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Joltik and Beldum Events





I've already defeated Luna and obtained the 9th Gym badge and am about to enter Agate, but I can't seem to trigger the Joltik and Beldum events.

In Ep. 17, there is now a small lake where Joltik used to be.

For Beldum, I've tried watching videos and what not (I've got a Data Chip) but still the event is not triggered in the Wasteland.


Can anyone please provide me any insights!!

Is anyone else facing the same issue.

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2 minutes ago, Maqqy said:

Joltik can now be obtained earlier in the game in Peridot Ward before the 1st gym in E17. In my knowledge, it's past event has been replaced with Dewpider.

I've already obtained Joltik and was guessing that some other pokemon might be there.

But there seems to a lake over there and surf will be required. So is there any way to do that event now or do I have to wait till later in the game ?

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