Wolfox Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Nicknaming Pokémon is probably one of the oldest features of the franchise, and if you ask me one of the best. Now, Nicknaming Pokémon is not always easy. Some Pokémon are just harder to nickname for some people than others. So now I ask, what are your Sigature Pokémon nicknames? Disclaimer: this is not nicknames for your Signature Pokémon, but nicknames you always.usually use. Here are a few of mine: Shiny Gardevoir = Lucina (My favorite FE Princes, if not gaming princes. she also has Blue hair. Roserade = Summer (Reference to Summer Rose, mother of Ruby Rose. Who is the Main Protagonist of RWBY) Togekiss = Flügel der Freiheit/Flügel for short (it means Wings of Freedom) Infernape = Zuko (should make sense) Emboar = Iroh (Same reason as Nape. And Iroh is chubby like Emboar) Serperior = Sniper (My first starters nickname. I just can't do anything else for it) Klefki = Key Resonator (reference to Jack Atlas and his Resonator monsters) Azumarill = Truck (It hits like a truck. nothing more to be said) Mega Charizard X = Firewall (reference to Firewall Dragon) Mega Charizard Y = Topologic (reference to Topologic Bomber Dragon) Yanmega = Heather (SHELLY!) Scolipede = Diesel (idk. I'm bad at nicknames) Samurott = Jack (Captain Jack Sparow. Samurai Jack. It writes itself) Venusaur = Fizzlebeef (the true savior of Mankind) Mimikyu = Kevin (the singer of Ghost town is called Kevin Ghost. Mimikyu is a ghost) Primarina = Azura/Shigure based on gender (FE Fates nicknames) Lycanroc Dusk = Sif (The Great GreyWolf from Dark Souls) And those are all the ones I could think of at the top of my head. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLuca Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Reveal hidden contents shiny Rhyperior => Rambo (he picked it by himself at one of pokemon rp blogs) shiny Delphox => Sadie (because Carter Kane's chronicles) shiny Sylveon => Heracles (same as Rhyperior, I had shiny Eevee with big personality) Mimikyu => Meep Lopunny => Erik Goodra => Nimbus (male), Nivea (female) Mawile => Pixie, Arlette (fear of my showdown mega Mawile) Volcarona => Desdemona Serperior => Cleopatra (female one from White, funny thing is that she has Naughty nature coincidence), Newt (male one from Black2) Empoleon => Mumble (you really ask why?) Infernape => Nazaire Meganium => Meggie Politoed => Holly Ampharos => Noel (male), Tesla (female) Wobbufett => BobbaFett Incineroar => CherryCola Decidueye => Newt (as well) Charmeleon => Zippo Charizard => Smaug Samurott => Mirami Azumarill => RiRi (because of that sound he makes in Crystal) Hydreigon => Adam (insurgence vibes intensifies) Jumpluff => PuffPuff Mew => Leviathan Noivern => Patty (female), Deidara (male) Manectric => Travolta Greninja => Shifu Meowstic => Maka (female), Soul (male) Typholsion => Gale Silvally => Gladion Aegislash => Lancelot Froslass => Angie (rejuvenation vibes intesifies) Talonflame => Fawkes Lycanroc midday => Olivia Lycanroc midnight => Kukui Alolatales => Shiron Ninetales => Kurama Heracross => Shino Floatzel => Sheldon Haxorus => Akiiba Swanna => Tiberius (male), Daisy (female) Togekiss => Arthur Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHappy Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Well, the list would go like this: Infernape - Jericho, or Y2J ( go figure ) Shiny Haxorus - Taylor Aegislash - Krivbeknih ( I know it "Kremvh" would've been more fitting, as Kremvh is the melee weapon, and Krivbeknih is the book, but it sounds better ) Lycanroc Midnight - Shepherd ( from MW2, a loose end ) Luxray - Logan ( mostly due to the hair, reminds me of Wolverine ) Dragalge - Hemlock ( the poison ) Samurott - Zeke ( from InFamous ) Garchomp - Cole ( from InFamous, also. I know he used electricity, but heck ) Archeops - Archer ( I was watching "Archer" when I was thinking for a name ) Metagross - Excelsus ( from MGR Revengeance, due to its 4 legs ) Braviary - Patriot Pidgeot - Hendricks Mandibuzz - Sephora ( From the "Alien" movie ) Lucario - Mayday ( Female ) or Richter ( Male ) Steelic - Jasmine ( Female ) or Colossus ( Male ) Swampert - Everglades And there are more, but I think these are enough. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenEric Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 i started naming my pokemon in reborn so the list is gonna be short: metagross: steelius garchomp(f): garrina a-ninetales: glacia decidueye: arrowl blaziken: fahren (as in fahrenheit) greninja: shuiren (水忍-water ninja in chinese) ghost mono: froslass: dawn (prelude of team) (has spikes) mimikyu: anna (schizophrenic orphan) decidueye: sowlemn aegislash: aegis/edgie chandelure: wisper dusknoir: dusk (end of battle) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAlert Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Sceptile - Hashirama Male Serperior/Charizard - Rhaegar Female Lycanroc - Arya/Sansa Escavelier - Lancelot Ditto - Oberyn Martell As you can see, I hate Game of Thones Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ojama Yellow Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 God - bidoof/bibarel Kiteruguma - bewear Dusty - dustox Barkus Greatus - arcanine Barkus Stachus - stoutland Raptorflakes/SATRAOTIR - staraptor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenjous Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Mine would be: Volcarona - GG - Once you click quiver dance the battle might as well be over Excadrill - MVP - whenever I have access to an excardrill in these games it always seems to do the most Greninja - Narutaod - self-explanitory Female Primarina - Soft Reset Toxicroak - Nivea - He has dry skin Swampert - GOAT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kjsylacs Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Blaziken - Soryu - variant of Shoryuken, Ryu and Ken's signature uppercut Swalot - Poisma - the poison skill from Persona Alakazam - Cognitus - from the word "cognition" Steelix - Metal Gear - from Twitch Plays Pokemon Nidoking - Fonzie - also from Twitch Plays Pokemon Gardevoir - Aria - I guess that's the first thing that came to mind when I thought of her nickname, since she's a fairy and all Charizard - Shinryu - the dragon from the FInal Fantasy series Metagross - Maverick - from the Mega Man series Blastoise - Kamui - partly inspired by Naruto, partly because it's close to "kame", japanese word for turtle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seki108 Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 I usually forget to nickname things or can't decide on one. These are the only two I've used more than once. Haunter/Gengar- Spooks- it's so stupidly generic that I love it. (mentioned this next one quite a few times, but one more time shouldn't hurt) Gardevoir- Granzon- named after the black-hole creating mech from the Super Robot Wars: Original Generation(s) series, matching up with Gardevoir's Pokedex lore Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perish Song Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Scizor : Octavius / Shingo Bisharp : VG ( Only if shiny) Magnezone : R2D2 / C3PO Pidgeot : Jesus Garchomp : Landshark Swampert : Cairn ( A raid boss from guild wars 2, not the annoying kid we have in game) Hippowdon : Your mom Primarina : Primariana Grande ( Sadly doesnt fit) Rhyperior : Cyczer Any pokemon with thick fat : Thicc fat Aegislash : Baegislash Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gh0stStark Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 I generally don't nickname 'mons but when I do it's always these guys: A-Ninetales: Luster Aegislash: Alastor (DMC much?) Arcanine: Good Boi/Good Gril Braviary: Freedom Banette: Chuck Charizard: Igneel (i'm not really a fan of Fairy Tail, just liked the name) Cloyster: Spear Garchomp (i don't always nickname this guy) : Jawz/Godchomp Greninja: SKILLZ Honchkrow: Don Vito Kyogre: Thalasso/Willy Lunala: Nebby Solgaleo: Regulus Suicune: Zephyr Typhlosion: Vesuvius Tyranitar: Zilla Venusaur: Aloe Volcarona: Summer/Dat HAX Zapdos: Tesla Zygarde: Atlas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragoknight Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Gardevoir - Titania : ever since it got the fairy type Gardevoir is just the queen of all fairies Roserade - Rosé : it has to have the accent and yes I am upset that I can't do so in Reborn Magnezone - Magnus 3.0 : all hail Lord Crump Mimikyu - Pikaboo : cuz it's hiding its appearance..... and it looks like a Pikachu....... get it? it's a good joke I swear A-Ninetales - Vanilla : obviously cuz it's the vanilla fire fox Meowstic - WonderKitty Togekiss - Patriot : flying freedom eggo Heracross - Herc : Hercules beetle Emboar - Ganon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Arbok - Male (Charbok)/Female (Jessie) Goodra - Godra Goodra Gliscor - TongueClumsy Clawitzer - Pistol Pete Decidueye - Male (Link)/Female (Zelda) Weezing - James Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aessence Posted March 8, 2018 Share Posted March 8, 2018 Nidoking: The B0ss Blastoise (has to be female): Big Mama Zangoose: Killercat (<3) Primarina: Brioncé (#teampopplio) Solgaleo/Lunala: Nebby (that's so cliché, but I can't not do it xD) Arcanine: doesn't really have a fixed nickname, but whatever the name will be, it'll HAVE to have "Doge" in it. aaaand that pretty much covers it. Don't remember any more right now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Samtale Posted March 16, 2018 Developers Share Posted March 16, 2018 I name my pokemon after books or stories Smeargle-Bastian Drampa- Falkore Starmie- Wrinkle Raichu- Mathias Chandalure- Calcifer Mudsdale- Rhiannon this is my team I plan on making when reborns done Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silvermyst Posted March 24, 2018 Share Posted March 24, 2018 (edited) Female Mienshao/Blaziken/Lucario: Freya (FF9 favorite character) Female Lopunny/Cincinno: Sasha (Sounds nice and fitting) Any female water type: Sulia (Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture love interest of Terry Bogard) Any female grass type: Flora/Rose/Lilly Any female fire type: Amber/Farah Male Lucario: Anubis (Favorite Egyptian God) or Gaocariomon (My Poketuber identity) Female Luxray/Pyroar: Sekhmet (Egyptian Goddess) Any female feline not being the above two: Bastet (Egyptian Goddess) Any Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: Guildmaster (PMD: Explorers ref) Male Gardevoir: Itsatrap (Star Wars reference) Male Escavaleir: Dark Helmet (Spaceballs) Female Zorua/Zoroark: Heaven (someone I roleplay with, that is her Pokesona) Male Chesnaught: Arthur (My roleplay Pokesona, ref to King Arthur) or Iroh (Avatar reference) Male Braixen: Zuko (Avatar reference) Medicham: Charm (PMD: Explorers ref) Male Infernape: Alistar (Draqgon Age Origins ref) Male Arcanine: Quies (Roleplay character of mine, hatched from an egg and the other player named him) Prankster Male Meowstic: Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Profile series, Lenneth and Silmeria to be exact) Absol: Angel (Pokemon lore reference, it is a guardian angel in that it warns you of impending danger) Edited March 24, 2018 by Silvermyst Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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