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Fox in Sheep's clothing! Hello all!


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Hello all, as you can tell by the title of this topic this is MY intro thread. *Holds up a fancy glass of apple juice* "Cheers I say!"

A couple things to know about me, I'm pretty easy going and fun loving. I am a guy, so let's get that out of the way call me whatever your heart’s desire because sticks and stones and all that jazz. I am Also a retro video gamer, as such has completed every MegaMan games buster only (when allowed, blasted Wily Stages) But without a doubt my all-time favorite game would be a little game called Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. (Looking forward to the "end of the world" so I can blast the final hours OST from the game while I wait)

Hmm what else would you people of reborn like to know bout the Fluffy one... Favorite pokemon include and are not limited to... anything adorable...

Eevee/lutions, and Flaaffy are a given.

But on to more pressing stuffs people "care" about. I have been playing semi-competativly for about a year now, you may or may not know me as a PBCer or Mafia Beta Ninny. I also sprite, roleplay, and other fun stuffs of the like.

In real life since you all MUST know this part, I am a college student studying to be a social worker.

So yeah not too much info but I shall part you all with this message

So with these parting words that you should always remember

The Flaaffy is watching you... plotting ^_^


[Ps I am the king of typos]

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So we've already been talking, but welcome! I think you'll fit in just fine here~

...except one small problem and that is that you are going to have a hell of a time dethroning hark as king of typos

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Yo~ Welcome. Hope you enjoy your time. And Amethyst is right. Hark holds the crown. Silver is the prince.

Nope, Hark is just Hark ranked, because half of those typos are done on purpose. For Silver, it's almost always an accident :D He's the overlord of typos.

Anyway, welcome to Redeads.

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