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New League Team Of Buttkick.


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At a glace.




I wanted to make the best team i could. So i started with one of my fave bulky Pokemon. Gliscor.

I know it's an offensive set.


Stalling time. Cuz we have the stalling queen. Thanks to the Eviolite. One of if not the best item in all of Pokemon. With Stealth Rock and Weather screw up to boost. And healing move. As with any one of these buggers it's gonna take some time to take her down. And Nature Cure to get rid of poison on it.


More Eviolite Toxic stallers please! This Duck Of Death will stall as much as The Queen of stalling. True taunt can fudge him it her thing up just as much as The Queen Of Stalling. But i can switch out to fix that. Plus i don't see many use taunt anymore. But with Magic Coat this thing will be great in battle.


Basic scarfer. Not much more to say.


More scarfing with some Ice Punch. And Bullet Punch.


Moxie Dancer. With Focus Sash to get a free Dragon Dance or to take an Ice Shard.


Darmanitan did most nothing in the battles i had before this. So replace with a Speed Boost Blaziken. WIN! He almost Sweeped the other guy in one of the battle i had. So yeah.

In depth~


Alucard@Toxic Orb(M)


Trait:Poison Heal.

EVs:HP 252. Defense 252.

Moveset:Earthquake. U-turn. Swords Dance. Substitute.

Sword Dance set up with sub to stall for more HP. And U-turn to get out if needed.


Clever Name@Eviolite.(F)


Trait:Natural Cure.

EVs:HP 252. Defense 138. Special Defense 120.

Moveset:Toxic. Softboiled. Stealth Rock. Sunny Day.



Death Duck@Eviolite.(N)



EVs:HP 252. Defense 120. Special Defense 138.

Moveset:Magnet Rise. Recover. Toxic. Magic Coat.

Magnet Rise to troll ground types. Magic Coat to troll Spaers.


Gigan@Life orb.(M)


Trait:Speed Boost.

EVs:Speed 252. Attack 252. HP 4.

Moveset:Protect. Blaze Kick. Brave Bird. Brick Break.

One Protect and.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WVyY7dMFt4


Meta Knight@Choice Scarf.(N)


Trait:Clear Body.

EVs:Speed 252. Attack 252. HP 4.

MoveSet:Bullet Punch. Zen Headbutt. Ice Punch. Earthquake.

Scarf. That's all i can say.


GREEN!@Focus Sash.(M)



EVs:Speed 252. Attack 252. HP 4.

Moveset:Dragon Dance. Outrage. Aqua Tail. Aerial Ace.

Oh Ice Shard. My focus Sash trolls you hard. And then. AN OUTRAGE. With Moxie i can sweep i hole team with one click. If i am very lucky but i will KO one pokemon most likely.

Last Notes:I will not register until i get some feed back on this team. So bring it on with the feedback.

Edited by rotomfan63
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You might wanna go back and fix the sprites in there. Check the RMT guidelines for resources on sprites.

Last Notes:I will not register until i get some feed back on this team. So bring it on with the feedback.

You won't get feedback until you add a detailed description for each Pokemon.

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i think having a choice metagross is a bad idea when he has acsses to agility. I think its agility, or maybe rock polish or automatize. point is, is that it has accses to a double speed boost. this is much better for sweeping potential.

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...One line descriptions.. Put some effort into it, will ya?

Moving on....

Aside from your Metagross/Gliscor your sets are kinda jacked. Even if you don't want to go for HJK on Blaziken, there are other strong fighting moves available. You don't really need Sunny Day on Chansey, nor do you need Aqua Tail on Salamence.

The league is gonna eat you up.

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Hey theres maximum amount of EVS is 508 and your chansey has total 510 Evs.

Hey YOu Can Use Hi Jump Kick on blaziken instead of Brick Break It is really usefull and use Stone Edge instead of Brave Bird

I rate this team mmmmmmmmm 7/10 :)

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Hey theres maximum amount of EVS is 508 and your chansey has total 510 Evs.

Hey YOu Can Use Hi Jump Kick on blaziken instead of Brick Break It is really usefull and use Stone Edge instead of Brave Bird

I rate this team mmmmmmmmm 7/10 :)

The maximum amount of EVs IS 510. It's just that only 508 of them are useful. The last 2 can't help at all.

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Hello there. Just by our normal standards, your RMT unfortunately doesn't meet those. I suggest you read the correct way that they should be done which is located in the forum.

Otherwise; the set descriptions are really poor. It's much easier to discount and not care about that Metagross set when BP and Scarf do not have synergy together and you do not have any reason for the choices.

If you don't bring up the RMT to standards and the thread continues any sort of activity you might see the thread locked.


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