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I wonder - what's your favorite eeveelution and how would you play it?

(ideally including moveset & EVs, if you're set in that regard; if not, a general description is obviously alright as well!)

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Sylveon (take a wild guess why)



max HP, max def last in spatk Bold/Moddest nature

Hyper voice

Calm Mind


Protect/Baton Pass


This Sylveon set is a dangerous and fun one for me. That Pixellate Hyper Voice already hurts a lot, and add one or two CM boosts and you have a Pixie that is ready to kill

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Umbreon. Unfortunately it's entirely stall based but awesome designs have negatives sometimes. Shrug.


Max HP and Spdef. Curse/Wish/Protect/Payback is my preferred set. Just doesn't die.

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Glaceon for its design, its elegant <3


Espeon as it was my fave before glaceon came out.


Espeon  @Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Stored Power  
- Dazzling Gleam  
- Calm Mind  
- Substitute


This Espeon set of mine works well with baton pass teams, mainly with its lovely pre evolution eevee when it baton passes all stats at +2, stored power becomes an absolute monster. Magic bounce prevents roaring, sub to keep boosting via calm mind, dazzling gleam hits to dark types that stored power cannot. 

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Aesthetic wise its umbreon alrite. You can tell from my profile lol. For battle wise I feel like jolteon/espeon for me.


Espeon same as @Maqqy Hits like a truck


Jolteon probably be Shadow ball thunder wave thunderbolt signal beam. Some runs Wish on jolteon, I find it not that useful. I mean the heals are nice sure but jolteon is so frail you barely have a second chance to attack when a poke with a decent atk/spatk hits you. Youre most likely dead once your 1st move didnt OHKO the opponent. If the opponent is using really bulky pokemon that jolteon has no chance of OHKOing. Sacrifice him by using thunder wave lol. Kinda sad but still useful. Signal Beam help deals with grass for coverage

Edited by Veras Lexritz
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Nice choices!

@Wolfox Cause you love dem fairies?


My favorite in the early gens used to be Jolteon.

Since then, I haven't really had one true favorite, but I guess Umbreon might be there design-wise.

Leafeon would be interesting as well, never tried that one though


As for my run, Umbreon and Sylveon would probably be the best options since I have quite some options when it comes to the other types. 

Looking at the IVs I got, it's probably gonna be an Umbreon, and I'll make the others once I've bred decent IV Eevees.


I'm not sure about the moveset though since it might get too defensive.


Baton Pass




Or going with something similar to what @Azeria said (although I would probably try to go for Baton Pass instead of Protect (which would make Moonlight the better option I guess) since I really like to have that option)


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