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Poll: Leader Difficulty


How did you fare against these leaders in Pokemon Reborn?  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Julia

    • 1
    • 2
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    • 4
    • 5
  2. 2. Florinia

    • 1
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    • 5
  3. 3. Corey

    • 1
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    • 5
  4. 4. Shelly

    • 1
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    • 5
  5. 5. Shade

    • 1
    • 2
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    • 5

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okay before you go any further, please please be aware this is not for the Reborn League on PO, this is for the Pokemon Reborn game ONLY.

If you have not played that, please do not vote

(On the other hand, if you have played that, even if you haven't finished it, please do vote!)

I'm going through and re-balancing the game so far, so I wanted to get a general census on how people were doing with the leaders.

So, vote for reach one, please, on a scale of 1-5:

1: lol i swept that nub

2: Okay, that was kinda easy, but I'd be a little afraid if you made it any harder

3: The difficulty seemed pretty all right. It was a close battle.

4: That was actually really hard, but don't make it easier! It was a fun challenge to overcome

5: what the actual fuck is that battle supposed to be impossible

If you've played through multiple times, please consider your most recent playthrough.


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Voted considering I tend to be a little underleveled and a couple things weren't right with Florinia's abilties (i.e. Breloom without Poison Heal)...

On the flip side, I don't know if Shade's Chandelure was supposed to have Flash Fire but that was a pain when all I had left was Blaziken once ):

Overall I don't mind it being a little harder than usual because it encourages strategy over x is weak to y x6 wins

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Shade's battle wasnt so hard, but Shade's gym scared the hell out of me.

Flo's battle was annoying. Fucking Breloom. (I ended up winning because of an early glitch that gave it efffect spore in stead of poison heal, and switch stalling inimidate)

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Julia: Wasn't too bad. :D

Florinia: Thorn in my side. Pun intended.

Corey: lol Smack Down Magnitude all day erryday.

Shelly: ALL OF MY RAGE!! Seriously, she was pure evil to me. :/

Shade: Other than his gym being completely badass, I didn't have too much of a hard time against him once I evolved my Graveler and Vulpix. I think he's fine. Also, he has a nice smile. :D

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- Mein was she hard to beat especially trying to beat her only with Dewott, Zubat and

Budew.... Eventually did after some tinkering


- Her Yanmega.... such a pain... countering everything i throw at her... It was then my

saviour arrived, 'Encore' by Samurott, forced it to use Giga Drain on my Crobat hich i use

to kill it... everything else was smooth sailing until she knock me down to Roselia who

won by using 'Cut'... Never had I been so glad :D

The Rest:


- Only challenge was her Breloom... Got too cocky when I defeated 4 of her

pokemon... then Ferroseed killed me :P Tried again... Breloom was easily knocked out

by Crobat... No bigge


- Practically a walk through with Kadabra... The Grimer did put up some fight until i c

onfused it with 'Psybeam', it died shortly... Pfft...


- Had high hopes for a challenging fight like Juilia and Shelly's, I was sadly disappointed

when i realized that his Chandelure couldn't beat my Houndoom... His other Pokemon

where easily beaten... Nice work with the gym and scaring the shit out of me when he

appeared behind me and disappeared O.O


Overall, the gyms are quite challenging if one would be diverse with with his/her Pokemon.... Nice work with the game though... I've been waiting to give me appreciation about this game for a long time ago... One should really consider playing this game if they haven't :D

Edited by Bowser
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  • 1 month later...

I haven't fought any actual gym leaders yet but I was a bit perturbed by the Elekid and Magby at the end of the factory. I was doing fine going through the entire game up until that point. I wasn't sure when I'd lose control of my pokemon, so I had squirtle and meowth at level 17 and a Bibarel at level 17 as well (hoping to trade it for an Abra which to my dismay didn't work). I got to those two though and they immediately OHKO'd budew and my wartortle. Fern never sent in another pokemon so the rest of the battle was 2v1, and even worse everytime they KO'd a pokemon they were allowed to attack it immediately as I switched in the replacement so none of my pokemon for the rest of the battle was allowed to come in safely. They pretty much one and two shot my entire team and I never even got to hit them. I don't really know what to do about it since I don't think i can level my pokemon much higher, it went from being comfortably in control to suddenly being bent over and dominated.

I like the feel of the game overall, but that just sorta terrified me. How high am I allowed to level without a badge because level 17 pokemon CANNOT handle that fight it seems.

Edited by Vampiremessiah
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  On 2/10/2013 at 6:46 PM, Amethyst said:

It's level 20 without any badges, but my oh my. That fight used to be super easy, did I power them up too much?

Leave it hard, please. I hate blasting my way through games on auto-pilot.

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  On 2/10/2013 at 6:46 PM, Amethyst said:

It's level 20 without any badges, but my oh my. That fight used to be super easy, did I power them up too much?

When I saw the Elekid and Magby, I thought'd it'd be far easier than the Solrock+Lunatone fight in the other room, considering my Tepig and Trubbish were both weak to them, and Whismur was frail to begin with.

But Fern is an idiot, and critical hits are REALLY annoying. Aside from that, I didn't consider the fight with the boss duo hard; considering I didn't have to retry on them unlike the rock combo.

At least you get a total of 1050 exp for taking down those annoying floating rocks.

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I'm not sure what changes you've made to them, but they completely swept my team. I felt completely in control of all the battles up until then, in fact I felt more than powerful enough and those two just stomped me blatantly. I think a big problem was that fern never sends in a replacement making the fight 1v2. The other problem is that they can attack each pokemon you send in as a replacement, it's incredibly difficult to fight a 1v2 when every single pokemon you send in gets hurt before they even get a turn. I'm not sure what stats those two have, but they found difficult to damage with my wartortle (being evolved and a higher level) only doing about 1/3-2/5 of Magby's health with a watergun and they did a tremendous amount of damage back to me. I think if either Fern actually helped in the fight or if they were toned down so that you weren't fighting an uphill battle it'd be a bit more reasonable.

Edited by Vampiremessiah
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  • 4 months later...

Julia wasn't too much trouble. Having Marshtomp was really helpful against her.

For me, Florinia was the biggest problem out of all listed. I had to bring in a one-time use Trubbish for the sake of laying down Toxic Spikes to whittle down her bulker team members. I see a lot of you were having problems with Breloom. I didn't have such problems myself (then again, I ran through most of her team with a Koffing, which made short work of that Breloom).

Corey was another problematic one, though not nearly so much as Florinia. I forget what I did to beat him, exactly. I'm fairly certain having Gyarados had something to do with it, and to a lesser extent, my Marshtomp.

Out of all of them, I thought Shelly was the easiest. Then again, I had a Camerupt which dealt with almost everything on her team with ease between Rock Slide and Lava Plume.The only thing I remember being a problem to it was Masquerain, and I just sent in Ampharos to deal with it. I honestly thought that her Volbeat was going to be a LOT more threatening than it was. I mean, its only attacking move is Struggle Bug. Psh.

Shade was another fairly easy one. Gyarados with Bite FTW.

Edited by WhiteyMcFly
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  On 2/10/2013 at 6:46 PM, Amethyst said:

It's level 20 without any badges, but my oh my. That fight used to be super easy, did I power them up too much?

My first time against fern was a nightmare with all of those grass types. I chose mudkip so i had nothing to counter him and it took me SO MANY TRIES.

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Julia: It was a bit hard just because the annoying sonicboom, and the fact that I only had a croconaw and a shiny Butterfree... Rated 3 Stars

Florinia: Easier than I thought, with Vulpix with drought and rash nature was okay, I took her Cradily with Golbat confusing her and such. Rated 2 Stars

Corey: I was a bit scared about what the guy at the gym said about his Crobat... But with Feraligatr and ice fang was a bit easy, and the rest of his team was swept by Butterfree's psybeam/confusion (I don't remember...) Rated 2 Stars

Shelly: ...Yanmega... trying to counter that damn Heather was a pain... It finally succumbed to itself when it used giga drain on my vulpix, but her team was fun to fight without my fire type (the scyther KOed her). Rated 4 Stars

Shade: By far the hardest one for me in the game, not having a prefect counter to the Chandelure firing energy balls and surviving with 1 HP my Feraligatr's Crunch was much harder than I thought... until I got the Croagunk in the cave near and evolved it to Toxicroak, then it was easier... Sorta... Rated 5 Stars

Overall the gym battles are always interesting, but sometimes it gets almost impossible if you are not prepared...

Also, I noted that not every leader is in the poll...

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Julia - 2

Florinia - 4

Corey - 2

Shelly - 2

Shade - 2

Cal - 1 (Raining with Swampert o_o)

Kiki - 2

Aya - 4

Bennett - 3

Serra - 4

Currently based on the poll-

1. Florinia - 3.76

2. Shelley - 3.38

3. Shade - 3.19

4. Julie - 2.90

5. Corey - 2.67

Verdict, Corey could be toned up, Florinia could be toned down.

Edited by McMc
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Florinia was way too strong. I had to train up a one-time Mankey and Koffing in order to deal with her, but even Koffing was useless against Breloom, and Cradily could tank through everything and screw me over safely like Singed.

On the other hand, it was a really fun and challenging experience.. I think you should leave Florinia as is.

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Okayokay, I appreciate the feedback, but this topic is wayyyy out of date and a lot's changed since then. I'm gonna go ahead and close this. ^^;

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