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The 'That Feel When' topic


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  • 2 weeks later...

tfw you're really not satisfied with your 3 midterm exam essays (all for the same class, btw), but you did 'em last minute and the deadline is coming up in a few more minutes so you say fuck it, wrap it up, and submit it online.

shoulda given it more time but there's no point to worrying about it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

tfw the minimum word count for a written response that counts as a 'substantial post' (as well as other requirements for said designation) under grading criteria requiring is 250 words.


And when you word count your response, the result is 1,121 words and reference at least three other people whose views we've studied so far this semester.


I guess the good thing about philosophy is that you can ramble on and explore your thoughts and resulting conflicts and seeming paradoxes along the way and it counts towards bringing up new questions (especially if you don't stop to answer them yourself) or points of discussions and can likewise respond to other students' posts and attempt to answer their questions with your own musings and own experiences. Questions, examples, counter-examples and ambiguity. You just have to think about things and give your reasons why it lead to you that tangent or conclusion.


I'm usually so succinct, too...

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TFW you finally play a game and go "Why haven't I played this yet?"


TFW you play the game and magical bullshit like this happens

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

tfw when you get to a famous scene to help illustrate (some) ambiguity. Anybody seen A Few Good Men?


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@Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo and @SHIA

But that other feel when one of your friends takes you to see a really good movie. And today is the last day they're showing it in theaters.

It's an anime movie called "Your Name" (Anata No Namae Ha).

It's landmark in at least one respect as the highest selling movie of its kind in Japan. Which then got limited screening over here. I hadn't even heard of it before going to go see it myself.

But hell, it was really worth watching. I tagged Kyoyo because he could probably watch it is pick apart all the things the movie does right... and Shia because of the way it relates to dreams, like waking up with a powerful emotion from a dream you can't remember.


Idk where you can find a non-spoilery synopsis but here's an edited version of what's on wikipedia:


Mitsuha, a high school girl living in the town of Itomori in Japan's mountainous Hida region, is bored of country life and wishes she were a handsome Tokyo boy. With her grandmother and younger sister, she makes kuchikamizake sake.

Mitsuha begins switching bodies intermittently with Taki, a high school boy living in Tokyo. Their memories of each swap fade quickly, similar to dreams. They realize the experiences are real when their friends and family tell them they have acted strangely recently. They begin to communicate by leaving notes in Mitsuha's notebook and memos on Taki's phone, and intervene in each other's lives.


That's just the beginning, with them slowly figuring out what's going on and not even including the real twist and turns that make for the movie's major conflict. The direction, the art, and the music are astounding, not to mention the core of the story itself, with an incredibly potent quote of of time and connecting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

tfw you get called to go in to work 2 hours early, but by the time you get there, they already did everything they were calling you in early for.


...And were actually done by the time they called >.>

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

TFW you've just started to learn Japanese as a hobby with an app on your phone and you only know 3 words (2 of which are "hi" and "goodbye"), then you watch an episode of an anime and hear clearly the third word ("welcome") BEFORE you read the subtitles.


Also TFW you feel bad for posting something positive after the last post (as for that matter, usually either problems work out by themselves or life provides you with plenty of things to worry about).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The app is called "Memrise", the hello is konnichiwa (but I know a few more words now). I'm not actually studying Japanese, I'm just trying to remember whatever the app throws at me (after some time you watch subbed anime, you get a little curious). By the way, is your rank (the thing under your name) ojii-san = grandfather in hiragana?

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@Corso  @Maelstrom All members can change their titles if they want.  If you keep it as the default, there is a 'ranking' system that advances the more comments you make (though it is just a cosmetic feature that does nothing else).


Also, TFW you can't sleep, but it's the weekend so you don't have to worry as much.

Edited by seki108
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