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Recommend my Team Party Pokemon Please


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Hello guys.

So I have collected pokemons with good IV-value. Can you recommend me which team party is the best? given this pokemon list:

  • Fire type: incineroar, flareaon, delphox, emboar, typhlosion, blaziken, charizard, darmanitan, cameruptp
  • Water type: empoleon, gyarados, primarina, blastoise, greninja
  • Grass type: leavanny, decidueye, lilligant, roserade, vileplume, serperior
  • Ice type: Sandslash-alola
  • Flying type: mandibuzz, gyarados, noivern, charizard
  • Electric type: Raichu, pikachu, electivire, ampharos
  • Dragon type: Hydreigon, flygon, noivern, garchomp
  • Fairy type: gardevoir, primarina, klefki
  • Rock type: aggron, lycanroc
  • Ground type: krookodile, steelix, garchomp, nidoqueen, camerupt, flygon
  • Steel type: honedge, steelix, sandslash-alola, lucario, aggron, klefki
  • Fight type: scrafty, toxicroak, heracross, emboar, lucario, blaziken
  • Dark type: spiritomb, scrafty, krookodile, hydreigon, incineroar, greninja, mandibuzz
  • Psychic type: beheeyem, gardevoir, delphox
  • Ghost type: mismagius, gengar, decidueye, spiritomb
  • Bug type: heracross, leavanny
  • Poison type: toxicroak, nidoqueen, gengar, vileplume, roserade

Ok, that's all my good pokemon. So I have tried the combinations of themn but I want to hear anyone opinion. Could you all give me your best choice for team party from the list I mentioned and the reasons why?


Hope to hear from you, Thank you guys

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It's really hard to create a team from such a huge list of pokemon. Therefore I shall give you some good recommendations on individual mons.


Aegislash (maybe my favourite pokemon) is one of the best (and most broken) pokemon. It has enourmous stalling capacities, good for setting up Swords Dance and after that it can sweep with a huge attacking stat, x4 priority STAB Shadow Sneak. Personally, I love it for its beautiful design.


Roserade is also a good member (although I never used it) in Reborn, since it has acces to one important move: Grassy Terrain. It can remove almost every field effect, which is really useful. On top of that, it has also a really high Special Attack stat, so moves like (Technician) Magical Leaf or Giga Drain are very powerful. It has also access to Toxic Spikes.


Gardevoir has the same advantage as Roserade: it can change the field with Misty Terrain. And it's Gardevoir, enough said.


Typhlosion is really good once it learns Eruption. With a very high Speed stat, it is possible to outspeed many opponents and a STAB 150BP attack isn't that bad. It can also be used to set your Grassy Field from Roserade on fire, which could give you sometimes a huge advantage.


Greninja is also one of my favourite options, since its high Speed stat is very good in combination with its ability Protean. It's like having a STAB on every move you use + it's very hard for the opponent to use a supereffective attack. Gyarados is also a viable option, as it's really strong after a Dragon Dance. Although Greninja is my favourite option, I think Gyarados could work better with the rest of your team.


The last one is Heracross. Not the best pokemon, but I had some good time while using him. Decent defenses and his Attack stat is very high and even higher in combination with Moxie. Furthermore it has access to Megahorn and Close Combat, two really strong moves. It can also Mega Evolve at the end of E17.



I hope I helped you a bit.

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If you are looking for a team of 6 Pokemon I would recomment


1. geninja (superfast water and dark attacks and garantied stab with his ability)

2. blaziken is rly strong gives fire and fighting moves otherwise typhlosion (lvl 64+ he has the move eruption which is kinda op if you train him speed and spec. att.(64+ if you wait to evolve Cyndaquil)

3. roserade (fast and strong special attacker, use of toxic if you like)

4. garchomp because it is kinda overpowered (dragon ground moves)

5. yanmega as a bug/flying typ fast special attacker again I didn't found it in your list but you should get it!

6. ampharos is pure electro but covers with rock, dragon or bug moves is kinda tanky in comparison (A friend of mine once called it his team flagship /flagsheep)


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If I need to explain why Gardevoir is one of the best options you have (it was given as an option, so it's fair game) I will whip out a whole spell tome of advantages you have with it. really the only issue with it is it's speed

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Well, as people said, Blaziken, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Greninja, Roserade, Aegislash and some more you have there are outstanding in reborn so I'll suggest a less common team here:


Incineroar, Empoleon, Decidueye, Krokodile, Electivire, A-Sandslash.


With the right movepool, I think you can go through reborn easily having coverage against every type :D

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1 hour ago, Thiazzi said:

It's really hard to create a team from such a huge list of pokemon. Therefore I shall give you some good recommendations on individual mons.


Aegislash (maybe my favourite pokemon) is one of the best (and most broken) pokemon. It has enourmous stalling capacities, good for setting up Swords Dance and after that it can sweep with a huge attacking stat, x4 priority STAB Shadow Sneak. Personally, I love it for its beautiful design.


Roserade is also a good member (although I never used it) in Reborn, since it has acces to one important move: Grassy Terrain. It can remove almost every field effect, which is really useful. On top of that, it has also a really high Special Attack stat, so moves like (Technician) Magical Leaf or Giga Drain are very powerful. It has also access to Toxic Spikes.


Gardevoir has the same advantage as Roserade: it can change the field with Misty Terrain. And it's Gardevoir, enough said.


Typhlosion is really good once it learns Eruption. With a very high Speed stat, it is possible to outspeed many opponents and a STAB 150BP attack isn't that bad. It can also be used to set your Grassy Field from Roserade on fire, which could give you sometimes a huge advantage.


Greninja is also one of my favourite options, since its high Speed stat is very good in combination with its ability Protean. It's like having a STAB on every move you use + it's very hard for the opponent to use a supereffective attack. Gyarados is also a viable option, as it's really strong after a Dragon Dance. Although Greninja is my favourite option, I think Gyarados could work better with the rest of your team.


The last one is Heracross. Not the best pokemon, but I had some good time while using him. Decent defenses and his Attack stat is very high and even higher in combination with Moxie. Furthermore it has access to Megahorn and Close Combat, two really strong moves. It can also Mega Evolve at the end of E17.



I hope I helped you a bit.

Woah, I never think like that. I just playing random pokemon and train the EV to optimalize the stat advantage and cover the weakness of my pokemon so far.

So aegislash is broken? Never think like that, so i have to evolve my honedge and start using then.

Also my greninja still have torrent as ability, I need to change to protean right?

Actually Roserade is my favourite because of speed and special attack but against pokemon know psychic moves kind of down.

Heracross also good but, against pokemon with fairy moves get KO-ed instantly.

Typhlosion seems the good choice.

Thank you for the suggestion.

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6 minutes ago, Trufa said:

Well, as people said, Blaziken, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Greninja, Roserade, Aegislash and some more you have there are outstanding in reborn so I'll suggest a less common team here:


Incineroar, Empoleon, Decidueye, Krokodile, Electivire, A-Sandslash.


With the right movepool, I think you can go through reborn easily having coverage against every type :D

Oh ok, I will considered it. I think that's pretty good. I want a team that can cover each other weakness, and tank an attack also.

Thank you

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1 hour ago, Maqqy said:

Blaziken, Gyarados and Gardevoir. Those three can pretty much devour Reborn. 


Greninja, Roserade and Aegislash are also undefeated.

So I will try blaziken, gyarados and gardevoir then.Next is pokemon which cover the weakness of those three if any?

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On 15/03/2018 at 10:54 PM, rokay90 said:

Oh ok, I will considered it. I think that's pretty good. I want a team that can cover each other weakness, and tank an attack also.

Thank you

Well, I think you can tank a little with this team, surely you can cover any weakness, just mind the moveset wisely.

On 15/03/2018 at 10:59 PM, rokay90 said:

I think Meowstic is kinda lame, hahah..

Meowstic is one of the pokemon that helped the most when I first played reborn and knew NOTHING about natures, IVs/EVs, or what pokemos is best on reborn. It has great movepool through lvl up (if female) and learn a lot of useful moves through TMs, it's not so strong, but compensates with speed, and if you use a competitive one, than it's attacks will be great. If you don't like it, it's fine, but it's not lame :D


For Titania, Roserade + Amplifield Rock and Grassy Terrain can help a lot if your team doesn't benefit from the field (I used this last time I face her). You could also try steel pokemons, they'll be extremely strong (as Titania's are) on this battle. Metagross would be a great bet.

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5 hours ago, rokay90 said:

I think Meowstic is kinda lame, hahah..

then you dont know how to use her well :v

same applies for vespiquen but im not sure if she is catchable in reborn yet


also please avoid these one-quote-per-post

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wow so many good pokemons to make a decent team. right gonna make a few teams and you can just choose which one you like.


Team 1


Ok this team is for just running thru reborn without any major problems. Reason being most of the mons here have decent speed and mostly used in most teams. Team consist of: Blaziken, Geninja, Roserade,Aegislash,Flygon,Gardevior. Move sets, nature,ability, Ev spread and items are below:




Ability:Speed Boost

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Wide lens

EV: 252 Atk/252Spe/4HP


High Jump Kick

Blaze kick/Flare blitz

Bulk up

Brave Bird/Thunder Punch/Brick Break


I would go with brick break and Flare Blitz when vsing Titania. Brick break to break he Aurora veil set up at turn 1 by her A.sandslash and flare blitz to kill her mega Scizor. Note that her field makes fire moves become hybrid fire+dragon. as for normal runs either Thunder punch+flare blitz or Brave bird+Blaze kick cause having 2 recoil moves is bad for blaziken as it is does not have roost and reckless/rock head ability. As for nature i prefer adamant. jolly works too but speed boost already helps with speed so no need to over kill the speed.




Nature: Naive/Timid/Modest

Item: life orb/Choice specs/wide lens

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4Atk


Grass Knot/Gunk shot

Surf/Hydro Pump


Dark pulse


Naive nature if you are going for hybrid atker greninja with gunk shot. i dont really like using gunk shot because of its accuracy but smack on a wide lens and make it learn hydro pump and you have 2 hard hitting moves. Greninja is simple to use no need to further explain what to do.



Ability: Technician

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: Rose incense/life orb

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4Hp


Magical leaf

Dazzling Gleam

Toxic Spike/Grassy Terrain

Weather ball/Extrasensory/Shadow Ball


Prefer having grassy terrain as it helps with swapping terrain toxic spikes is also good but not as useful as grassy terrain. Weather ball is good as it doubles when in weather and when not in weather it is boosted by Technician ability. Extrasensory is an egg move so you will nee to breed to get it. shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod.



Ability: Stance Change

Nature: Adamant/Brave

Item: Life orb/spooky plate/leftovers

EV: 252Hp/252Atk/4SpDef


Sword Dance/Shadow sneak

Scared Sword/Kings Sheild

Iron Head/gyro ball

Shadow Sneak/toxic


All out atk mode Aegislash prolly do not need kings shield. SD+Shadow sneak can pretty much kill anything. Stall Aegislash with toxic and kings shield is the most annoying thing to deal with if you are not immune to poison. so choose what you prefer. All out atk or stall.



Ability: Levitate

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Life orb/soft sand/Earth plate/stone plate

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP



Rock Slide


Dragon claw/Dragon rush


Superpower is learn at lvl 40 by trapinch. Why flygon over grachomp. reason being garchomp has no EQ in reborn unless u some how breed it down in older version or reborn hardcore which is frankly time consuming. so might as well just grab flygon as it learn most move via level up.



Ability: Trace

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: pixie plate

EV: 252SpAtk/252Spe/4def


Stored power

Calm mind


Psychic/Shadow ball/Grass knot/Misty Terrain


Misty terrain is for when u do not have grassy terrain on Roserade. shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod.if u dont have shadow ball.grass knot is the best sub for shadow ball.



Team 2


Team 2 has some good hitter and fun stuff to use.Team consist of: Delphox,Primarina,Nidoqueen,Aggron.Decidueye,Heracross Move sets, nature,ability, Ev spread and items are below:




Nature: Modest/Timid

Item: Charcoal/Mind plate/seed 

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4HP


Mystical Fire/Fire blast/Heat Wave/Flamethrower

Shadow ball


Grass knot/Will-o-Wisp/Trick room


I would go with Mystical fire and  WoW ,also have magician ability when vsing Titania. Wow should stop some of her physical atkers. Note that her field makes fire moves become hybrid fire+dragon and boost mystical fire. as for normal runs Heat Wave is good if u are willing to breed for it if not just go for Flamethrower for accuracy and Fire Bast if u are willing to risk it . As for nature i prefer Modest. Timid works too but if u planning to run trick room to help the slower members of yer team i would go for Modest. Trick room can be useful for this team. Grass knot is coverage vs water types and Psychic a replacement for Psyshock. terrain seed to steal item with magician ability.



Ability:Liquid Voice

Nature: Modest/Quiet

Item:Mystic water/Primarium Z

EV: 252 SpAtk/252HP/4Def


Hyper Voice


Icy Wind/Shadow ball/Sparkling Aria/Dazzling Gleam

Surf/Hydro pump/Sparkling Aria


Shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod. Icy wind is the only ice type move available for Primarina it is decent i guess. Sparkling Aria is there so that u can use the Z-move once u get mega-z ring.  Hydro pump for if u willing to risk accuracy and surf for another Area atk other than Hyper voice. Same goes for Dazzling gleam. quiet nature is kinda good if u running trick room if not just stick with modest.



Ability: Sheer Force

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: Life Orb

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4SpDef


Flamethrower/Icy wind

Earth Power

Sludge Wave

Shadow Ball/Icy wind/Flamethrower


Sheer force+ life orb= tons of dmg and no recoil from life orb. so basically anything moves which have added effects can be placed into nidoqueen's movepool.Nature wise i feel modest would be better.



Ability: Rock Head

Nature: Adamant/Brave

Item: Hard Rock/wide lens

EV: 252Hp/252Atk/4SpDef


Heavy Slam


Iron Head/SuperPower

Head Smash/Rock slide


Head Smash is an egg move so if u want it u will have to breed for it. superpower is also an egg move but u can use move tutor to get it. Aggron works great in trick room. just try to avoid fighting and ground types as they will wreck Aggron.



Ability: Moxie

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Life orb/Insect Plate/Heracronite

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP


Arm Thrust/Brick Break


Close Combat

Pin missile/Shadow claw


If u are going for mega Heracross Try to get pin missile and Arm Thrust. if not just stick with brick break and Shadow claw for coverage. 



Ability: Long Reach

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Decidium-Z/Spooky Plate/Meadow Plate

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4def


Spirit Shackle

U-Turn/Sucker Punch/Roost

Leaf Blade

Brave Bird/Sucker Punch/Acrobatic


Roost+Brave bird for sustain. U-Turn+sucker punch if u going for Decidium-Z.  U-Turn+ acrobatics if u going for other items/no items.


2 team so far when i have time i will add more teams based of the list of pokemons you have for now 2 teams will do i guess.


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1 hour ago, Luna said:

wow so many good pokemons to make a decent team. right gonna make a few teams and you can just choose which one you like.


Team 1


Ok this team is for just running thru reborn without any major problems. Reason being most of the mons here have decent speed and mostly used in most teams. Team consist of: Blaziken, Geninja, Roserade,Aegislash,Flygon,Gardevior. Move sets, nature,ability, Ev spread and items are below:


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Ability:Speed Boost

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Wide lens

EV: 252 Atk/252Spe/4HP


High Jump Kick

Blaze kick/Flare blitz

Bulk up

Brave Bird/Thunder Punch/Brick Break


I would go with brick break and Flare Blitz when vsing Titania. Brick break to break he Aurora veil set up at turn 1 by her A.sandslash and flare blitz to kill her mega Scizor. Note that her field makes fire moves become hybrid fire+dragon. as for normal runs either Thunder punch+flare blitz or Brave bird+Blaze kick cause having 2 recoil moves is bad for blaziken as it is does not have roost and reckless/rock head ability. As for nature i prefer adamant. jolly works too but speed boost already helps with speed so no need to over kill the speed.




Nature: Naive/Timid/Modest

Item: life orb/Choice specs/wide lens

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4Atk


Grass Knot/Gunk shot

Surf/Hydro Pump


Dark pulse


Naive nature if you are going for hybrid atker greninja with gunk shot. i dont really like using gunk shot because of its accuracy but smack on a wide lens and make it learn hydro pump and you have 2 hard hitting moves. Greninja is simple to use no need to further explain what to do.



Ability: Technician

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: Rose incense/life orb

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4Hp


Magical leaf

Dazzling Gleam

Toxic Spike/Grassy Terrain

Weather ball/Extrasensory/Shadow Ball


Prefer having grassy terrain as it helps with swapping terrain toxic spikes is also good but not as useful as grassy terrain. Weather ball is good as it doubles when in weather and when not in weather it is boosted by Technician ability. Extrasensory is an egg move so you will nee to breed to get it. shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod.



Ability: Stance Change

Nature: Adamant/Brave

Item: Life orb/spooky plate/leftovers

EV: 252Hp/252Atk/4SpDef


Sword Dance/Shadow sneak

Scared Sword/Kings Sheild

Iron Head/gyro ball

Shadow Sneak/toxic


All out atk mode Aegislash prolly do not need kings shield. SD+Shadow sneak can pretty much kill anything. Stall Aegislash with toxic and kings shield is the most annoying thing to deal with if you are not immune to poison. so choose what you prefer. All out atk or stall.



Ability: Levitate

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Life orb/soft sand/Earth plate/stone plate

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP



Rock Slide


Dragon claw/Dragon rush


Superpower is learn at lvl 40 by trapinch. Why flygon over grachomp. reason being garchomp has no EQ in reborn unless u some how breed it down in older version or reborn hardcore which is frankly time consuming. so might as well just grab flygon as it learn most move via level up.



Ability: Trace

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: pixie plate

EV: 252SpAtk/252Spe/4def


Stored power

Calm mind


Psychic/Shadow ball/Grass knot/Misty Terrain


Misty terrain is for when u do not have grassy terrain on Roserade. shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod.if u dont have shadow ball.grass knot is the best sub for shadow ball.



Team 2


Team 2 has some good hitter and fun stuff to use.Team consist of: Delphox,Primarina,Nidoqueen,Aggron.Decidueye,Heracross Move sets, nature,ability, Ev spread and items are below:

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Nature: Modest/Timid

Item: Charcoal/Mind plate/seed 

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4HP


Mystical Fire/Fire blast/Heat Wave/Flamethrower

Shadow ball


Grass knot/Will-o-Wisp/Trick room


I would go with Mystical fire and  WoW ,also have magician ability when vsing Titania. Wow should stop some of her physical atkers. Note that her field makes fire moves become hybrid fire+dragon and boost mystical fire. as for normal runs Heat Wave is good if u are willing to breed for it if not just go for Flamethrower for accuracy and Fire Bast if u are willing to risk it . As for nature i prefer Modest. Timid works too but if u planning to run trick room to help the slower members of yer team i would go for Modest. Trick room can be useful for this team. Grass knot is coverage vs water types and Psychic a replacement for Psyshock. terrain seed to steal item with magician ability.



Ability:Liquid Voice

Nature: Modest/Quiet

Item:Mystic water/Primarium Z

EV: 252 SpAtk/252HP/4Def


Hyper Voice


Icy Wind/Shadow ball/Sparkling Aria/Dazzling Gleam

Surf/Hydro pump/Sparkling Aria


Shadow ball is available from episode 14 when beating shade or via reborn hardcore mod. Icy wind is the only ice type move available for Primarina it is decent i guess. Sparkling Aria is there so that u can use the Z-move once u get mega-z ring.  Hydro pump for if u willing to risk accuracy and surf for another Area atk other than Hyper voice. Same goes for Dazzling gleam. quiet nature is kinda good if u running trick room if not just stick with modest.



Ability: Sheer Force

Nature: Timid/Modest

Item: Life Orb

EV: 252 SpAtk/252Spe/4SpDef


Flamethrower/Icy wind

Earth Power

Sludge Wave

Shadow Ball/Icy wind/Flamethrower


Sheer force+ life orb= tons of dmg and no recoil from life orb. so basically anything moves which have added effects can be placed into nidoqueen's movepool.Nature wise i feel modest would be better.



Ability: Rock Head

Nature: Adamant/Brave

Item: Hard Rock/wide lens

EV: 252Hp/252Atk/4SpDef


Heavy Slam


Iron Head/SuperPower

Head Smash/Rock slide


Head Smash is an egg move so if u want it u will have to breed for it. superpower is also an egg move but u can use move tutor to get it. Aggron works great in trick room. just try to avoid fighting and ground types as they will wreck Aggron.



Ability: Moxie

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Life orb/Insect Plate/Heracronite

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP


Arm Thrust/Brick Break


Close Combat

Pin missile/Shadow claw


If u are going for mega Heracross Try to get pin missile and Arm Thrust. if not just stick with brick break and Shadow claw for coverage. 



Ability: Long Reach

Nature: Adamant/Jolly

Item: Decidium-Z/Spooky Plate/Meadow Plate

EV: 252Atk/252Spe/4def


Spirit Shackle

U-Turn/Sucker Punch/Roost

Leaf Blade

Brave Bird/Sucker Punch/Acrobatic


Roost+Brave bird for sustain. U-Turn+sucker punch if u going for Decidium-Z.  U-Turn+ acrobatics if u going for other items/no items.


2 team so far when i have time i will add more teams based of the list of pokemons you have for now 2 teams will do i guess.


Such a great team. Never think like that, hahah. I will try it Team 1 first I guess against Titania.

Hehe, thank you 😊

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