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Theme Tournament 11: Winter is Coming


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Winter is coming.

For too long we have enjoyed Summer's bliss and the hard snow is yet upon us once again. As the warmth we have gotten used to fades, the chill in the air reminds us to be fearful of the cold dark unknown.

This weekend's theme is an ice monotype tournament. All ice type pokemon that are not Uber are eligible.

Otherwise, same rules apply as normal. If you need to check anything, http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2571 will have everything you need. But remember!

Signups will start at 7pm EST, and end at 8pm EST! [subject to change based on entrants]

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Haha, I was hoping I would have had it with Weavile. Then I noticed that I missed at such an inconvenient time xD! Reflecting, would accuracy increasing items on a 100% accuracy increase your chances of hitting Snow Cloak?

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Snow cloak raises evasion by twenty percent, But a pokemon that holds zoom lens and is also slower than froslass (which is quite a lot of pokemons) will increase all of their moves by twenty percent, thus negating to snow cloak evasion raise. But weavile is super fast - even faster than froslass- in which case the only item you could untilize to increase accuracy would have been wide lens which only increases it by a measly ten percent. This means that there is no accuracy increasing item that would have increased weavile accuracy to one hundred percent against snow cloak D:. I kinda lucked out on the weavile sweep :P.

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