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Bug Gym Mayhem


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Considering you named the thread Bug Gym Mayhem I believe you have issues with Shelly? If this is the case, getting a Graveler and a mon with Fake Out are some of your best options. and a Fire-type (like Litleo?)

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I did caught a graveler and someone did help me with a monferno.  I also do have my trusty shiny persian with boosted fake out, however I need to grind but the only good place to grind became too difficult to even get some money for some healing.  By the way, I was only able to defeat the Illumise, but that's just it.


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I'll name a few mons which could help in your battle:


Ampharos - Most of Shelly's team are weak to Electric type and plus, Mareep learns Electric Terrain which greatly boosts it's attack.

Meowstic - Can take advantage of Struggle Bug due to Competitive.

Simipour - Has the arsenal Taunt, which can stall Illumise. It can also take advantage of the rain with it's stab move, Scald. Also learns Acrobatics.


Serperior will be so OP later on so you won't regret it. Good luck!

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Firstly, I can't find a place to train where I don't get destroyed by trainers.  Secondly, the Espurr in my pc is male and it has infiltrator.  Lastly, I have no way to get panpour since I already got pansear instead.  I did grab mareep and I may evolve monferno if I can find a place to grind.

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The couple's pokemon either lvl 35 or higher and the squirtle guy has 4 squirtles at large differences in levels up to 42.  But, I'm still looking through and see which trainers can be beaten for an easy grind.  I'll even try using slugma again for the couple.

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