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The 'That Feel When' topic


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Why should you care for what you are seen as? You know who you are, and you know what you're doing.

That's if others' perceptions don't affect how they treat you, but since this is real life and they do, it has to matter a certain minimum amount. Finding that balance is tricky.

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Why should you care for what you are seen as? You know who you are, and you know what you're doing.

Because in the real world opinions fucking matter no matter how much people would like to pretend they don't.

"Better to be quiet and be thought dumb than to speak and perish any doubt."

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that feel when listening to some of glitchxcity's remixes at a slightly lower pitch and am enjoying them even more than usual.

^ And slowed down a bit. Creates a nice, space-y sound. I'd love to get one of her recordings and abuse the hell out of it on Pro Tools

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That feel when you wake up to find an email from your internet provider that a virus that steals personal info in order to steal your money was detected travelling through your router on Tuesday, and you're only finding out about this now. And finding it is a pain cause i have 6 different computers to check.

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TTfw pandora plays like a godsend one day and thenplays utter crap the next dday on tthe same station.

ttfw the autocorrect is impossible to turn off and fucks with your typing and likes totodouble things at random. and i turned it off in settings but it still happens. stupid android.

ttfw the original willy wonka movie that happens to be playing at bk and realizing that you totally forgot everything that happens before he actually pulls the ticket.

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