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The 'That Feel When' topic


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TFW one has to master one's own anger when some pseudo-intellectual makes an uneducated, illogical, groundless and subjective sweeping statement that insults an entire line or profession, of which one is also a member. One must dismiss it as the thoughtless babble that it is, but feeling affronted is nevertheless justified.

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TFW you should be learning for exams, but waste time on the internet instead.

TFW one has to master one's own anger when some pseudo-intellectual makes an uneducated, illogical, groundless and subjective sweeping statement that insults an entire line or profession, of which one is also a member. One must dismiss it as the thoughtless babble that it is, but feeling affronted is nevertheless justified.

Get rekt jobless arts major, STEM 4 lyfe :^)

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...excuse me? Is that a joke? If so I'm afraid that's in very poor taste.

For the record, art is one of my many hobbies. As you might have gleaned if you had bothered to scan my profile, you'd know that I'm a student of econometrics, commerce and accountancy, currently employed as an articled student and pursuing a course in Chartered Accountancy and Financial Managemnet and analytics.

I do not need to justify the context of my previous instance, least of all to you now that you have made a terrible impression with me. Kindly withdraw your comment now, and behave with the appropriate respect and manners towards others.

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Do not repeat this brand of humour.

Anyways, TFW it rains and you get home just before the heavens tear open their savage belly and pour forth a torrent of liquid fury.

"Liberal arts major!" - one of Marquis's insults. :feelsgd:

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TFW you want to die because finals week is actually finals month in your program


TFW finals start in less than a week and you realize that not only do you have to submit a lot of applications but that your preparation for said exams amount to a grand total of : 0

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Tfw trying to break an awkward silence and nobody replies, burdening you with all the awkwardness, causing you to reply to yourself contunually, making yourself more and more awakward until you give up because you've just spammed and want to jump off a cliff.

It is that just me?

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