 2 hs] (2 hs)

Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Use Cannon] (2 hs warmup / 2 hs cooldown / Instant projectile)

Canodumb C's Action Sequence:
[Wait 2 hs] (2 hs)

1 hs: The Canodumbs took 45 damage from the Spreader C!
2 hs: The Canodumbs took 45 damage from the Spreader C and were deleted! Triple Delete!



Enemy Deleted!


Deletion Time: 2 hs
Busting Level: S
Get Data: Cannon C




Score and Buzzkill were still immobilized! (One turn left)












"We're almost there. I think."


[Right x4 / Up x4 / Right / Left]




"Moving in. The black viruses won't be getting in the way. It's like whoever placed them threw them around in a panic."


"I figured as much so. No need to collect the data, either."


[Up x2 / Right x2 / Down / Right x2 (Forced) / Up / Right x2]



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Hotshot got 100 Zenny from the GMD.


The Oil Devils took their moves...









Battle Start!






HP Status:

Vile: 260/300 [Undershirt]
Canodumb: 50/50
Swordy A: 90/90
Swordy B: 90/90


Wide Sword L | Sword L | Area Grab L | Cannon C | Cannon D






HP Status:
Mirona: 300/300 [Undershirt]

Canodumb A: 50/50
Canodumb B: 50/50
Swordy: 90/90

Recovery 80 B | Cannon D | Air Shot * | Fast Gauge B | Slow Gauge C





HP Status:
Orenucu: 300/300 [First Barrier]
Canodumb A: 50/50
Canodumb B: 50/50
Swordy: 90/90


Attack +10 * | Vulcan 1 D | Wide Sword L | Spreader C | Vulcan 1 D


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In all honesty Orenucu would have had a smug grin on its face if his operator had bothered to model an actual face for it when it was being made, as he quickly realized that a combination of the chips he had just obtained and the positioning of the virii meant that he was really in no actual danger, and that in fact he could pull off a rather splendid triple delete if he could only....

Either way he decided to simply tell his operator to "Watch this!" before he didn't leap into the fray.


Prediction Mode

Chips Selected: Attack +10 *, Spreader C

[Buster spam]  4 hs

[Use: Attack +10, Spreader C] 1 hs

[Buster Spam] 7 hs

[Wait] remaining hs

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"Viruses seem to be increasing in difficulty." Mirona analysed. "Proceeding to combat."

She wouldn't be able to bust these as quickly as the others, partially due to the large health pool, and partly because of the chip selection. Tch, she'll just have to try her best.


Prediction Mode

Chip Selected: Cannon D, Airshot *


[Use: Cannon D, Airshot *] 2hs

[Use: Buster 6 times] 3hs

[Move: Left] 1hs

[Use: Buster 4 times] 2hs

[Move: Up] 1hs

[Use: Buster 4 times] 2hs 

[Move: Down 2] 2 hs

[Use: Buster 4 times] 2hs

[Move: Up 2] 2hs

[Use: Buster 4 times] 2hs

[Move: Down] 1 hs



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Swordy A's Action Sequence:
[Move: Down-Down] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (1 hs Warmup / 1 hs Cooldown)
[Use Wide Sword] (1 hs Warmup / 1 hs Cooldown)

[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Area Grab] (0 hs)
[Move: Left-Left] (2 hs)

Swordy B's Action Sequence:
[Move: Up-Down] (2 hs) (Blocked by Area Grab!)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Area Grab] (0 hs)
[Move: Left] (1 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)

2 hs: Swordy B took 10 damage from the Area Grab.
4~10 hs: Swordy A took 42 damage from buster spam.


Pattern Analysis:

  • Swordies attempt to move into your row. If they can't do that, they will move forward and try again. Repeat until they can't go forward anymore. Then they attack.
  • When Swordies attack, they will use Long Sword or Wide Sword depending on which can hit you. If both can or can't, they will pick one of the two randomly and alternate between the two in rapid succession.
  • If you're out of a Swordy's reach completely (it cannot put you within the range of its Wide Sword and Long Sword) and it has whiffed three attacks in meantime, it will use one Area Grab.
  • Swordies can only use one Area Grab per battle.


(Swordy B's Wide Sword will hit on the first hs. Moving left wouldn't allow you to avoid it, as moving left takes a whole hs to complete)

HP Status:
Vile: 260/300 [Undershirt]
Swordy A: 48/90
Swordy B: 80/90


Custom Gauge: 50% (10 hs left! Keep in mind that you can end a prediction mode early by going into custom screen when the the gauge is filled up again)




Swordy's Action Sequence:
[Move: Left-Left]

[Use Long Sword] (1 hs Warmup / 1 hs Cooldown)
[Use Wide Sword] (1 hs Warmup / 1 hs Cooldown)


Canodumb A's Action Sequence:
[Wait 5 hs] (5 hs)

Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 5 hs] (5 hs)

1~2 hs: Swordy took 18 damage from the buster spam.
3~4 hs: Swordy's Long Sword dealt 50 damage to Orenucu's First Barrier and removed it. Swordy took another 18 damage from the buster spam.
5 hs: Swordy, Canodumb A, and Canodumb B all took 60 damage from the Spreader! They were all deleted. Triple Delete!



Enemy Deleted!

Deletion Time: 5 hs
Busting Level: S
Get Data: Long Sword L




Swordy's Action Sequence:
[Move: Left] (1 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (1 hs Warmup / 1 hs Cooldown)


Canodumb A's Action Sequence:
[Wait 10 hs] (10 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)
[Wait 3 hs] (3 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)


Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 13 hs] (13 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)
[Wait 3 hs] (3 hs)



1 hs: Swordy took 60 damage from the Cannon.
2 hs: Swordy took 30 damage from the Air Shot and was deleted.
10~11 hs: Canodumb A took 12 damage from the buster spam.
12 hs: Mirona took 40 damage from Canodumb A's Cannon.
14~15 hs: Canodumb B took 12 damage from the buster spam.
16 hs: Mirona took 40 damage from Canodumb B's Cannon.
18~19 hs: Canodumb A took 12 damage from the buster spam.
20 hs: Mirona took 40 damage from Canodumb A's Cannon.

[Custom Screen]

HP Status:
Mirona: 180/300 [Undershirt]
Canodumb A: 26/50
Canodumb B: 38/50

Recovery 80 B | Air Shot * | Attack +10 * | Fast Gauge B | Slow Gauge C 


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Mirona shook her head irritated at her own mistakes. She had grossly mistimed her shots, and her calculations went awry.

She had to get this right.


Prediction Mode

Chip Selected: Attack+10 *, Airshot *, Recovery B


[Use: Recovery B] 1hs

[Move: Down] 1hs

[Use: Airshot *, Attack+10 *] 1hs

[Move: Up 2] 2hs

[Use: Buster 2 times] 1hs

[Move: Down] 1hs

[Move: Up] 1hs

[Use: Buster 8 times] 4hs

[Move: Down] 1hs

[Wait] 7hs



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Swordy A's Action Sequence:
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)

[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)


Swordy B's Action Sequence:
[Wide Sword's remaining cooldown] (1 hs)

[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Wide Sword] (2 hs)
[Use Long Sword] (2 hs)

1 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Wide Sword!
2 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Long Sword! Swordy A took 6 damage from Vile's buster.
4 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Long Sword! Swordy A took 6 damage from Vile's buster.
5 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Wide Sword!

6 hs: Swordy A took 6 damage from Vile's buster.
8 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Long Sword! Swordy A took 6 damage from Vile's buster.
9 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Wide Sword, but the Under Shirt left him with 1 HP!
11 hs: Vile took 50 damage from the Long Sword! Vile lost all of his HP!


... The viruses gobbled up chunks of Vile's data, before leaving a meager remainder of him on the floor.



You're now stunned for two turns. You can either wait it out (at the end of which you'll be given half of your HP back), or jack out now, forcing you to redo the dungeon.




Canodumb A's Action Sequence:

[Cannon's remaining cooldown] (1 hs)
[Wait 5 hs] (4 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)
[Use Cannon] (4 hs)


Canodumb B's Action Sequence:
[Wait 2 hs] (2 hs)

[Use Cannon] (4 hs)



1 hs: Mirona used Recovery 80 B and restored 80 HP to herself.
3 hs: Canodumb B took 45 damage from the Air Shot and was deleted!
6 hs: Canodumb A took 6 damage from the buster spam.
9~12 hs: Mirona took 40 damage from the Cannon. Canodumb A took 24 damage from the buster spam and was deleted!


Enemy Deleted!

Deletion Time: 32 hs
Busting Level: 1
Get Data: 150 Zenny




The Race continues... Score and Buzzkill were no longer stunned!















"Tch. These Swordies are getting on my nerves. Hotshot, are you okay?"


"Yeah. Can't say the same about the HeelNavi, though," Hotshot smirked, as she noticed Vile getting shredded by a rogue pack of Swordies.

[Up x3 / Right x5 / Up x2 (Forced)]



(Takes 100 damage from a set of two Swordies and one Canodumb. Gets 200 Zenny.)





"Entering Area 4."


[Up / Right x3 (Forced) / Right / Up / Right x2]

(Takes 50 damage from a set of a Canodumb, a Swordy, and a Mettaur. Gets a Wide Sword S)

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"Mirona, you 'right?" Axel's piped up.

"Yes." Mirona said briskly, irritated by her own performance. "Moving to capture data."


[Up / Right x3 (Forced) / Right / Up / Up x2 (Forced)]

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The Oil Devils took their moves...


Buzzkill entered DungeonMaintNet2!


Kenji entered DungeonMaintNet4!


Score got Shockwave R from the GMD!














Orange NPCs: Guard Units

Black "O": ???

"Prog": Mr. Prog. Pass by to interact. (May provide information)

Red Tile: Boss Tile. Triggers a boss battle if you land on it. (You can't go any further beyond this tile!)


From the distance, GatlingMan could see a slender, pure black figure. He had a huge eye protruding out of his liquid-like body. He seemed to be engaging several orange NormalNavis, likely the technicians that were supposed to be working on the outage.



Battle Start!




[Custom Screen]


HP Status:
Score: 320/400 [Undershirt]
Mettaur A: 40/40
Mettaur B: 40/40
Canodumb: 50/50


Tornado D | Recovery 80 B | Vulcan 1 D | Wide Sword L | Recovery 80 B




[Custom Screen]


Terrain Info: Oil (Panels with a black trail over them) - Like Ice, it repeats the movement action you used to enter an Oil Panel until you are no longer on it or you cannot move any further. Be sure to keep this quirk in mind, or a chunk of your action sequence won't be processed due to them being beyond the given timeframe! The Oil can simply be removed by having a Fire element projectile or attack used over them; this will set off a chain reaction, raising flames over every Oil Panel connected and dealing 50 damage.

HP Status:
Orenucu: 300/300 [First Barrier]
Swordy: 90/90
Mettaur A: 40/40
Mettaur B: 40/40

Recovery 80 B | Cannon D | Recovery 80 B | Fast Gauge B | Spreader C





Terrain Info: Oil (Panels with a black trail over them) - Like Ice, it repeats the movement action you used to enter an Oil Panel until you are no longer on it or you cannot move any further. Be sure to keep this quirk in mind, or a chunk of your action sequence won't be processed due to them being beyond the given timeframe! The Oil can simply be removed by having a Fire element projectile or attack used over them; this will set off a chain reaction, raising flames over every Oil Panel connected and dealing 50 damage.


HP Status:
Mirona: 220/300 [Undershirt]
Canodumb A: 50/50
Canodumb B: 50/50
Canodumb C: 50/50


Spreader C | Fast Gauge B | Cannon D | Vulcan 1 D | Area Grab L


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