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Submit your Pokemon OC's for my fangame!

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Hey everyone! I've been working on a fangame project of mine for some time. There's a bit that's done so far--scripts, events, battles, maps and such. However, the one thing that I've been struggling with is the story and the characters. I just don't know what to do for them :/

So an idea popped into my head. Even though this account is rather new, I've been a big lurker on this community, and this site has helped me out quite a bit. So I decided that it would be more fun to let people from this community submit in their Pokemon characters to be included in the game! This thread is asking you to send in your Pokemon characters~

And yes, they don't have to be a human. They can be a Pokemon as well. Just something that fits in within the universe.


Under the spoiler is information behind the fangame itself, so if you're making a character you'll have a better idea of what to do ^^. You don't really have to follow all of these, but if your character doesn't fit within the game's universe I'll end up changing their backstory or role to fit them in more.



So, Chromein, what even is this fangame about?


The game is going to be called Pokemon Absolute. It takes place in an edgy world known as the Void Continents, which are dictated by two totalitarian organizations: Team Astral and Team Zodiac. The two groups are intergovernmental groups (Like the U.N), and are run by Legendaries and Disciples. The groups are both extremely similar and incredibly different at the same time, and are rife with corruption and moral disparity.


Disciples are humans chosen by Legendaries, and they are essentially the legendary's human partner. A disciple is gifted with a piece of the legendary's power. For example, someone who is the disciple of Latios/Latias have the ability of enhanced empathy and telepathy, similar to the legendaries.

Disciples are the highest status in the world of Pokemon Absolute. They own a piece of the Void Continents, and within those territories the legendary of the disciple is considered a complete god. The territories are heavily religious and centered around them, and the people living within those territories must follow the legendaries' and disciples' ideals. (Such as if you are the disciple of Reshiram, your territory is centered around truth and lying is illegal or something).
This is how Team Astral and Zodiac control the Void Continents, as the ones running those organizations are disciples and legendaries. They are equivalent to admins in a way.


Team Astral, who controls the West, is considered to be the more lenient out of the two organizations. However, to control their people, Astral conducts mass surveillance. Hidden camera's, microphones, spies/honeypot's, you name it.

People who disobey Astral tend to just...disappear. Sometimes they return, but as a completely different person. And sometimes they don't.


Team Zodiac, who controls the East, is the much more harsh out of the two organizations. They employ control over their people through brute force. Public executions and beatings are very common.
Fear is what keeps the citizens in place. Even the slightest hints of rebellion often result in the worst outcomes.


Also important, there are no gyms or a Pokemon League in the Void Continents. The closest thing to gym leaders (importance wise) are disciples/legendaries, but obviously they don't let challengers try and fight them or hand out gym badges or something.


More in-depth on disciples and legendaries.


Most legendaries/disciples are in allegiance with Team Astral and Zodiac. However, man-made legendaries such as Genesect and Mewtwo are not considered as apart of Astral/Zodiac and are treated more like rogues.


There are many ways people are chosen by a legendary, and it heavily depends on the culture of the territory. Some legendaries may only always choose from a specific family, like royalty. Some legendaries choose people off the streets, or something like that. Some territories have competitions to be the next disciple. It depends completely on which legendary is concerned, and what kind of ideals it has. It's up to you ;).


How do normal everyday trainers work?


Pokemon can be compared to as weapons in this universe. You are provided them for work, but using them for sport such as battling is seen as illegal, since Team Astral and Zodiac don't want their citizens to become too powerful and potentially overthrow them. They try and prohibit stuff like training as much as possible since they want to keep everyone weak and defenseless.


Battling is only allowed if you are a member of Team Zodiac or Astral, since that either means you're a disciple, or apart of their "police force" known as Altruists (AKA the evil team grunts). Altruists can hail from pretty much any area or legendary-owned territory. People with shown proficiency in Pokemon usage are chosen to be an altruist. Sometimes they are forced to become one by Team Astral/Zodiac.


So if you want to be a trainer without being any of those, you need to be one in secret! Pokeball's are kept far away from the everyday citizen, so either you haven't caught them or you've found a stash somewhere~



And here's stuff that I'm looking for in your character ^^


I'm going to be rather lenient on this since it's your character afterall, so there won't be a specific format or form. However, there are things I absolutely need.


Name: For obvious reasons!

Gender: Another obvious one~

Appearance: This one might seem rather obvious, but you have no idea how many characters I've seen submitted to other places that lack this. A picture or drawing would be amazing here, but if you provide a good and thorough description I'll be happy too~

Personality: This also includes things like traits, or likes and dislikes. It's rather important and the one I'll be looking at the most probably. Please go in-depth here!


Team/Partner (If human), Species&Moveset (If a Pokemon): Be realistic on your team. No legendaries unless you're a disciple. No entire teams of ultra rare psuedo's if you're just a normal trainer. Same applies somewhat to if you plan on submitting a character that's a Pokemon.

If you have any idea's that break the formula (like custom moves/mega's), please PM me about them and I'll probably add them in see whether they should be in the universe.


And things that would be nice to include, but aren't needed. Once again, I might end up making something up myself for your character if you lack these, so be warned!



Story: I would appreciate if the character's story fit in with the fangame's world, but you don't have to do that if you already have a premade character or something. I can just shift their backstory myself, but if you don't want my grubby hands to do that make sure it somewhat fits~

Trivia: Just any other things that your character does and such. Kind of like fun facts ^^


The form of whatever you're going to submit is completely up to you~ You can include more categories than the ones I've listed.


While I'm at it, there are some characters I'm looking for in particular--disciples, people who own legendaries. This is because they're kind of the main focus of the game. But please feel free to submit any of your beloved characters~


Have fun ^^! If you have any questions, please PM me them. I'll try and answer as soon as I can!



1. Contrapasso, Sieges, Eternity Kingdom, and Demure

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Call dibs on the protag lol.

Give me an hour and I'll have the meanest (by this I mean "the best") character you could ever imagine.

Just a note. Can we include canon stuff (like from real games) in the backstory?


Also, if you need any help with generating the story, I could help with that! I really love and enjoy making stories; but I'm never motivated enough to turn it into real stuff. 

Feel free to hit me up if you want/need any help to do with the story. I'd love to help :)





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1 minute ago, NarutoK said:


Call dibs on the protag lol.

Give me an hour and I'll have the meanest (by this I mean "the best") character you could ever imagine.

Just a note. Can we include canon stuff (like from real games) in the backstory?


Also, if you need any help with generating the story, I could help with that! I really love and enjoy making stories; but I'm never motivated enough to turn it into real stuff. 

Feel free to hit me up if you want/need any help to do with the story. I'd love to help :)





((Quotes are working in this topic, bless Ame))


Yes, please feel free to! Thanks for asking!


And thank you for your offer! I'll make sure to take up on it, all the more people the better and the more fun~


I wonder if I should make a Discord server or something, but I feel as if it's a bit too early. I'll think about it ^^

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4 minutes ago, Chromein said:

((Quotes are working in this topic, bless Ame))


Yes, please feel free to! Thanks for asking!


And thank you for your offer! I'll make sure to take up on it, all the more people the better and the more fun~


I wonder if I should make a Discord server or something, but I feel as if it's a bit too early. I'll think about it ^^

Alright! Get ready to have your mind blown with details upon details for the new (protagonist?) character for Pokemon... Pokemon Chromein! It has a nice ring to it!

About the Discord Server. I think it's a great idea, but as you said, a bit too early. 


Man, I'm hyped for helping you out! I've always wanted to have some of my ideas turn into some real stuff!

Edited by NarutoK
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1 minute ago, NarutoK said:

Alright! Get ready to have your mind blown with details upon details for the new (protagonist?) character for Pokemon... Pokemon Chromein! It has a nice ring to it!

About the Discord Server. I think it's a great idea, but as you said, a bit too early. 


Man, I'm hyped for helping you out! I've always wanted to have some of my ideas turn into some real stuff!

Oops, I actually do have a name that I forgot to mention lmao... Although Chromein sounds very nice if I say so myself C;


It'll be called Pokemon Absolute. Not sure if I should edit the original topic or something to include that lol

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13 minutes ago, Chromein said:

Oops, I actually do have a name that I forgot to mention lmao... Although Chromein sounds very nice if I say so myself C;


It'll be called Pokemon Absolute. Not sure if I should edit the original topic or something to include that lol

I think it'd be better to edit the name in.


Also, can/will Pokemon Chrom- Pokemon Absolute be "dark" (to the extent of Pokemon Rejuvenation/Reborn) in the sense that there are real-world problems, and death, and, swearing? Stuff like that? If so, my OC is going to fit in perfectly! Also, does somebody who owns a Keldeo count as a Disciple? 

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Ok so I got many OCs for many different backgrounds and stuff so I can easily tweak one that's easily close to this to fit your game:



Name: (trainer title if possible is: Master of Illusions) Drakyle
Gender: Unknown (Non Binary officially but no one lorewise has ever asked/been given the answer usually responded to with the question: "What would it change about me to know how I identify, would it really matter?" followed by "If it does, you don't need to know, if it doesn't, you still don't need to know")

Appearance: Usually wearing a full body 'cultist like robe' none of xyr hair is usually visible, with no facial hair, when xyr hood is down on rare occasion silver hair/platinum blonde (not grey) hair reaching far down xyr body when not blowing in the wind (usually why the hood is down it got blown down by a gust) (think of pike queen lucy's hair style but silver. (i'll see if I have a picture to closely represent the hooded version)

Personality: A mysterious character whom can snap between being very serious, cold and distant about a situation to very cheerful, carefree and playful, they have a strong disdain for people who treat pokemon as simply a means to an end or as a tool rather than as a friend/ally or partner (which is why as you can imagine they wouldn't like the Altruists or their leaders), a weakness they hold is in their curiosity, once someone or something has them curious, nothing will deter them no matter the risks to try answer what their curiosity demands to know, a strength of theirs would be in their poker face, no matter what emotion they hold or show you can never 'see' the emotion so to speak, like it's just a mask plastered on it's hard to see what's really behind that facial expression or voice, this makes it impossible to actually read when they are hiding something or even lying but also in knowing if they are telling the truth, a thing they like is pokemon battles and seeing others curiosity, it's for this reason they have two occupations they go about to see these likings through (I will cover this in their story/background).


Team: (their pokemon are caught but they are never seen in their poke balls)

Zoroark, Gardevoir, Ditto, Rotom-Normal Forme


Zoroark: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Swords Dance

Gardevoir (Telepathy): Dazzling Gleam, Hypnosis, Psychic, Focus Blast

Ditto (Imposter): Transform

Rotom-Normal Forme: Confuse Ray, Ominous Wind, Thunder, Rain Dance






Story: By day, Drakyle is known as the Master of Illusions of the West Void Continent/s, performing magical shows for audiences with the help of their magicians partner: Assistant Aurasia, who performs Illusions and Magic alongside Drakyle such as xyr signature which involves making 'Clones' of xyr assistant appear, other illusions and magical acts shown is making clones of themselves or the audience, they also have typical magic tricks like guessing your card. a More famous trick of theirs which so far has always amazed the audience as much as their cloning act is their ability to guess any number or word someone is thinking of, here is how the act plays out: They ask anyone from the audience who thinks they can stump Xem to volunteer, they then ask the watchful Astral Officers to select 4-5 random volunteers and collect on a piece of paper a word or number that they keep secret from Xem (from Drakyle), Xe will then play out concentrating and ask the crowd to pick one of the 4-5 people and Xe will suddenly call out the number or word that volunteer chosen wrote down, the guards will then show the crowd the paper (which to differentiate between each volunteer is differently coloured and each volunteer is given a coloured flag to hold) and what was written on it revealing the guess was correct.


So how does this all work? Well Assistant Aurasia is actually a Zoroark whom uses Double Team and it's illusion ability to create the illusion/magic trick of clones as for the predicting the number or word? That's where Gardevoir comes into play, they read the volunteer's minds and that of the guards to double check and then telepathically tell this to Drakyle what each colour paper has written on it.



By Night however Drakyle is someone else entirely, they rarely do go out at night and often appear to only be unwinding at home after a magical performance/illusions act but really this is just a face they let Team Astral see, every few months their Gardevoir who secretly monitors the people living in the area Drakyle is performing in, letting them learn who wishes they had a pokemon, people who have potential and who actually see pokemon as something more than a tool, they also through this have knowledge of all places people host secret pokemon battles. Once a few months have passed their Rotom will cause disruptions in the security cameras livefeed making it impossible to see, during this time they have had their Gardevoir arrange for these people to be teleported to a secret location where Drakyle will offer these individuals a pokemon, granting them the chance to be a pokemon trainer and teaching them where they can secretly train and battle, once this business is concluded Gardevoir teleports the new trainers back to where they were and then Drakyle home, shortly before the disruptions Rotom is causing stop.


Knowing the risks involved Zoroark and Ditto stay home where the Ditto transforms into Zoroark and Zoroark makes itself look like Drakyle whom is often just sleeping on their couch.




The fact their partner in magic is a Zoroark is known by Team Astral but they believe it is a stray that abandoned whoever owned it or was abandoned but not released and simply likes the attention of the crowds, they allow Drakyle to have it as a partner as long as the trainer who owns it, if discovered be reported to them, Xe agreed to tell them if a trainer who can prove they own the Zoroark comes forward knowing full well that will never happen as they own it, Drakyle knows Astral Grunts only monitor Xyr shows only because they want to make sure the promise is kept and to see to it nothing illegal happens during the shows.


Rotom creates the idea of rare disruptions using Rain Dance and Thunder to make it look like a heavy storm is playing havoc with the security cameras, it also uses Confuse Ray on several wild pokemon sometimes to create a chaotic scene to draw the attention of Astral Guards when needed, this is all behaviour Drakyle has taught the Rotom because they know the Rotom likes to cause mischief and this is useful mischief to them.


Ditto was Drakyle's first pokemon.

Drakyle sometimes has Gardevoir use it's telepathic skills and Zoroark's illusion ability to create the appearance of anyone they wish to pretend to be present, such as an Astral Guard (often using telepathy to make it seem like the Zoroark is speaking) to seem like an Area is monitored.

Drakyle's Gardevoir uses Hypnosis to put guards to sleep or anyone else Drakyle doesn't want to be seen by when sneaking around, they also have it use the move on Xem to quickly fall asleep when they return home so it seems like they have been sleeping soundly if investigated during the night (since they will wake up tired).


Drakyle would be one of the first to pledge support in bringing down a corrupt Disciple or the entire Team ruling their area, but wont show their defiance openly unless they are certain victory is a sure thing with no drawbacks.


Drakyle in battles has a menacing Aura no matter what 'personality' they may be showing.

@Chromein Hope this is useful to ya, if you want them to become somehow part of the antag team or such, I don't mind just try to remember their attitude regarding the team.


Also found a custom showdown sprite I asked someone very nice a long time ago to make for me, forgot I even had it, either way it can be used if ya want for their sprite

showdown custom sprite..png

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17 minutes ago, NarutoK said:

I think it'd be better to edit the name in.


Also, can/will Pokemon Chrom- Pokemon Absolute be "dark" (to the extent of Pokemon Rejuvenation/Reborn) in the sense that there are real-world problems, and death, and, swearing? Stuff like that? If so, my OC is going to fit in perfectly! Also, does somebody who owns a Keldeo count as a Disciple? 

Hmm, that's a good question. The world will definitely be quite dark, it's a dystopian universe after all. Team Astral and Zodiac have to get their credit some way xD.


It's probably going to have less edgy-deaths than Reborn though, since I've always felt if that death becomes too common in any fanwork it becomes an expectation, and loses the meaning and significance behind it for shock value.


Swearing? I actually didn't consider that. I tend to be a very non-sweary person, but if it enhances the scene in any way I'll add em in.


As for your Keldeo question... I think it would, to the game's public at least! Legendaries are so important in this world, that if you own a legendary you're seen as nothing but a Disciple. Doesn't mean you have to be one though.


@Lord Drakyle

Oh my goodness, this is amazing! There's so much uniqueness and details in it. I love the concept behind the character and their role, it's so distinct and unique~

I have a bit of a soft-spot for characters that have a secret life/double-sided lives and such, lol.

I'm definitely saving a special spot just for this one, and I'm really looking forward to incorporating them! Thank you so much! ^^

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17 minutes ago, Chromein said:

Hmm, that's a good question. The world will definitely be quite dark, it's a dystopian universe after all. Team Astral and Zodiac have to get their credit some way xD.


It's probably going to have less edgy-deaths than Reborn though, since I've always felt if that death becomes too common in any fanwork it becomes an expectation, and loses the meaning and significance behind it for shock value.


Swearing? I actually didn't consider that. I tend to be a very non-sweary person, but if it enhances the scene in any way I'll add em in.


As for your Keldeo question... I think it would, to the game's public at least! Legendaries are so important in this world, that if you own a legendary you're seen as nothing but a Disciple. Doesn't mean you have to be one though.


@Lord Drakyle

Oh my goodness, this is amazing! There's so much uniqueness and details in it. I love the concept behind the character and their role, it's so distinct and unique~

I have a bit of a soft-spot for characters that have a secret life/double-sided lives and such, lol.

I'm definitely saving a special spot just for this one, and I'm really looking forward to incorporating them! Thank you so much! ^^



That part that I bolded from your quote is perfect. :)

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Name: Vanilla Leiderhosen

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Appearance: She is albino. Has long slightly wavy but mostly straight hair, skin so white that she looks sickly, and icy blue eyes (aka eyes without pigment, you get the jazz). She is rather skinny but has well toned muscles. Flat-chested, petite frame so she tends to be mistaken for a kid. The clothes she wears in the picture below is a traditional dress from her home region (in original setting, Everland Region) but she hates the colors so you can change that to black/grey and she'll appreciate it xD




Background: She was born to a noble family (you can change this to wealthy family if your narrative doesn't contain nobility). She used to be your average cheerful girl while around her one bestie up until the age of 12. After that she had an "accident" and was taken into a gang/conspiracy group (in your case I guess could be either Astral or Zodiac) which every member was harsh towards her for her noble upbringing until now. She was trained under the most dire conditions, barely given time to rest. This treatment continued for years, all the while she learned of the injustices that the gang members have gone through, and starts to actually sympathize with them and their aim (in your case it might be to defeat the opposite team). In the original background, she becomes the leader of the group, but I leave that up to you since you probably have the leaders planned out.


PersonalityAs she grows up in the aforementioned environment, slowly but steadily climbing up the ranks, she adopts a stand-offish perhaps hostile at times personality. She is most loyal to her team, but is not affectionate at all. If she trains others, she's the type to make them suffer much like they did with her, because she believes that pushing oneself to one's limits is the key to performance improvement.

She absolutely hates being disrespected, and will not tolerate it. She will pick a fight with anyone that does, and usually win even if the target seems to have advantage, unless they are people who trained harsher/longer. If the target wins, she will admit her abilities were not enough and start respecting the target instead. 

She likes to be efficient and is completely incentive-driven. She will not help anyone unless there is a gain on her side (at least this is the original Vanilla while she was in the gang). I guess you could say that she is bound by the rules of logic as well.

Also, she does swear but in moderation.

She has a soft spot for her pal, Pachirisu (nickname Pikachu), who managed to become her friend. Pachirisu is caring and happy, not mischievous at all, and roots for Vanilla 100%. Vanilla never talks of her inner feelings to anyone, but she does to Pachirisu.


Team/Partner (from most priority to least priority): Kanto and Alola Ninetales, Lycanroc, Sawsbuck, Klefki, Seismitoad

She has a Pachirisu outside of a pokeball, which does not take part in battling.


tl;dr Vanilla is an edge lord with class.

Story and Trivia I guess are included in the Background and Personality sections :P


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1 hour ago, Candy said:
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Name: Vanilla Leiderhosen

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Appearance: She is albino. Has long slightly wavy but mostly straight hair, skin so white that she looks sickly, and icy blue eyes (aka eyes without pigment, you get the jazz). She is rather skinny but has well toned muscles. Flat-chested, petite frame so she tends to be mistaken for a kid. The clothes she wears in the picture below is a traditional dress from her home region (in original setting, Everland Region) but she hates the colors so you can change that to black/grey and she'll appreciate it xD

  Hide contents



Background: She was born to a noble family (you can change this to wealthy family if your narrative doesn't contain nobility). She used to be your average cheerful girl while around her one bestie up until the age of 12. After that she had an "accident" and was taken into a gang/conspiracy group (in your case I guess could be either Astral or Zodiac) which every member was harsh towards her for her noble upbringing until now. She was trained under the most dire conditions, barely given time to rest. This treatment continued for years, all the while she learned of the injustices that the gang members have gone through, and starts to actually sympathize with them and their aim (in your case it might be to defeat the opposite team). In the original background, she becomes the leader of the group, but I leave that up to you since you probably have the leaders planned out.


PersonalityAs she grows up in the aforementioned environment, slowly but steadily climbing up the ranks, she adopts a stand-offish perhaps hostile at times personality. She is most loyal to her team, but is not affectionate at all. If she trains others, she's the type to make them suffer much like they did with her, because she believes that pushing oneself to one's limits is the key to performance improvement.

She absolutely hates being disrespected, and will not tolerate it. She will pick a fight with anyone that does, and usually win even if the target seems to have advantage, unless they are people who trained harsher/longer. If the target wins, she will admit her abilities were not enough and start respecting the target instead. 

She likes to be efficient and is completely incentive-driven. She will not help anyone unless there is a gain on her side (at least this is the original Vanilla while she was in the gang). I guess you could say that she is bound by the rules of logic as well.

Also, she does swear but in moderation.

She has a soft spot for her pal, Pachirisu (nickname Pikachu), who managed to become her friend. Pachirisu is caring and happy, not mischievous at all, and roots for Vanilla 100%. Vanilla never talks of her inner feelings to anyone, but she does to Pachirisu.


Team/Partner (from most priority to least priority): Kanto and Alola Ninetales, Lycanroc, Sawsbuck, Klefki, Seismitoad

She has a Pachirisu outside of a pokeball, which does not take part in battling.


tl;dr Vanilla is an edge lord with class.

Story and Trivia I guess are included in the Background and Personality sections :P


advertising your run huh?

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2 hours ago, Plok said:

mashing random OCs won-t make a storz

Don't believe her just watch 😎

Jk Idk but I'd like to see what comes out of it~ since TBH most of the time it's the characters and their personalities that dictate the paths a story can take.


8 hours ago, ArcherEric said:

advertising your run huh?

More like immortalizing my dear OC - for my run won't be read forever but her game prolly will xD but honestly this one is likely going to be Vanilla in a different timeline, where she isn't the Everlander we know :P

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I once tried to make some characters to fit like gym leaders. But since I won't be using them for anything, I can suggest it here:

Ashley is female and loves to dance. Salsa to be specific.
Her partner would be Oricorio Baile Style. I imagined her team to be fire-based, but since you don't do gym leaders or something alike I guess her team would be based more around dancing (mons that know Teeter, quiver, dragon, sword (etc.?) dance)


Since your story is incredibly dark, Ashley will try to brighten up your mood in the game.  She is a very passionate woman and also very passionate to keep things lively. 
She may however be a bit sassy to people who offend her of people whom she just doesn't  like. So don't even think of offending this woman. She will start to point with her finger, and be like 'na-ah ain't gonna happen, honey'. 




 (don't know if I can upload it bigger, but I hope it's readible) 


Since the story is optional I shall be short:
Ashley is the owner of a dance studio in a bigger city. You'll meet her in the city where some kind of problem (you can fill that in Chromein with however your story exactly goes). 
Before you went to the city, someone told you to find Ashley as she'll know the city well and might be prepared to help you. 
Since battling is illegal, you'll go to the basement of the dance studio to convince her to help by battle. If you win, she'll help you as you can. 
(Story may even end with you getting your own oriciorio, dunno)
She won't leave her city, since her job is still important to maintain a living. So after you decide to move on, you'll part ways. Maybe she pops up later, who knows ;)


Anyway, good luck with the game :)

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@Candy Based off Vanilla's backstory and the brief description we have of the Teams, I think she'd be a Zodiac. But hey, that's just speculation at this point!


@Chromein Out of curiosity, might I be able to submit two characters? I was working on molding one to better fit into the world when I read Lord Drakyle's submission and realized that his character could work as a solid counter for another of mine. Though I suppose they'd have to agree with any sort of behind the scenes relationship building, of course!

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5 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

@Candy Based off Vanilla's backstory and the brief description we have of the Teams, I think she'd be a Zodiac. But hey, that's just speculation at this point!


@Chromein Out of curiosity, might I be able to submit two characters? I was working on molding one to better fit into the world when I read Lord Drakyle's submission and realized that his character could work as a solid counter for another of mine. Though I suppose they'd have to agree with any sort of behind the scenes relationship building, of course!

If you want me to agree to some kind of relationship regarding my character and yours just pm me what ya had in mind and we will see if it can fit my character's lore if it does it's just a matter of letting chromein decide how to make it fit their story too.

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I appreciate peoples' interest in this ^^, I hope I'm not too disappointing lol


I'm going to be making my responses to characters shorter and just acknowledging I got them, since I don't want every post of mine to be spam. I'll PM people with more indepth thoughts~

17 hours ago, Candy said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Vanilla Leiderhosen

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Appearance: She is albino. Has long slightly wavy but mostly straight hair, skin so white that she looks sickly, and icy blue eyes (aka eyes without pigment, you get the jazz). She is rather skinny but has well toned muscles. Flat-chested, petite frame so she tends to be mistaken for a kid. The clothes she wears in the picture below is a traditional dress from her home region (in original setting, Everland Region) but she hates the colors so you can change that to black/grey and she'll appreciate it xD

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Background: She was born to a noble family (you can change this to wealthy family if your narrative doesn't contain nobility). She used to be your average cheerful girl while around her one bestie up until the age of 12. After that she had an "accident" and was taken into a gang/conspiracy group (in your case I guess could be either Astral or Zodiac) which every member was harsh towards her for her noble upbringing until now. She was trained under the most dire conditions, barely given time to rest. This treatment continued for years, all the while she learned of the injustices that the gang members have gone through, and starts to actually sympathize with them and their aim (in your case it might be to defeat the opposite team). In the original background, she becomes the leader of the group, but I leave that up to you since you probably have the leaders planned out.


PersonalityAs she grows up in the aforementioned environment, slowly but steadily climbing up the ranks, she adopts a stand-offish perhaps hostile at times personality. She is most loyal to her team, but is not affectionate at all. If she trains others, she's the type to make them suffer much like they did with her, because she believes that pushing oneself to one's limits is the key to performance improvement.

She absolutely hates being disrespected, and will not tolerate it. She will pick a fight with anyone that does, and usually win even if the target seems to have advantage, unless they are people who trained harsher/longer. If the target wins, she will admit her abilities were not enough and start respecting the target instead. 

She likes to be efficient and is completely incentive-driven. She will not help anyone unless there is a gain on her side (at least this is the original Vanilla while she was in the gang). I guess you could say that she is bound by the rules of logic as well.

Also, she does swear but in moderation.

She has a soft spot for her pal, Pachirisu (nickname Pikachu), who managed to become her friend. Pachirisu is caring and happy, not mischievous at all, and roots for Vanilla 100%. Vanilla never talks of her inner feelings to anyone, but she does to Pachirisu.


Team/Partner (from most priority to least priority): Kanto and Alola Ninetales, Lycanroc, Sawsbuck, Klefki, Seismitoad

She has a Pachirisu outside of a pokeball, which does not take part in battling.


tl;dr Vanilla is an edge lord with class.

Story and Trivia I guess are included in the Background and Personality sections :P


Thank you for your character! ^^ Pachirisu named Pikachu, like a Dog named Cat? xD


As Autumn stated, Zodiac might fit better due to how extreme the gang treated her. Zodiac is rather brutal lol

And on that note, there actually is another "team" (but not really one) called the "Dream Eaters", who is basically an anti-government terrorist group. I didn't include them on the thread since I doubt that anyone will make a character involving them, and since they're supposed to be a super recent thing in the game's timeline.


10 hours ago, Plok said:

mashing random OCs won-t make a storz



16 hours ago, ArcherEric said:

advertising your run huh?

This game will be product placement only at this point! McDonald's character, where are you?


6 hours ago, guidy said:




I once tried to make some characters to fit like gym leaders. But since I won't be using them for anything, I can suggest it here:

Ashley is female and loves to dance. Salsa to be specific.
Her partner would be Oricorio Baile Style. I imagined her team to be fire-based, but since you don't do gym leaders or something alike I guess her team would be based more around dancing (mons that know Teeter, quiver, dragon, sword (etc.?) dance)


Since your story is incredibly dark, Ashley will try to brighten up your mood in the game.  She is a very passionate woman and also very passionate to keep things lively. 
She may however be a bit sassy to people who offend her of people whom she just doesn't  like. So don't even think of offending this woman. She will start to point with her finger, and be like 'na-ah ain't gonna happen, honey'. 



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 (don't know if I can upload it bigger, but I hope it's readible) 


Since the story is optional I shall be short:
Ashley is the owner of a dance studio in a bigger city. You'll meet her in the city where some kind of problem (you can fill that in Chromein with however your story exactly goes). 
Before you went to the city, someone told you to find Ashley as she'll know the city well and might be prepared to help you. 
Since battling is illegal, you'll go to the basement of the dance studio to convince her to help by battle. If you win, she'll help you as you can. 
(Story may even end with you getting your own oriciorio, dunno)
She won't leave her city, since her job is still important to maintain a living. So after you decide to move on, you'll part ways. Maybe she pops up later, who knows ;)


Anyway, good luck with the game :)


Yes, I love cheerful characters in edgy games especially!

Thank you very much for your character! And thanks for your luck-wishing, I'll need it lol


6 hours ago, Autumn Zephyr said:


@Chromein Out of curiosity, might I be able to submit two characters? I was working on molding one to better fit into the world when I read Lord Drakyle's submission and realized that his character could work as a solid counter for another of mine. Though I suppose they'd have to agree with any sort of behind the scenes relationship building, of course!

Go ahead! If you can, I'd prefer that you keep the two characters in a single post ^^

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Name: Blanche Roe

Gender: non-binary (maybe asexual) but biologically female

Age: Looks like late 20's but no one really knows

Appearance: Straight white hair that xe keeps on a high-up ponytail. Xe has a broad forehead, an overall roundish face and large dark brown eyes. Xe wears dark blue dougi-like clothes, and has a well-toned body which does look like the average female. Xe is usually found meditating surrounded by nature, and her aura is so strong that xyr students never approach her while she is in that position.

Back story: Xe used to be an undercover pokemon trainer and a martial artist (think battle girl trainer class) in xyr youth. From the very beginning, xe has been reserved, polite and intelligent, giving xyr the title of prodigy since the age of 10. Being the daughter of two martial artists, xe was taught to meditate from an early age as well. During xyr adventures as a trainer, xe encountered legendary pokemon Xerneas, while xe was focused in meditation. Though Xerneas cannot speak, it communicated its thoughts (specifically, Xerneas thought that Blanche and it shared similar worldviews and personality, which seemed to befit its choice for a life-long partner/disciple) to xyr through telepathy, asking whether xe would have bravery to leave xyr ways as a pokemon trainer and join it as a Disciple. Xe accepted, released xer team and became a Disciple for [insert team name here]. In the team, xe has been assigned to train promising martial artists, especially in zen. Xyr students are often puzzled by xyr ways, but they eventually get used to xyr lifestyle.

Team/Partner: No team, only Xerneas, who is connected to xyr thoughts. Xerneas, however, is never present unless Blanche calls it, which also doesn't happen in public unless there's a state of emergency or something.

Before becoming Xerneas' disciple tho, xyr team was: Medicham, Mienshao, Xatu, Milotic, Lurantis, Darmanitan

Trivia: Blanche's parents have accepted xyr non binary sexuality but not everyone in xer family does. The older members wish for xyr to get married soon and have arranged many unsuccessful matches with guys (who are actually interested in the match). Blanche has no siblings, and xer cousins have refrained from befriending xyr because xe comes off as a stuck up person. Xe is not a stuck up, but xer preference of solitude has made xer unpopular. Hence you could say that Blanche's only true friend is Xerneas.

Since I'm at it, this time I'll give my 2 cents for a disciple~ can you ignore that I just came up with this on a whim

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This here's my OC. Hope you like it :D 

Character Info







Name: Veras Lexritz 

Gender:  Male

Age in Backstory: 6 - 10 years old

Age in the game story: 18 years old

Appearance: I'm a 18 yo dude who wears a black t-shirt and ripped jeans with a flannel hoodie jacket as an outer garment. Hair color's dark brown, eye color dark brown. (honestly i dont really mind the character appearance as long as his looks is relevant to his story)


- Dark type trainer

- He loves dark type pokemons because he feels that he could relate to them being isolated and somewhat standoff-ish

- Gives off the hard to approach vibe

- Awkward during first encounters

- Very serious

- Gets really heated and emotional when Team Zodiac is concerned (like when theyre around or rumours abt them, etc)

- One of the leaders of a resistance organisation against Team Zodiac (if the game has any?) If theres no organisation like that then he acts alone like a rouge rebel i guess.

- He absolutely hates how Team Zodiac conducts their reign and control (with violence and fear)

- The thing with him is the irony of how impulsive, violent and cold he could be when it comes to Team Zodiac.

example: He would use fear and resort to torture (albeit not as as terrible as how team zodiac conducts it) on a Zodiac grunt in order to get a piece of information.

- Maybe the main character (the player) would play a part in my OC's character development where he learns that he's becoming what he hates most due to his thirst for revenge

-  He couldn't care less about Team Astral is up to in the beginning, only focusing on Team Zodiac. This would change if you agree with the main character (player)'s involvement in my OC's character development


I think my OC's role would best be a main casts along with the main character. (Main supporting?)


Team/Partner (In order of obtaining them): 

Mega Tyranitar as a partner - A gift from his late father when Veras was still just 4 years old. His father wanted larvitar to be a companion who will always be there for Veras.

Shiny Umbreon (I gotta have a shiny umbreon. Or just umbreon you decide) - Running away from the chaos of his previous home the orphanage, he stumbles upon a shiny eevee, being hunted down by Zodiac grunts. It decided to follow Veras after being rescued by him.

Houndoom - Caught

Weavile - Caught

Greninja - Caught

Honchkrow - Caught

(Tho he cares alot for his pokes.. His 2 main partners is tyranitar and umbreon)



Veras became an orphan very early in his life. Team Zodiac had tortured and killed everyone dear to him, right before his eyes. He stood there with tears flowing down his face, stunned, unable to say a word. Seeing this, the Zodiac leader walks up to him and said, 'you loved them didn't you? You didn't want them dead do you? But I guess it can't be helped. Seeds of rebellion were planted in this very district. Rebellions leads to civil wars. Wars leads to unwanted death. Thus, Rebellions are dangerous. As the leader/one of the leaders of Team Zodiac, rulers of the East, it is my duty, responsibility and pleasure, to pluck these unwanted seeds that may damage the rest of the garden.'


The Zodiac leader stood silent, watching the pitiful boy, holding dearly to his newly hatched larvitar. As if trying to give him a new purpose in life, he told the boy, 'Hate me. Loath me. Despise me for taking everything you held dear. Grow up strong and survive little one. So that when the time comes and the fates allow, kill me. Kill me with the strength you've attained through the sufferings you've endured. Become the predator from the weak little prey that you currently are.'

Team Zodiac then left the house, leaving behind the boy in a room full of blood and corpse. God knows how long the boy stood still in that room without food nor water, when the locals came and rescues the boy. They were surprised to see that Veras had survived the Zodiac raid. He was then sent to an orphanage, since no one would take in the now orphaned boy. It was a poor little orphanage in the country side. Its facilities were definitely lacking, but for a boy who had nothing left, this was paradise.


The boy was broken. Had nothing, wanted nothing. The cheerful smiles and laughter of the other children in the orphanage seemed so distant and strange for Veras, despite being that way just a week ago. The sisters (caretakers if you will. doesnt have to be sisters.. its your game :)) were concerned about the boy. No matter how much they try to approach Veras, be it with a new toy or tasty food, the boy would just gives off a gentle smile so sincere, it pains those around him. They know that the boy were in distress. Yet he shielded himself from the concerns of others with that gentle smile of his, as if screaming to the world, 'hey, i'm fine so don't bother me.'


Long story short, Veras finally opens up to the others at the orphanage, be it the caretakers or the other children. But then, Team Zodiac strikes again. They came in, stormed the orphanage, and gathered the orphanage residents in the backyard.


'Do you know your sin, sister (name)?'


[...... Oh man this has gotten really long so imma leave this here for now. Tell me what you think, imma work on the background story a bit more later.]






Edited by Veras Lexritz
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Hoo boy, I sure do take forever with writing these sorts of things! Without further ado, here's charie 1 of 2!




Name: Dichromatia Schmeltzer (Chroma for short)

Trainer Titles: Wandering Magus (when fought as a trainer), Astral Altruist (when fought as an organization member)

Gender: Female


Age: 21





*Image shows her street attire* Chroma is a fairly pale girl with purple twintails that end in pink and differently colored eyes. While performing, she wears an elaborate (and easily removable) violet “wizard’s robe” with pink embroidery over her usual attire. When she’s on duty for Team Astral, she simply wears the usual uniform with her hair down, but her eye and hair colors are usually enough for people to recognize her anyway.

Personality: Out on the stage, Chroma is a showman through and through: speaking in a long praising manner, with the occasional joke cropping up here and there, all in an attempt to bring smiles to the masses for at least a brief moment in time. Naturally, she calms down quite a bit once the curtains drop; she’s still pretty cheerful in average conversation, but she picks up a slight sarcastic edge to her jokes. She doesn’t seem to be fazed by tragedy as easily as most people, which can lead to others thinking that she’s a little insensitive from time to time. This apparent emotional stability does allow her to better find solutions to problems as they come up, of course, which can help keep things from getting even worse.

That said, she is an ambitious and calculating individual beneath the cheerful exterior. Much of what she does lays strings for her to pull should she need to later, be it to get out of a jam or climb higher up the ranks of Team Astral. She isn’t above doing work that others would find unsavory, either, the trait that especially served her well in attaining the rank she has. As a result, many Astrals act a little afraid around her, which she doesn’t mind at all- she finds it to be a nice break from getting swarmed by fans all the time, in fact!


Team: Staryu--> Starmie, Misdreavus--> Mismagius, A. Vulpix--> A. Ninetales, Riolu--> Lucario, Malamar*, Salazzle*

*- Only on the team when fought as an Astral Altruist, due to them giving away her role


Story: Much like Drakyle, Dichromatia Schmeltzer is a traveling magician. However, she specializes in overtly mystical tricks and dazzling displays that boggle the modern world's logical minds. Her shows are abound with spells, projections, and minor curses whose effects all wear off when the curtains draw to a close (much to the crowds' relief, in the latter case), most coming from her pokemon and some stemming from the trainer herself. She does this largely to stand away from Drakyle's performances, since a magician's visits would quickly grow stale if they were all the same, which in turn would mean that they would bring fewer smiles to the faces of a people who truly needs them. For that same reason, Chroma refuses to visit any location Drakyle had passed through within the past month they unless they had planned to do a show together or it is absolutely necessary- as such, business continues to thrive for both of them, and the citizens' morale continues to be relatively high compared to those of the East.


This unspoken business agreement extends beyond the showman's world, however. It's no secret that many of the people who disappear into the Astrals' clutches return different than before, and Chroma stands deep in the middle of those proceedings. Her hypnotic prowess had allowed her to rise through the ranks of Team Astral, and netted her a position in their "reformation" program. This, in turn, led to her becoming privy to her business rival's background actions. She's gone through great lengths to keep this information secret to the higher ups, however, even going so far as temporarily hypnotizing herself into locking away related memories if she suspects that she'll come into contact with a Disciple of a Psychic Legendary. Allowing Darkyle to do as they please, she reasons, will keep peoples' morale high enough to prevent any unnecessary revolutions, while simultaneously increasing the number of able bodies available to fight back should the Zodiacs decided to attack- and, if the stars so will it, her chances of attracting a Legendary's attention and becoming a Disciple herself.


Of course, just as she's aware of Drakyle's actions, she's all but certain that they're aware of (or at least suspects) hers...


Trivia: Chroma is prone to mindlessly levitating small objects in circles if she’s ever idle. While her cautious nature has led to her almost never having all of her memories intact at any given moment (there is a larger number of psychic type pokemon in the region now, after all), she is usually aware that she’s missing them and will subtly comment on that fact if she deems it necessary (“I knew what you’re up to”, for example).



Before anyone comments on the image quality, these are roughly a year and a half old and the linework was all done with pen. Anatomy stops being as big a hanging point when you can no longer go back to fix your mistakes~!




Name: Silic


Trainer Titles: Storm Disciple (when fought in the inevitable raid on the Zodiac base), Technocrat (if ever fought elsewhere)


Gender: Non-Binary


Age: 24





Between xyr piercing red eyes and xyr silver hair sticking out in pointed strands, Silic bears a slight resemblance to a villain who once terrorized the distant Orre Region somewhere around a decade and a half ago. Unlike that man, however, he dresses in a normal, albeit relatively high class, fashion. Although they alternate between wearing jeans or a pencil skirt with leggings, Silic’s attire above the waist stays pretty much the same from day to day: a purple sweater vest over a white button up shirt with a red tie, a custom made poketch with an X-Tranciever like app on his left wrist, and a violet bowler hat with a red stripe upon their head. Rarely are they seen without xyr red orb-topped cane.


Personality: Silic is a lot like Thundurus, the Legendary that chose him: prideful, deceivingly clever, and destructively vindictive. Xe’s brutally calculated both in terms of achieving xyr lofty ambitions and getting back at any that cross them, though xe has enough self-control to hold back on getting vengeance on anyone of a higher rank than them until that is no longer the case. Xe’s also rather controlling of most of the people under xyr command, treating them much like the assets xe had built xyr fortune on before ever becoming a Disciple. Ironically, though, joining the high ranks of the Disciples has taught Silic a small degree of humility- xe is far from being the strongest among them, and has come to respect many of the ones that haven’t seriously wronged xem. Of course, to anyone other than those few Disciples, xe just seems cold and ruthless…


Team: Thundurus, Metagross, Porygon-Z, Silvally, A. Muk, Mow Rotom


Story: Nobody’s sure where this person came from- they just seemed to appear one day and swiftly start an underground business in trading dubious and difficult to get technology. In a mere two months, Silic had gone from a complete unknown to a serious financial powerhouse, prompting a near immediate visit from Zodiac recruiters that ended with them giving the up and coming kingpin far more leeway than they intended. Shortly after that, the previous Disciple of thundurus died in (seemingly) unprecedented heart attack, and the serpent chose xem as the replacement, thus allowing xem to climb even further up the ladder and cement themselves as a major figure in the East.


Silic’s take on the usual Zodiac brutality is decidedly different than most. Xe usually singles out a single grunt (or, rarely, some random person on the street), gives them a single incredibly difficult mission, and even supplies them with some piece of technology that initially seems like it would be vital to the mission. The many who both fail the mission and survive to tell the tale then have to suffer as Silic sees fit, which keeps them from getting bored while waiting for the next person to fall. The rare few who succeed, however, are then released from xyr service- they are clearly stronger than xe had expected and such strength is far better suited elsewhere in the organization. Whether any PTSD they may have picked up along the way holds them back at their new posts is none of the quest giver’s concern anymore…


Trivia: Aside from Thundurus (his Legendary) and metagross (his main), all of xyr pokemon have had at least one component of them made within xyr facilities. Also, I hadn’t realized how often I use pronouns in these bios until I noticed that the whole entry was died red with misspelled word scribbles, and they were not from pokemon names!



And with that, I'm going to actually go to bed. It's three in the morning here, and that can't be healthy for my sleep schedule! 

Edited by Autumn Zephyr
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For some reason, I didn't get a notification of any posts. >.<, I'm so sorry! Now, while listening to some nice Touhou remixes, lets jump into the mix!


22 hours ago, Candy said:
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Name: Blanche Roe

Gender: non-binary (maybe asexual) but biologically female

Age: Looks like late 20's but no one really knows

Appearance: Straight white hair that xe keeps on a high-up ponytail. Xe has a broad forehead, an overall roundish face and large dark brown eyes. Xe wears dark blue dougi-like clothes, and has a well-toned body which does look like the average female. Xe is usually found meditating surrounded by nature, and her aura is so strong that xyr students never approach her while she is in that position.

Back story: Xe used to be an undercover pokemon trainer and a martial artist (think battle girl trainer class) in xyr youth. From the very beginning, xe has been reserved, polite and intelligent, giving xyr the title of prodigy since the age of 10. Being the daughter of two martial artists, xe was taught to meditate from an early age as well. During xyr adventures as a trainer, xe encountered legendary pokemon Xerneas, while xe was focused in meditation. Though Xerneas cannot speak, it communicated its thoughts (specifically, Xerneas thought that Blanche and it shared similar worldviews and personality, which seemed to befit its choice for a life-long partner/disciple) to xyr through telepathy, asking whether xe would have bravery to leave xyr ways as a pokemon trainer and join it as a Disciple. Xe accepted, released xer team and became a Disciple for [insert team name here]. In the team, xe has been assigned to train promising martial artists, especially in zen. Xyr students are often puzzled by xyr ways, but they eventually get used to xyr lifestyle.

Team/Partner: No team, only Xerneas, who is connected to xyr thoughts. Xerneas, however, is never present unless Blanche calls it, which also doesn't happen in public unless there's a state of emergency or something.

Before becoming Xerneas' disciple tho, xyr team was: Medicham, Mienshao, Xatu, Milotic, Lurantis, Darmanitan

Trivia: Blanche's parents have accepted xyr non binary sexuality but not everyone in xer family does. The older members wish for xyr to get married soon and have arranged many unsuccessful matches with guys (who are actually interested in the match). Blanche has no siblings, and xer cousins have refrained from befriending xyr because xe comes off as a stuck up person. Xe is not a stuck up, but xer preference of solitude has made xer unpopular. Hence you could say that Blanche's only true friend is Xerneas.

Since I'm at it, this time I'll give my 2 cents for a disciple~ can you ignore that I just came up with this on a whim


Yesss, an Xerneas Disciple I swear I'm not biased to Fairy types ;). Martial artist Xerneas Disciple... that's a lot more fitting then I even could've come up with xD. Thank you~


19 hours ago, Veras Lexritz said:

This here's my OC. Hope you like it :D 

Character Info






  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Veras Lexritz 

Gender:  Male

Age in Backstory: 6 - 10 years old

Age in the game story: 18 years old

Appearance: I'm a 18 yo dude who wears a black t-shirt and ripped jeans with a flannel hoodie jacket as an outer garment. Hair color's dark brown, eye color dark brown. (honestly i dont really mind the character appearance as long as his looks is relevant to his story)


- Dark type trainer

- He loves dark type pokemons because he feels that he could relate to them being isolated and somewhat standoff-ish

- Gives off the hard to approach vibe

- Awkward during first encounters

- Very serious

- Gets really heated and emotional when Team Zodiac is concerned (like when theyre around or rumours abt them, etc)

- One of the leaders of a resistance organisation against Team Zodiac (if the game has any?) If theres no organisation like that then he acts alone like a rouge rebel i guess.

- He absolutely hates how Team Zodiac conducts their reign and control (with violence and fear)

- The thing with him is the irony of how impulsive, violent and cold he could be when it comes to Team Zodiac.

example: He would use fear and resort to torture (albeit not as as terrible as how team zodiac conducts it) on a Zodiac grunt in order to get a piece of information.

- Maybe the main character (the player) would play a part in my OC's character development where he learns that he's becoming what he hates most due to his thirst for revenge

-  He couldn't care less about Team Astral is up to in the beginning, only focusing on Team Zodiac. This would change if you agree with the main character (player)'s involvement in my OC's character development


I think my OC's role would best be a main casts along with the main character. (Main supporting?)


Team/Partner (In order of obtaining them): 

Mega Tyranitar as a partner - A gift from his late father when Veras was still just 4 years old. His father wanted larvitar to be a companion who will always be there for Veras.

Shiny Umbreon (I gotta have a shiny umbreon. Or just umbreon you decide) - Running away from the chaos of his previous home the orphanage, he stumbles upon a shiny eevee, being hunted down by Zodiac grunts. It decided to follow Veras after being rescued by him.

Houndoom - Caught

Weavile - Caught

Greninja - Caught

Honchkrow - Caught

(Tho he cares alot for his pokes.. His 2 main partners is tyranitar and umbreon)



Veras became an orphan very early in his life. Team Zodiac had tortured and killed everyone dear to him, right before his eyes. He stood there with tears flowing down his face, stunned, unable to say a word. Seeing this, the Zodiac leader walks up to him and said, 'you loved them didn't you? You didn't want them dead do you? But I guess it can't be helped. Seeds of rebellion were planted in this very district. Rebellions leads to civil wars. Wars leads to unwanted death. Thus, Rebellions are dangerous. As the leader/one of the leaders of Team Zodiac, rulers of the East, it is my duty, responsibility and pleasure, to pluck these unwanted seeds that may damage the rest of the garden.'


The Zodiac leader stood silent, watching the pitiful boy, holding dearly to his newly hatched larvitar. As if trying to give him a new purpose in life, he told the boy, 'Hate me. Loath me. Despise me for taking everything you held dear. Grow up strong and survive little one. So that when the time comes and the fates allow, kill me. Kill me with the strength you've attained through the sufferings you've endured. Become the predator from the weak little prey that you currently are.'

Team Zodiac then left the house, leaving behind the boy in a room full of blood and corpse. God knows how long the boy stood still in that room without food nor water, when the locals came and rescues the boy. They were surprised to see that Veras had survived the Zodiac raid. He was then sent to an orphanage, since no one would take in the now orphaned boy. It was a poor little orphanage in the country side. Its facilities were definitely lacking, but for a boy who had nothing left, this was paradise.


The boy was broken. Had nothing, wanted nothing. The cheerful smiles and laughter of the other children in the orphanage seemed so distant and strange for Veras, despite being that way just a week ago. The sisters (caretakers if you will. doesnt have to be sisters.. its your game :)) were concerned about the boy. No matter how much they try to approach Veras, be it with a new toy or tasty food, the boy would just gives off a gentle smile so sincere, it pains those around him. They know that the boy were in distress. Yet he shielded himself from the concerns of others with that gentle smile of his, as if screaming to the world, 'hey, i'm fine so don't bother me.'


Long story short, Veras finally opens up to the others at the orphanage, be it the caretakers or the other children. But then, Team Zodiac strikes again. They came in, stormed the orphanage, and gathered the orphanage residents in the backyard.


'Do you know your sin, sister (name)?'


[...... Oh man this has gotten really long so imma leave this here for now. Tell me what you think, imma work on the background story a bit more later.]






Jump on the "screw Team Zodiac" team, there's plenty of that to come around, >:)

Hmm, I didn't have a resistance team planned... but this post has given me a good idea for one. Oh boy, we have a lot of organizations in this game. Like 4 at this point? xD, I think I'll make another large post later with the new game details everyone's characters have been giving me ^^

The resistance organization will be both anti-Zodiac/Astral, because the two teams suck so much that they should both go down.

Thank you very much for your character! The evil teams are so much fun to use, and I'll be sure to try and draw those interactions between your character and them to the max ;)

17 hours ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Hoo boy, I sure do take forever with writing these sorts of things! Without further ado, here's charie 1 of 2!


  Reveal hidden contents


Name: Dichromatia Schmeltzer (Chroma for short)

Trainer Titles: Wandering Magus (when fought as a trainer), Astral Altruist (when fought as an organization member)

Gender: Female


Age: 21



  Reveal hidden contents


*Image shows her street attire* Chroma is a fairly pale girl with purple twintails that end in pink and differently colored eyes. While performing, she wears an elaborate (and easily removable) violet “wizard’s robe” with pink embroidery over her usual attire. When she’s on duty for Team Astral, she simply wears the usual uniform with her hair down, but her eye and hair colors are usually enough for people to recognize her anyway.

Personality: Out on the stage, Chroma is a showman through and through: speaking in a long praising manner, with the occasional joke cropping up here and there, all in an attempt to bring smiles to the masses for at least a brief moment in time. Naturally, she calms down quite a bit once the curtains drop; she’s still pretty cheerful in average conversation, but she picks up a slight sarcastic edge to her jokes. She doesn’t seem to be fazed by tragedy as easily as most people, which can lead to others thinking that she’s a little insensitive from time to time. This apparent emotional stability does allow her to better find solutions to problems as they come up, of course, which can help keep things from getting even worse.

That said, she is an ambitious and calculating individual beneath the cheerful exterior. Much of what she does lays strings for her to pull should she need to later, be it to get out of a jam or climb higher up the ranks of Team Astral. She isn’t above doing work that others would find unsavory, either, the trait that especially served her well in attaining the rank she has. As a result, many Astrals act a little afraid around her, which she doesn’t mind at all- she finds it to be a nice break from getting swarmed by fans all the time, in fact!


Team: Staryu--> Starmie, Misdreavus--> Mismagius, A. Vulpix--> A. Ninetales, Riolu--> Lucario, Malamar*, Salazzle*

*- Only on the team when fought as an Astral Altruist, due to them giving away her role


Story: Much like Drakyle, Dichromatia Schmeltzer is a traveling magician. However, she specializes in overtly mystical tricks and dazzling displays that boggle the modern world's logical minds. Her shows are abound with spells, projections, and minor curses whose effects all wear off when the curtains draw to a close (much to the crowds' relief, in the latter case), most coming from her pokemon and some stemming from the trainer herself. She does this largely to stand away from Drakyle's performances, since a magician's visits would quickly grow stale if they were all the same, which in turn would mean that they would bring fewer smiles to the faces of a people who truly needs them. For that same reason, Chroma refuses to visit any location Drakyle had passed through within the past month they unless they had planned to do a show together or it is absolutely necessary- as such, business continues to thrive for both of them, and the citizens' morale continues to be relatively high compared to those of the East.


This unspoken business agreement extends beyond the showman's world, however. It's no secret that many of the people who disappear into the Astrals' clutches return different than before, and Chroma stands deep in the middle of those proceedings. Her hypnotic prowess had allowed her to rise through the ranks of Team Astral, and netted her a position in their "reformation" program. This, in turn, led to her becoming privy to her business rival's background actions. She's gone through great lengths to keep this information secret to the higher ups, however, even going so far as temporarily hypnotizing herself into locking away related memories if she suspects that she'll come into contact with a Disciple of a Psychic Legendary. Allowing Darkyle to do as they please, she reasons, will keep peoples' morale high enough to prevent any unnecessary revolutions, while simultaneously increasing the number of able bodies available to fight back should the Zodiacs decided to attack- and, if the stars so will it, her chances of attracting a Legendary's attention and becoming a Disciple herself.


Of course, just as she's aware of Drakyle's actions, she's all but certain that they're aware of (or at least suspects) hers...


Trivia: Chroma is prone to mindlessly levitating small objects in circles if she’s ever idle. While her cautious nature has led to her almost never having all of her memories intact at any given moment (there is a larger number of psychic type pokemon in the region now, after all), she is usually aware that she’s missing them and will subtly comment on that fact if she deems it necessary (“I knew what you’re up to”, for example).



Before anyone comments on the image quality, these are roughly a year and a half old and the linework was all done with pen. Anatomy stops being as big a hanging point when you can no longer go back to fix your mistakes~!


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Name: Silic


Trainer Titles: Storm Disciple (when fought in the inevitable raid on the Zodiac base), Technocrat (if ever fought elsewhere)


Gender: Non-Binary


Age: 24



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Between xyr piercing red eyes and xyr silver hair sticking out in pointed strands, Silic bears a slight resemblance to a villain who once terrorized the distant Orre Region somewhere around a decade and a half ago. Unlike that man, however, he dresses in a normal, albeit relatively high class, fashion. Although they alternate between wearing jeans or a pencil skirt with leggings, Silic’s attire above the waist stays pretty much the same from day to day: a purple sweater vest over a white button up shirt with a red tie, a custom made poketch with an X-Tranciever like app on his left wrist, and a violet bowler hat with a red stripe upon their head. Rarely are they seen without xyr red orb-topped cane.


Personality: Silic is a lot like Thundurus, the Legendary that chose him: prideful, deceivingly clever, and destructively vindictive. Xe’s brutally calculated both in terms of achieving xyr lofty ambitions and getting back at any that cross them, though xe has enough self-control to hold back on getting vengeance on anyone of a higher rank than them until that is no longer the case. Xe’s also rather controlling of most of the people under xyr command, treating them much like the assets xe had built xyr fortune on before ever becoming a Disciple. Ironically, though, joining the high ranks of the Disciples has taught Silic a small degree of humility- xe is far from being the strongest among them, and has come to respect many of the ones that haven’t seriously wronged xem. Of course, to anyone other than those few Disciples, xe just seems cold and ruthless…


Team: Thundurus, Metagross, Porygon-Z, Silvally, A. Muk, Mow Rotom


Story: Nobody’s sure where this person came from- they just seemed to appear one day and swiftly start an underground business in trading dubious and difficult to get technology. In a mere two months, Silic had gone from a complete unknown to a serious financial powerhouse, prompting a near immediate visit from Zodiac recruiters that ended with them giving the up and coming kingpin far more leeway than they intended. Shortly after that, the previous Disciple of thundurus died in (seemingly) unprecedented heart attack, and the serpent chose xem as the replacement, thus allowing xem to climb even further up the ladder and cement themselves as a major figure in the East.


Silic’s take on the usual Zodiac brutality is decidedly different than most. Xe usually singles out a single grunt (or, rarely, some random person on the street), gives them a single incredibly difficult mission, and even supplies them with some piece of technology that initially seems like it would be vital to the mission. The many who both fail the mission and survive to tell the tale then have to suffer as Silic sees fit, which keeps them from getting bored while waiting for the next person to fall. The rare few who succeed, however, are then released from xyr service- they are clearly stronger than xe had expected and such strength is far better suited elsewhere in the organization. Whether any PTSD they may have picked up along the way holds them back at their new posts is none of the quest giver’s concern anymore…


Trivia: Aside from Thundurus (his Legendary) and metagross (his main), all of xyr pokemon have had at least one component of them made within xyr facilities. Also, I hadn’t realized how often I use pronouns in these bios until I noticed that the whole entry was died red with misspelled word scribbles, and they were not from pokemon names!



And with that, I'm going to actually go to bed. It's three in the morning here, and that can't be healthy for my sleep schedule! 

Oh no, I really hope that these posts didn't make you stay up >.<, if so I'm really sorry! Regardless, thank you so much for your character! They are both very interesting, and I love the small details you've added in like how Chroma erases her memories and Sillic's actions with the Zodiac grunts. Those are just such nice touches that really exhibit the characters.


I haven't gotten to PMing mostly everyone for their character details yet since I've been working with some others at the moment and I don't want to be multitasking like crazy and accidentally mix up characters, but I'll hop to it as soon as I can ^^

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Ah, don't worry about me. I'm on Spring Break right now anyway, so I can afford to sleep in a bit~!


Hey, it's the little details that can help make a character stand out for some people! And sometimes those small details create themselves: I hadn't planned for half of Chroma's team to be Stone evolutions, but relying on magic rocks to reach her full power is certainly in character, so I can't complain!


...And looking back through my entries, I've realized that I didn't complete Chroma's formatting properly and I used the wrong pronoun once for Silic. The latter case was practically inevitable, though, so I'm not too worried about that, but Chroma's mistake... Bleargh. That's just silly...


Don't rush yourself, ma'am: this is a bit of a delicate process after all! I sure hope I haven't offended you with that honorific...

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13 hours ago, Chromein said:

Thank you very much for your character! The evil teams are so much fun to use, and I'll be sure to try and draw those interactions between your character and them to the max ;)


Well thankyou to you too for letting me be a part of this

I absolutely love the idea of stories, narration and the like, so I'll definitely help out whenever I could.

Finally good luck on your project :) 


If you still want me to continue editing my previous post on my OC (sry that I used my nickname for his name lol), imma do so. Your call :D 

Edited by Veras Lexritz
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Over the course of the last several days, with everyone else's help I've thought up of a few more additions to the game~ Let's see them, shall we?


~ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨 ~



After all the harm Team Astral and Zodiac has done to the world, some individuals can't sit silent for any longer. Contrapasso is a secret rebellion organization against Team Astral and Zodiac, and the Disciples/Legendaries. They aim to rid the world of the current oligarchy-style governments and territories.  


Originally, it was rather ineffective and didn't do very well at the "rebelling" part, and were failing utterly against Astral and Zodiac. However, a man named Ennd (@uberle's character) appeared, and took Contrapasso's reins. Alongside Ennd, the Swords of Justice joined the group as well, strengthening it. Under Ennd's control, Contrapasso became much more organized and serious then before.


The organization is a complete secret to the world, and located in a hidden territory in the western Void Continents. Apart from their rebellion efforts, they also take in refugees and rescue people and Pokemon. They hide people who are being hunted down by Astral and Zodiac as well. As the organization is a secret, they are very strict on who's allowed in and out, and has many security precautions.


~ 𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐬 ~



Sieges are Pokemon owned by Team Zodiac/Astral who are trained to be able to work and battle independently, without a trainer. They are Pokemon taught how to capture other Pokemon, and can be compared to human grunts in an evil team.


They are often sent into Pokemon-inhabited lands that humans cannot reach, and capture their fellow Pokemon there.


Originally, the concept of sieges was created by Team Zodiac. More recently they have been used now in Team Astral as well, under the new Astral leader.


~ 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 ~



Eternity Kingdom is a legendary territory, and one of the largest territories in the Void Continents in both size and people. It's respective legendaries are the Eon Twins, Latias and Latios.


Eternity Kingdom is rather unique, as it's owned by both Team Zodiac and Astral at the same time. This is because it's located directly inbetween the eastern and western Void Continents, and serves as a buffer zone for the two organizations. 


Under the principles of the two Eon dragons, it promotes peace and unity. Which sounds nice, but it's taken to the extremism. Breaking off any type of a relationship, even if it was an unhealthy relationship, is frowned upon. Any act of violence in any way, or even promoting/speaking of violence is punished. This makes it one of the most anti-battling territories in the Void Continents. Disloyalty in any form is a heavy taboo. 


Disciples are chosen through monarchy, so only one family's offsprings are chosen repeatedly by Latios and Latias. Due to a strange string of "coincidences", the children born in that family are always twins. 

As there can only be one ruler of Eternity Kingdom, it's tradition for the two twins to have to compete for the throne once they reach a certain age. They have to win the public's favor and be elected. Only one of the two twins will become ruler. 


During the second Void War (Which I'll talk more about in a different post), Eternity Kingdom was held under siege for 3 months by Requiem, the combined territories of Cresselia and Darkrai. The queen of Eternity, Delphine, was killed in the siege, alongside the kingdom's legendaries Latias and Latios. 

Due to the efforts of one of the twins, Latias was managed to be revived and Latios's soul was transformed into a Soul Dew, so Eternity Kingdom could live on.


~ 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐞 ~




NAME: Demure

Trainer TItle: Eon Disciple Demure

GENDER: Female

STORY: Demure was born to Delphine, the former ruler of Eternity Kingdom. She is the princess, and the Disciple of Latias. She was raised in Aevum Palace alongside her twin brother, Afinity. She is one of the candidates for the throne, and is campaigning against her brother.

She is present in Eternity Kingdom a lot more then her brother, and generally the more friendly of the two, and constantly works her hardest for her people. Despite this, she is the widely more unpopular of the twins, and is losing the election by a long shot.


The apparent reason for this is because in the second Void War, during the siege against Eternity, Latias and Latios were killed. As a Disciple, Demure had several powers, one of them being healing. Demure and her brother Afinity were going to use those Disciple powers to revive both Latias and Latios, so Eternity Kingdom wouldn't collapse.

Demure's task was to revive Latias, so Latias could heal Latios as well. However, Demure became extremely frightened and was unable to use her Disciple powers. Because of this, Afinity was forced to try and revive both Latias and Latios on his own. He managed to revive Latias, but due to having already pushed past the extent of his Disciple abilities, he was unable to revive Latios fully and he instead stored Latios's soul as a Soul Dew. As a consequence for overexertion, Afinity lost all of his Disciple powers.

No one really blamed Demure for Latios's death, since she was just a young child and her fear was acceptable. But Afinity was hailed as a hero to Eternity Kingdom, especially for his sacrifice of powers to save the territory, and thus he is much more popular to the public then Demure.


PERSONALITY: Demure is an empath, and can pick up the slightest of cues and tones from others easily. She tends to absorb people's negative energy or positivity, so her mood tends to change rapidly depending on who she's dealing with, or where she is at.

She is extremely difficult to manipulate and can see right through people and their tactics. She can easily tell if people are lying to her or not.

She used to be rather confident and happy-go-lucky, bluntly telling people her thoughts. After her failure at reviving Latias, her confidence was crushed, and as a result she now suffers from an incredibly low self-esteem.


Demure has the constant desire and need to validate herself to others. She constantly compares herself to others, and sees everyone else as someone way above her. She never sees her own accomplishments as good enough, and has the mindset that if other people had her job, they could've done much better.

She constantly overworks herself, and even then she still doesn't see it as good enough either. She tends to constantly dwell on the smallest mistakes.


She tends to only be confident in select settings. She is a shy little girl when around some people, and a joking silly person when others. She's assertive when with people she knows, but goes quiet when around strangers.

Demure hates public places and crowds, as she fears people thinking lower of her beyond anything else.


Demure has put her brother on a pedestal, and thinks him as this ideal and perfect person, and also constantly compares herself to him. She tends to try and mimic his actions and mannerisms.



- A bit of a dreamer then a realist. Her overactive imagination can lean into reality, because she may create fanciful viewpoints of the world and other people.

- Very chatty and rambles a lot like me lmao

- She doesn't look it, but Demure takes schedules and times very seriously. She'll be there right on time, right on that perfect second, and being late is a tragedy to her. However, if someone else is late, she doesn't care.


LATIAS: (Might make an entire new profile for her later on)



- Demure's best friend, and a bit of an older sister figure to her. Latias is a very cheerful, enthusiastic and optimistic Pokemon. She is incredibly confident, and maybe a bit overconfident and rash. Latias is also pretty blunt, and tells others how it is. She also really likes pranks and terrible jokes.

Ever since Delphine, the twins' mother, was killed in the siege, Latias has served as a parental figure for the two of them, even though she's more of an older-sister then anything.

While Latias doesn't show it, she misses her brother dearly. She has a strong hatred for Requiem and Cresselia/Darkrai and their Disciples. As a result, she has secretly become extremely vengeful and hateful, but Latias is in full denial of that since it goes against her philosophies. 



Demure is the first Disciple you officially meet in Pokemon Absolute, and the first you actually befriend. 


TLDR; Latias Disciple girl with problems


The Latias sprite is from the Gen 3 games I think. The Demure sprite is a bit of a WIP, I'm still learning ^^. Credit to a lot of other trainer sprites I was looking at for the inspiration, especially the cotton candy-like hair X-X


I'll be making more posts as I come up with more things! For the next post, I'll be covering the Void Wars, Dream Eaters, Afinity, and *gasp* the "leader" of Team Zodiac!

Edited by Chromein
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