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The 'That Feel When' topic


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That feeling when you realize that your whole life has been trivial.

That feel when you realize that you have absolutely no childhood memories because everything blurred together, because you had to keep moving around and shit because your father was a military man.

That feel when you're trapped, in more ways than one.

That feel when you won't do shit about it.

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That feel when you're in gym and stick up for your friend, then the jerk who was bothering said friend comes at you in the locker room and you have to lay down the smack on him so he'll leave you alone.

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I post here wayyyyyy more than I should q:

tfw you find out your cousin is coming to visit and he's about 2 hours away so you get a quick work out sesh in JUST to make sure you're in top form now he can't give me shit c: #firstworldwogproblems

EDIT: It's an Italian thing.

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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That feel when double post...

That feel when I accidentally in my half-asleep mode put Bug Bite on Galvantula and...

The foe's Dugtrio used Toxic!
Galvantula is already poisoned.

Galvantula used Bug Bite!
A critical hit!
The foe's Dugtrio lost 78% of its health!
Galvantula stole and ate the foe's Dugtrio's Lum Berry!
Galvantula's status cleared!

I swept his team thanks to that move :)

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That feel when you go into work and find that you're scheduled for seven students today because the only other English tutor is away.

Note that the normal number of students is... one or two.

That subsequent feel when you also have to do meals at the same time and your boss is like, "Don't rush your session, we'll just have the other Math tutor go down there to cover for you early."

"Um, but the other math tutor has a student during that time, too, so he can't..."

"Oh well, I'm not going to worry about that."


Edit: That OTHER feel when actually half of the office is missing due to everyone conveniently having Doctor's Appointments- for the second Monday in a row.

We're down the other English tutor, the secretary, the academic coordinator, and the program director.

Which is pretty much everyone except like three people.

Are they off having a secret party???????

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That feel when your higher ups stress how badly you need to "work ahead"

That feel when you finish everything you need to do... look at the clock... and realize that you still have 4-5 hours left...

That feel when you notice that your 7'oclock duties don't need to be done because you "worked ahead"

That feel when you need to look busy so they won't think you are slacking...

Leh sigh

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Tfw watched All Star Superman on Netflix and actually liked it.

Spoilers means spoilers, for srs this time

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Also, JL: Doom was pretty good too. Even introduces Vandal Savage.

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Spoilers means spoilers, for srs this time

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That feel when like 98% sure that I completely bombed the essay part of my test

And then the following feel when I get it back and it turns out that I


didn't <3

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Tfw you can't sleep. Then proceed to be sick on top of not being able to sleep. THEN have a certain someone(Who apparently does shit before I wake up. Who would have thought..?) tell you to go smoke some weed because it will solve all your problems...

I'm currently calling up my local dope peddler at 1800 whosellsweedthisf*ckingearlyinthemorning >>

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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Tfw I see myself mentioned twice on the "That feel when..." thread.

Tfw I'm on my laptop in physics because no f**ks given.

Tfw I thought I bombed my Econ test and accually is A+.

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