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Best awnsers to improving my team


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I think my team is almost ok (I'm in Iolia Valley) , but I need some psychic and water pokes ,maybe a z-move user & mega, and maybe some moveset changes. (And I have a USELESS greninja)




This thing is just OP and his moveset is obvious...



Somehow the best on the team with these moves:


Iron Head






A quite weak, maybe I will switch to a Amoongus

Toxic Spikes



Giga Drain



"(Pokémon) flinched and can't move!"


Dazzling Gleam

Air Slash

Aura Sphere



The thing that puts SR




Stone Miss




Flare Blitz

Shadow Bone





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I'd have thought greninja is a useful boi (if it doesnt have protean, you can use an ability capsule).

I don't see why you need a water mon tho, since you can cover water with golem and roserade me thinks

Whabout gallade or medicham for psychic/fighting coverage?

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The greninja has water pledge,smack down,extrasensory and night slash with protean, not so good (and his evs/ivs suck)


Also I have a camerupt, will be useful with mega?

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Hello, I'm very good about giving nice mons to teams but here is something:


I was never a big fan of Wobbuffet, but if it's strong to your team, keep it :P

You say you need Water and Psychic moves, well, your Greninja can have Water Pulse and Extrasensory by lvl up, you could also teach it Scald and/or Surf through machines that can already be found in the game. Wouldn't be useless anymore I think.

I'm really big fan of Roserade, yours have a lot of EVs in Attack that don't make it strong. Also, here on Reborn as we don't have access to sludge bomb, poison attacks are not so effective on it, you could consider using a crobat with cross poison. Other option is breeding one Roserade with HP and extrasensory. Techinician Ability + Magical Leaf makes it a really realiable grass pokemon.


Hope it helped ^^

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Umm can i suggest a Trick Room team?

Cofagrigus or Reinunclus as Trick room user,and Alolan Marowak as the primary physical wallbreaker,

Alolan Golem could work well in Trick Room team too,

Maybe you can catch Foongus to further it's use,

A slow Water poke like Empoleon could work well too,

Gigalith and Hippowdown are good choices either,

It would be hard to pull of perfectly but it would be something different that's for sure~


Edit:Also Camerupt could do wonders in a Trick Room team~

And never forget Slowbro....

Edited by Thundermaze
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turning Roserade into a Technician Railcannon is always a good idea. HP + Megical Leaf just works, no questions asked.

Gallade should help, but Ralts is late game locked.

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4 big points stand out to me:

  • You're MUCH too far away from having a z or mega ring to be planning for such things with your current team.  When you are close enough to acquiring one that it's worth training something up that's compatible with them, your option set will be vastly expanded and you should draw from that pool of candidates.  In Reborn it is much more useful to focus on what is available to you in the here and now, and preferably as low-hanging fruit given the likelihood of any given team element becoming obsolete later.
  • Your Golem's EVs are allocated terribly.  You can do the math with Pokemon's damage formula and your own IV allotment to figure out optimal bulk allocations with the remaining EVs, and you missed the mark by a ton (in fact, yours is strictly dominated).  The obvious 252 hp / 4 defense grants 0.1% increased physical bulk with the "convenient" side effect of a 22.4% special bulk increase.  If your chopping of all EVs into defense is intended to signify that you don't care about special bulk whatsoever and seek only to optimize for the physical, then the correct answer is 136 hp / 120 defense, which will grant you +1.1% physical bulk and +11.8% special bulk.  If that was the case, notice the ludicrously steep diminishing returns at which you trade the 2 off (about 10x in percentage change) and reconsider about sole-physical optimization.
  • I'm not a fan of your Roserade set at all.  The redundancy of having both toxic and t-spikes is obvious, and venoshock is way too much setup for the amount of payoff it yields.  Venoshock is also a "win more" in that it only gets the good payoff against things which your Roserade is already strong against, making it utterly useless against the things it wasn't (namely poison and steel types).  Sludge bomb -> sludge bomb is also even more damage than toxic -> venoshock!  So this doesn't hold up on a lot of levels.  My suggestion is to run technician on it instead, then change the moveset to t-spikes / hidden power (ice) / giga drain / sludge bomb.  It's a trivial change to make (requires only 2 TMs that you guaranteed possess given that they come from gym leaders), it gives you a much wider array of coverage, better damage per turn, the ability to get in there from turn 1 without setup, and retains t-spikes for the match-ups where those just win the game by themselves.  You still even do alright at poisoning your (immediate) targets with sludge bomb's 30% chance.  The fact that by pure luck your HP type is such a good one is not to be overlooked!  Also obviously when you have a chance, friendship berries will let you retrain all those attack EVs into a more useful stat (honestly both hp and speed are useful).
  • Care to show Togekiss specs?  They kind of do matter.  Your team is very high in physical bulk, but Togekiss is the lynch pin of any special bulk given its natural stat spread.  Not that you can't work without a special tank, but it would be convenient if it wasn't optimized purely for speed/power, and I definitely wouldn't give any consideration to physical bulk on it (judging by your nature choice, it seems you have?).

I wouldn't worry about picking up types just to have them.  That's kind of silly if you think about it.  You already have a more-or-less complete coverage set with what you've got (better with HP ice Roserade) and a useful array of resistance combinations.  Also I second that you're are playing the right 6 and should leave Greninja on the bench.  It's scant in utility until you can TM it to know icy wind and grass knot.  Its low on both bulk and power and only really an effective Pokemon based on broad protean coverage.  When the dumb bots you're playing against can't figure out when to switch anyway, that mitigates its advantage and leaves its downsides untouched.

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From your team (which btw great job at representing the less commonly used 'mon, no kidding, it actually looks like a really effective team), I would change 2 things.


1. Swap Golem for Swampert. Golem isn't that great offensively while Swampert and has more well rounded defenses and a much better typing. Plus it fills the water type requirement and a mega when that stone comes around. Something like:

Swampert @Water Plate/Ground Plate

Jolly Nature

Waterfall (where you are at Surf will do until you get it)


Hammer Arm

Stealth Rock (until you have access to the move tutor Toxic should do)


EDIT: Just realized you don't get Mudkip 'til late game, so keep Golem for now. You don't need Greninja on your team.


2. I'd give Roserade Technician. And then make 2 moveset changes to compliment.

Swap Giga Drain for Magic Leaf. Roserade isn't really the bulkiest and should get enough heal to survive with Black Sludge.

Swap Toxic Spikes for HP Fire/Ice. I find Toxic to be better in most situations, but if you're running Toxic on Swampert, you could get away with Toxic Spikes.


And finally, come late game you could always swap that Wobbuffet of yours for a Gallade.

Edited by Dragoknight
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@Titania Sorry, you seem to deep understand how things work. But if I'm not mistaken, TM Sludge Bomb is not available yet on Reborn. At least I didn't find it on my last gameplay (I played E17 as soon as it launched, so I didn't play on Public Release). If it's availabe, please tell me where to get, I really need it on my Roserade. Maybe you are confusing with TM Sludge Wave which can't be learn by Roserade (unfortunately).

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I will highly suggest an Amoonguss. Given that you're team is rather slow and has some setup moves amoonguss can become an interesting pivot. Being a slow spore setter means that on the switch the sleep is guarantueed and that the following turn(s) has a good chance to go unhindered. Getting that nasty plot/sword dance becomes a lot easier. So many gyms fell to the power of that strat. Clear smog can also be used to get rid of pesky boosts comming from seeds which Ame uses a lot. Certain a good utility moon.


For that psychic pokemon getting Alolan raichu or a trick room setter like Reuneclis might be interesting. Your team is slow so getting trick room can be very beneficial. Alolan raichu as a speedy offensive pokemon can cover for the low speed of your team or cripple with a nuzzle/thunder wave (combines with togekiss pretty well). If you get far enough you can make it your Z-move user.

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1 hour ago, Trufa said:

@Titania Sorry, you seem to deep understand how things work. But if I'm not mistaken, TM Sludge Bomb is not available yet on Reborn. At least I didn't find it on my last gameplay (I played E17 as soon as it launched, so I didn't play on Public Release). If it's availabe, please tell me where to get, I really need it on my Roserade. Maybe you are confusing with TM Sludge Wave which can't be learn by Roserade (unfortunately).

You caught me!  Whoopsie!  It'd just been long enough since I played the early part of the game that I mixed up which TM Aya gave out.  Sorry :(

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