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Something to do please?


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Alright, I'm not asking for games or anime or shows SPECIFICALLY I'm just asking for something, literally ANYTHING to do mainly because I am bored AS HELL and I ran out of good crap to get done, help?




EDIT: If you ask for specific details on what I am looking for don't bother, as long as it's good at least a 5 out of 10 on the design scale I'll take it.


EDIT EDIT: I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude or anything but if you think I've said this kind of thread too many times then report it. Honestly at this point I feel like giving up on earning peoples' respect and opinions on this site.

Edited by Damien
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-Rearange your place

-Call a friend

-Go for a walk/run

-Bike ride

-Cook/bake something

-Near a forest/river? Go exploring

-Text your crush

-Get hammered

-Got some spending money? Treat yourself to something

-Read/draw/snap photos

-Try and move an object with your glare

-Clean delicate spots at your place


Fuck knows


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Uh... Read a book?


I don't know what your preferences are but something I found that works pretty well is just stroll around your local library in the sections you find interesting. Pick a book off the shelf and read the first couple pages. If it doesn't interest you, put it away and find a new book.

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1 minute ago, 5hift said:

Uh... Read a book?


I don't know what your preferences are but something I found that works pretty well is just stroll around your local library in the sections you find interesting. Pick a book off the shelf and read the first couple pages. If it doesn't interest you, put it away and find a new book.

Problem is: I'm waiting for my public library to get open and it opens tomorrow at 9 A:M my time. Solution: Hope to Helix our holy savior that at least my dad is home by tomorrow morning. 

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Ok well my next suggestion would be Youtube.


Just watch something in your recommended section or just re-watch videos you already saw that you like.


Honestly dude, if you really are that bored. Just walk or find your own way to the library. That alone should keep you busy for a while.

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