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Tip of Wolfy: Trying to help others with Emotional situations.


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I speak only from slight experience, but it seems to work so far. Here is my tip on trying to help someone who needs some help emotionally.


You got two tools you need for this: you right ear and left ear. Or your eyes if you're talking via Texting or internet. Can you guess where I'm going with this? You're going to listen to music together! Jokes aside, the best way to help them is by listening and trying to understand. Listening to music together can help too tho, never underestimate the power of tunes~

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6 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

I speak only from slight experience, but it seems to work so far. Here is my tip on trying to help someone who needs some help emotionally.


You got two tools you need for this: you right ear and left ear. Or your eyes if you're talking via Texting or internet. Can you guess where I'm going with this? You're going to listen to music together! Jokes aside, the best way to help them is by listening and trying to understand. Listening to music together can help too tho, never underestimate the power of tunes~

yeah except their emotions get too overbearing and they lash out at you for not understanding then they regret it and emotional rollercoaster ensues

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but i think i do

telling someone to not be depressed/emo is like turning off an electrical appliance that's going haywire

somethings broken inside them and they cant control it

and the shock is hurting anyone who tries to help them

the broken things are all inside and around them and all they can do is watch

so the only way to help them is to find a ground type pokemon person who knows how to fix it, or at least is immune to overbearing emotions and are willing to help

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Honestly I think you're right here @Wolfox. Even if you don't know exactly what to say to help them, even if there's nothing that you could say to help them, Just having them know that they can talk to you and you'll listen to them is really comforting.

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There is a gradient of people who talk about their problems with you.


On one end of the spectrum is the person who just wants the comfort, that personal feelings that someone is there for them and understands them. Or maybe even just a place to vent.

How to help? Give a sympathetic ear.


On the other end is the person who is genuinely looking for a solution.

How to help them? Help brainstorm and provide possible solutions to the situation.


When helping someone, it helps to figure out and understand where along the spectrum the person rests and adjust responses accordingly.

Not like me- I'm the latter answer sort of person these days. I go straight from "that sucks" to "maybe you can try X or Y, with fallback solution of Z."


Good luck.

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