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Officially out of games to play.


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BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I've already played Rejuvenation Reborn Insurgence and Mega adventure and I am looking for more than just pokemon games and mods before you report this topic I AM TECHNICALLY REQUESTING GAMES THAT AIN'T POKEMON RELATED With that out of the way you already know what I am gonna suggest. Here are the games I am looking for (YES I'VE ALREADY PLAYED DANGANRONPA) 

Something with a good story

Good/Decent main characters


Thank you for your time.

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@Zarc I apologize for being rude. It's just that it gets annoying when people keep suggesting stuff I've already done and I was looking for something new. I hope you can forgive me and thank you for reading this. I am gonna go apologize to all others I may have offended with these threads.

Edited by Damien
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Hmm....this isn't much to work with but more than you usually give us. I think what you need to find are what we call time sinkers which will have you invested in the games for a long while. Since you only mentioned Pokemon and Dangan Ronpa I'll give my recommendations to games similar on steam which you can pick up for each but NOT right now (wait for a sale):


Games Similar to Pokemon:


World of Final Fantasy: Everyone should have played one of the 15 final fantasy games one point in their life. This is a very odd game with an odd battle system where you collect and use enemies to make totems for battles. It's a really good love letter game to FF fans even using the sprite styled designs over the portraits (which is the better versions of characters like Bartz and Faris) with a surprisingly interesting story.


Final Fantasy V: I've played the GBA version of this game (there's a fan translation of the SNES version, but the GBA is better imo...unless you like Butz). I absolutely love this game and could go on about it. Bravely Default took this system and cranked it to an 11, but this one has a better story than that game. Don't expect deep twists and you'll have a blast (it's one of the weaker story wise). This game is very customizable with the job system where you combine job abilities to do some pretty sick stuff. Need a healer, but don't like the White Mage class, have the Summoner attached with White Mage spells. My only gripe is that some stuff is permanently missable (summons off the top of my head), but it is far from a linear experience. It's also a surprisingly difficult game at points (Phoenix Tower being probably the worst part of the game). 


Legend of Heroes Cold Steel: This one is very less customization, but it's kind of a mix between things in Persona and FFVII in a sense. These games are very lore heavy and while this one is pricey 29.99 on sale, it's a fantastic adventure where I hit 100 hours on. Of the LoH games, this one is the weakest in story, but it's the combat that really shines. Combat is very flashy and has a little bit of strategy to it, but it's all the little mechanics that once you get the hang of you'll have a blast. Characters aren't as customizable, but you'll have these things called Quartz where you control stats and spells that'll be usable for a character. There's even ways to break the game with knowledge. Skies 3 is my favorite due to how learning spells works, but this is the best starting point to get into the series since combat is fast paced.


Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones: While the only good way to obtain this game is either illegitimate means or the Wii U eshop, it's a good game to find out if you are into tactical games. These games are very customizable as no run is usually alike. SS is the easiest among the FE games and isn't as punishing along with what I feel is a pretty solid story for the time. It's a 20 hours or so journey so you could accomplish both paths in good timing.


Tales of Symphonia: I've talked about this game quite a few times both in runs and in other places and it was a beloved GC gem. This now steam game usually goes on sale sometimes as low as $5 and sometimes free with a purchase of other Tales games. If you go into it expecting nothing, you'll find a lot of enjoyment. Since this is a GC era game, you'll find some dated elements like the graphics, lower quality VA (really, really good for the time), and a tad bit archaic battle system, but characters grow based on how you train them. Basically characters can learn different attacks based on if you go magical or physical with them. The cast is also overall very enjoyable and some skits are bound to get a laugh from you.


Paper Mario: Like with FE:SS, not an easy game to find unless you do illegitimate or eshop it. Paper Mario is a fantastic simple adventure with secrets around every corner. There's lots of fun things to do and the battle system is simple yet active. There's also a mod to make this game harder if you're in for a challenge. One of my all time favorite games and probably my favorite N64 game.


Games similar (storywise) to Reborn/Danganronpa:


Xenogears: Mentioning this game is opening a can of worms. Basically the best way to describe it is "this is what happens when you put the Chrono Trigger team on making a M rated game." It's a really complex game that got the shaft for an infamous disc 2, but for what it is it stands the test of time as a darn good game with a lot of flaws. This is a long adventure and hard to find since it's a PS1 game (the PS3/4 shop is the only good way to play it legally), but it's got a lot of mature themes as well as humor on par with Reborn. It's not an easy game so be warned as I've had to reset and grind before in this game. It's also not a bad idea to get a guide to see how to learn some attacks.


Chrono Trigger: I've mentioned this game many times, but it's easily one that all RPG gamers must play one way or another. It's a very short classic game, but what it does it does very well. I loved this game on the DS and will always highly regard it, but it's not an easy game to get your hands on legally besides eshop and the DS nowadays. Not much to say other than it has a great cast, great concept of time travel, and the fact your actions have consequences and affect history.


Mother 3: You can't find and play this game legally as the only possible way is emulation due to it not having a localized release. This GBA game is the third game in a series but playing Earthbound isn't required to understand or find enjoyment in this. The battle mechanics aren't spectacular but they aren't bad either (something similar to DQ style minus the grind), but all I can really say is "Wow, what a game." I didn't enjoy Earthbound, but I loved this game. It's story is easily the highlight as it has both humor and a wide range of emotions. Did I mention that your dog is one of the main party members?


Miscellaneous Game Recommendations:


FFIX: People always debate about which FF is the best and VI and VII are always thrown around. I'm one of the rare few who'd argue neither of those deserves the top spot. Are they great games worth playing? Yes, but they have their own faults and limitations. IX is a game I unexpectedly fell in love with. I hated the character designs and the steal mechanic is annoying as hell. What makes this game great is its story and lore. People would generally argue that FFVI, VII, or VIII are the darkest game probably because FFIX looks absolutely nothing like a dark game. Its design gives the impression of a cutesy fun adventure, but trust me in that these characters have something many FF characters don't really reach: depth. I actually recommend playing all of the other Final Fantasy games before this as it's actually also a love letter to what makes Final Fantasy Final Fantasy at the time.


Doki Doki Literature Club: This Visual Novel is FREE and that should be enough of a push to try it out and get the experience for yourself. I'm not going to say much more but if you're a fan of darker games this is an interesting game to try out. It'll be a tad boring to start out, but you'll know when you reach the halfway point because my god how to change someone's opinion in 10 minutes.


The Longest Journey: This is a point and click adventure made in the 1990s (not to be confused with the sequel Dreamfall: The Longest Journey), but it has a lot of charm to it. It kind of has an environmental feel of Reborn City to start but it was a very enjoyable journey when I played it. It does test your wits quite a bit and even challenged me in my knowledge where I was stuck for hours trying to figure out one thing. It is cool how it rewards you for messing around and experimenting with something.


This is probably the last time I'm going to make one of these posts to you because you can't seem to research and find what you like nor describe in detail what your searching for. In a sense, it's similar to both of us talking to a brick wall. It'd also probably be better for you to hop on discord as there's more gamers on there who've played a deeper of variety of games. But if you played one of the games I listed and really liked it we could go from there. What are you looking for in a game? What are some things you dislike in the games you've played? Those are the two most helpful things when giving recommendations and not "I've played this game." I'm an RPGamer but if I said I played Mario Sunshine, people would be recommending platformers like A Hat in Time and not stuff I'm really looking for or would love to try.

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@Commander Once I can I'm gonna try a few of these games you've suggested. I'll answer all your questions.

1. What I am looking for SPECIFICALLY in a game are these aspects: Good story, at least decent main characters, any difficulty (example Pokemon Reborn), design doesn't matter as long as it doesn't look like shit in the toilet, and it actually has you pursue a single goal but has a least some side tasks for you to do (Looking at you danganronpa) and a decent plot line.

Now what I dislike about the games I've played? Absolutely NOTHING (except for amethyst and her damn puzzles). Honestly so far the games I've played that are pokemon have a simplistic design, but beautiful music, difficult battles that actually get you THINKING instead of saying "I'm just gonna use Hydro Pump and see what happens" BEAUTIFUL story (STOP KILLING OFF THE GOOD CHARACTERS @Amethyst) and characters that you actually hate and love. For example. Fern is a piece of shit but ya gotta love Victoria and Amaria. Solaris........I'll just say he's a bit intriguing, and if I ask another "I'm outta games" thing I am gonna put the SPECIFICS I am looking for. Now thanks for asking that question. I'll be surprised if Ame actually sees this.

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Good story, looks pretty good, good characters, difficult if you want it to be. and a big single goal. Yeah, you might wanna try Divinity OS 2 or maybe Divinity OS 1

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Might I suggest Angels of Death? It's pretty linear and more story and puzzle focused but what is there is good. Also, it's getting an anime adaption sometime soon so if you want to get ahead of the pack you might want to try it out.


Also, I highly recommend the Strange Men series. It's in a similar vein to Angels of Death, although the storytelling is masterful. Some things that the series contains may be upsetting, if you are unsure whether this would affect you, maybe check out this post I made about them before you make up your mind.





For the above games, they're either relatively cheap or free and story>gameplay. If you want something worth your money with story=gameplay they I demand highly recommend you play Okami if you haven't already. It is a masterpiece of a game.


For something more modern, Little Nightmares was also a fun game to play if you haven't already tried it out.

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Hmmm well for starters some games that are Pokemon-ish:

Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2 for the gameboy color if you have an emulator. Monster raising but the battle system is more standard rpg-ish and the breeding system is quite deep and can create some powerful monsters.

Digimon World Games for the ds. World Ds along with it's 2 sequels Dawn and Dusk (basically their versions of red and blue) are also pretty standard rpgs but with digimon teams. HOWEVER, World Championship DS is by far the best Digimon game (at least imo) and it's kind of like, eh, Tomagotchi in which you observe them in your virtual room. You fight your way to the top, unlocking more areas to capture Digimon and access to higher evolution ranks like Ultra and Mega. Look it up, I can't describe it too well but it's really addicting.


As for others, well if you have a 3ds I can't recommend Rune Factory 4 enough. It's a real time combat game with farming elements (It's a Harvest Moon spinoff), you can grow crops, raise animals for products like milk OR have them help you fight. Great characters, good story, good difficulty. Worth checking out.

Also been playin' Disgaea 5 for the switch. Never played a Disgaea game before, but I like it a lot and think it's pretty good overall.


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I will give some games I played that got me through my 2017 deployment. I curved my boredom with these.

Let's see, persona 5 is really good. Story Is fantastic and characters are great. Surprised no one suggested this one

Tales of Besteria was my personal favorite game of 2017. Awesome story, great game play, although it can be sad at times. I would spend all my Sundays trying to get as far as possible to see more story. 

As far as final fantasy goes, I played 12 a lot. It became a favorite of mine fast. The sound track is amazing, gameplay is fun, not to mention the characters are awesome.  Baltier is my personal favorite character in the cast.

So yeah 7 months at sea, basically all I had were like 5 games to play. The other 2 are Neptuneia games, witch are fun but maybe not what you are looking for.  I wouldn't suggest anything I haven't played for more than 5 hours myself and these three I have well over 50 hours so have fun. Or not I can't tell you what to do.


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