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Fluffy's Sprites (Results may Vary)


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Fluffeh's Sad Lil' Gallery

Welp ok here I am setting up shop once more... well not shop par say more like a gallery where you all can bask in the glory that is my awesomness and sheer stupendous ability to sprite. Ok now that my ego level is through the roof, here are some of my Sprites I have made in the past, and hopefully will be making some more whenever I feel like it.

It’d be wonderful if you could reply with a 1/10 rating of each one and why you thought so with your responses so I can get valid feedback.

By the way if you just post “Good work bro” I’ll make sure a certain Flaaffy visits you at night.

Only got these four for now, due to a previous computer crashings making me lose ALOT of my work *Sadface*

NOW ON TO ART!!!!!!!!!


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Okay the Bronzong thingie scares me a bit, sorry but it does.

The Victini Dragonite one is something I just wanna cuddle all night long holy crap<3

Disco. Eevee. Nuff said.

Flygon Togekiss? Interesting combination but it seems you pulled it off.

You're off to a great start and I hope to see more from you. :D

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Not bad. You wanna watch for jaggies, as they can really mess up the look of the image. Transparency is also a big thing with sprites. Not having a transparent background can mean the difference between good and bad.

Bronzong/Nuzleaf - 6/10 You've got some jaggies and what seems to be discoloring near the legs

Dragonite/Victini - 5.5/10 Jaggies on the ears and wings. Shading with the ears doesn't match with the rest of the body too well. The eyes could use a little work.

Mirror Eevee - 8/10 Glasses could use some work, and there's some slight jagging going on around the top of the afro.

Togekiss/Flygon 5/10 - You've got a lot of jaggies going on, and some issues with color transitioning. The Lugia wing tips look really odd, and the legs look like a huge collection of jaggies.

Room for improvement, but not bad at all. My brutally honest review.

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