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Hello there guys, I have asked a while ago for help with my team, worked really well, my team is extremely strong (imo) now, but I started to feel really sad with Gengar. People always said that it would be a great sweeper but it didn't worked well for me, maybe it were it's EV training, I don't know. Thing is, I'm looking to replace it. For my team, I'll need another Ghost or a Dark pokemon. Here are they (after beating Amaria) and some candidates I thought:


Adamant Blaziken @ Wide Lens

Ability: Speed Boost

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


    - Bulk up

    - Sky Uppercut

    - Blaze Kick

    - Brave Bird


Timid Greninja @ Wave Incense

Ability: Protean

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


    - Scald

    - Surf

    - Dark Pulse

    - Extrasensory


Timid Roserade @ Miracle Seed

Ability: Technician

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


    - Toxic Spikes

    - Extrasensory

    - Magical Leaf

    - Dazzling Gleam


Jolly Crobat @ None

Ability: Infiltrator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


    - Confuse Ray

    - Acrobatics

    - Cross Poison

    - Leech Life


Jolly Excadrill @ Wide Lens

Ability: Mold Breaker

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


    - Swords Dance

    - Iron Head

    - Earthquake

    - Rock Slide


Timid Gengar @ Spell Tag

Ability: Cursed Body

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


    - Shadow Ball

    - Dark Pulse

    - Dazzling Gleam

    - Destiny Bond


The role of gengar on my team is to take out Ghost and Psychic enemies. The problem is that it normally don't OHKO any enemy and gets wrecked the next turn so I always end using Destiny Bond before anything else. That's why the replacement should be Ghost or Dark. The options I thought are:


    - Weavile

    - Pangoro

    - Zoroark

    - Mismagius


My team is composed with 3 Physical attackers and 3 Special attackers. Weavile is the best option imo, but I would break that balance. I already have those 4 mons bred and trained. What do you guys think?

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In my opinion Weavile is your best pick out of those. It's the only one who outspeeds even Alakazam.


Have you considered Mimikyu or Aegislash? Both of them can take a hit or two as well as set up with Swords Dance and then go for Shadow Sneak.

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I'd like to suggest couple of things.


Firstly, you have a greninja which probably should do the role of "Taking out ghosts and psychics" single handedly with dark pulse. If you insist on having either dark or ghost type for that role as special attacker, I could suggest hydreigon . ( If you access to that. If not, zoroark is your best option.)


If you dont insist it to be a special attacker and break your team's balance, weavile is by far your best choice, because it also provides ice coverage which will give you great time versus dragons and flyings ( Because you dont have coverage for that and excadrill wont be enough). It is also way too fast and can trap things with pursuit.



Other thing is, using accuracy boost items on excadrill somewhat wasting the item slot considering the fact that wide lens on excadrill will only boost the rock slide and it is not even worth boosting because it is not your STAB move. Also as I stated above, its not enough as rock coverage.  You could either give lifeorb / plates to boost their attacks and make it more powerful that way.


As for blaziken, you could get high jump kick and flare blitz via heart scales from onyx ward and make it even more powerful, because just like excadrill, the BP's of those moves arent good enough to be boosted, it is a waste of item slot. 



Another thing is, your gengar could do significant damage if you went with team aqua sidequest line which will give you a choice specs, which causes gengar to hit like a truck and eliminate targets easily.



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@ArcherEric Gengar doesn't learn Sludge Wave, and Sludge Bomb are not available yet, sigh...

@Zargerth I don't really like Mimikyu (don't go mad at me!) and I didn't have access to Aegislash yet.

@Shingo I thought about Greninja and it would work better with Weavile than with Zoroark. Zoroark may have the same problem with defenses as Gengar. I don't have access to Deino too..

Rgarding Excadrill, I should leave Rock Slide there even using Life Orb?

For Blaziken, High Jump Kick has a chance to miss and damage it back, also it damages using Flare Blitz, I already don't use Brave Bird too much because of it, is it worth risk taking all that damage? I mean, with this moveset it always hit enemies and never itself. Which item I should use if I take Wide Lens from it?

I have some Choice Band and Choice Scarf that I got through trading, but not Choice Specs :/

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I feel the the issue with Gengar here isn’t that it’s bad but more that your team already has several Pokemon that fufill the same role, so it’s pretty much pointless to have on here. IMO get a Hippowdon, Excas best partner.

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I agree with the aforementioned above, that Gengar is strong yet not necessarily needed on your team because Greninja and Crobat seems to fill it's role. I think what you greatly need is an electric type. So I suggest Ampharos, Magnezone, Luxray and Alola-Raichu.

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I think for the replacement of Gengar, you should try a bulky pokemon for your wall i guess. They help a lot i feel like in gym battles. Like the above mentioned, Ampharos would be nice since he's bulky, a decent sp attacker and can be a staller in a way with Thunder Wave. At least thats how I usually use my Ampharos

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@Azeria Hippowdon indeed helps Exca a lot, but it can't quite sinergise with the rest of the team. Besides, it's really slow, even in Sandstorm I would be pissed.

@Maqqy I have switched Raichu (not Alolan) with Gengar a while ago, maybe I'll give a try on Alolan.

@Veras Lexritz I tried Ampharos on other gameplay, but as I said, slow mons are not my type, even Ampharos being very useful. 

@Thundermaze STAHP! 

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16 minutes ago, Trufa said:

@Azeria Hippowdon indeed helps Exca a lot, but it can't quite sinergise with the rest of the team. Besides, it's really slow, even in Sandstorm I would be pissed.

@Maqqy I have switched Raichu (not Alolan) with Gengar a while ago, maybe I'll give a try on Alolan.

@Veras Lexritz I tried Ampharos on other gameplay, but as I said, slow mons are not my type, even Ampharos being very useful. 

@Thundermaze STAHP! 

Yes, but Hippowdon can provide set up opportunities for Excadrill between Sandstream and Yawn to put Pokemon to sleep. Having ONE slow Pokemon amongst 5 speed demons is fine, even if it's not your style. Who needs Hippo to synergise with the rest of the team when it's presence elevates Exca to the best sweeper in the game?


Alternatively, try Reuniclus or Alakazam. You don't seem to have a Psychic type, and want more special attackers so that works well. Reuniclus is slow, but can Trick Room to make itself very fast + act as speed control for your team if they're somehow outsped. Good bulk, High SPatk and a decent movepool help it. Zam's a speedy version without the bulk.

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The problem with your current team is it is kinda weak to psychic mons. 3 of your team members are weak to psychic which is half of your team. personally i would replace gengar(as it no longer has levitate in new games) and prolly crobat. My options are as follows:


Crobat for Archeops


Why crobat for archeops. Archeops has decent speed and good atk which it learns without tm/move tutor which is actually very good in reborn.


Jolly Archeops @ Sitrus berry/any gem

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Ability: Defeatist


-Dragon claw



-Rock Slide


Gengar For Heliolisk


Heliolisk has a good move pool which can easy be swapped around. Its ability also can be swapped around to suit the field effects/weather condition.Plus it can come with Electric Terrain as an egg move provided you soft reset for it before catching it via event. Electric Terrain can help in many situations(dont like the field bam Electric terrain bye bye field which you dont like). 


Jolly Heliolisk @ Magnet/choice specs

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe

Ability: Dry skin/Solar power/Sand veil


-Hyper Voice/Electric terrain

-Thunderbolt/Volt Switch

-Volt Switch/Dragon Pulse

-Surf/Grass Knot



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