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The 'That Feel When' topic


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That feel when you are saying one sentence while thinking another and you accidentally switch between them halfway through talking. <-- True Story.

That feel when above action causes everyone to start laughing, defusing a serious situation. <-- Also True Story.

That feel when you have a near genius IQ and Social Security says you have to go get a job at Wal-Mart despite being halfway through college. tumut

Edited by NeoDarklight
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That feel when people over use the words "desu", "baka", "kawaii", all to the point that it makes up half the sentence, and I have no idea what the words mean.

Like ffs stop speaking pseudo-Japanese if you want me to understand you

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That feel when you need to log into a siste that you made almost 3 years ago but forgot the password and need to send it to an email you never use anymore to which you forgot the password too as well. I just want to watch the RWBY premeir and. I never used the account since the RvB season 10 finale. and still I can't believe I didn't know my own account name :(

EDIT: But it was so worth it :D.

Edited by Cpt.DanaKS
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That feel when Poke-place goes down, probably due to the expected release of episode 9 of Reborn, and comes back online after five days, but their is still no episode 9. *cry* But seriously, hope someone tells Ame the site is back up, ASAP. But I have faith that episode 9 will be worth the wait, and hope the site doesn't go down again!

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That feel when you just wake up and go to use the restroom and then suddenly you hear TARDIS sounds blasting literally right next to you and completely panic because wtf its too early for that come back later doctor

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Read for fun? Read all day and all night and begrudge having to stop to eat, sleep, and stuff.

Read for school? Ask your buddy at the start of class what happened in that last chapter and probably find out he/she didn't read it either.

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