RedMageCole Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 "...Ah, so something more like... a contest, perhaps?" Aidan had not been one for competition, let alone one that involved seeing how many people they could bring down. Was war to be put into something like a sport for amusement? Or was it more for a challenge? To be declared a rival so fast was quite the astonishment to Aidan, as he didn't really consider himself that worthy of someone to be a rival. But if it was Beatrix's decision to make him a rival... "Hm... Very well. If I have the honor of being a rival to a fellow mage, then I will try not to disappoint you. If we must engage in combat, then I will most assuredly not back down from the challenge. In fact, it might help my fighting prowess... staying in the back row would not be that fitting of the road of the knight." Giving a small smirk that ended up looking more like a smile if anything, he gave a nod. "I accept your... destined face-off." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 "The voyage? Well enough, all things considered, though there's only so many times you can pace around a ship before you get bored." She raised a hand in greeting to Bradwr at his approach, and turned it into a solid handshake when he extended his. Perhaps too solid, really, though it didn't seem like the woman was trying to crush his hand. "If you didn't catch my name, it's Alwine Siekert." She swept one hand across her torso as she bowed, as deep as she could manage in plate. "At your service. As for the mission, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you what I know - not that they bothered to tell this soldier much. We were there for Elizabeth, and seems it was a good thing we got there when we did." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordstar Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 "Huh... Interesting. She didn't seem to expect help but I suppose if it was some sort of secret she wouldn't have... Still. Good to know. She was quick on her feet and got the group of us working together, so perhaps there's something there after all. I suppose my sticking around with everyone here might end up more useful than I'd first imagined." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokubiraijuu Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 "Hell yeah." Feeling invigorated again, Beatrix nods emphatically at his acceptance. It'd been years since she'd done this. Brings her back... Ugh, kinda, anyway. But she brushes aside the internal wince and focuses instead on the good things. This would give her a chance to prove herself, to really stand out and show how capable she is. "Don't let me down! I've got to best a worthy opponent or it doesn't count." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedMageCole Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 It made Aidan rather happy to see that his newfound... rival, as she proclaimed, was enthusiastic at his challenge. What he wanted most was to be able to not let anyone down, and it was clear to see that he wasn't going to do that, even if it meant him having to work extra hard on the battlefield. "I don't plan to let you down, I promise. I will do my absolute best the next time we find ourselves in combat together. I trust that you will put in your best effort as well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElfCollaborator Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 "A mission? Seems important, if those Paxi rats threw so much fodder to assail this town for it. You both fought well, not that I would expect any lesser performance against mere children pretending to be warriors." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 "I wouldn't give the good lady all of the credit. As Johan said, you fought well out there. I've got a feeling in my gut that it won't be the last time this particular mission runs into people who'd rather see it fail, either." She would have continued to what she had in mind, but something Johan said seemed to have piqued her curiosity. "I can't claim any real fondness for the Paxi right now, but you sound like you've had more than just this encounter with them." She nodded at the large, red man. She was curious about him. A foreigner, of course, but he seemed to be a warrior without a weapon, which was nearly a contradiction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElfCollaborator Posted August 6, 2018 Share Posted August 6, 2018 "Of course, as any proud Kahlese man or woman will attest to! Those Paxi rats have been eyeing our country for years and attempting to wrest it from our grasp like hungry wolves, overfull with prey, tearing away more to sate their greedy bellies. I myself once fought at the front lines against those fools- watching their so-called professional armies and soldiers fall apart at the sight of real warriors raised in the harshest mountains of Kahla was almost as good as the fight itself, but that was a long while ago. Now, I travel the world, in search of battles to sing about and tales to tell, as any skald worth their weight in gold does." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinwolf Posted February 6, 2019 Author Share Posted February 6, 2019 Some hours have passed since Winston went to speak with his superiors. Elizabeth spent her time poking around the stables, finding that one of the horses simply would not leave her alone - to her delight. Leslie had managed to sell a variety of items to the guards in such a short time, so she was also quite happy (one payment being a set of lockpicks confiscated from a less than intelligent thief - Leslie gave them to Cassidy since she figured they’d be difficult to offload otherwise). It became clear they were going to be staying the night, and soon people would wander off to bed. The night passed peacefully. Most would be up by the time of Winston’s returned, the man looking tired but in a reasonable mood. “That… was probably the longest report I’ve ever had to give.” he groans, stretching as best he can while still in armor. “Sorry for taking so long… I passed out in the barracks after the meetings. Anyway: The king’s gonna wanna talk with you all personally. We were right on the front where Pax started an attack after all.” He glanced at Elizabeth in particular, but didn’t elaborate. “Do I have to come too…?” Leslie complained, “It’s so early…” ... Shortly after, the party was walking through the castle towards the king’s chambers. There was a tense feeling in the air, and not just because of who they were going to meet. As they were getting close, Winston tried a door, and then frowned. “...This door is locked.” he said. “Is that weird?” Elizabeth asked. “Yes. I just came through here a few hours ago. And this door is only supposed to be locked in case of an emergency.” “When was the last time anyone saw a guard?” Leslie asked. “We have a problem.” Winston stated. “Leslie, find somewhere safe to hide. Anyone know how to pick a door? I’m going to break it down otherwise.” --- Shin, mercenary mage, was having a bad day. It was supposed to be an easy job. Help guard the castle while the royal guard is away on mission. Good lodgings, good pay, and good prestige. Outstanding for a company between major contracts. It was too good to be true. But it had been, up until right now. An hour ago, all had been fine. Guards were a bit quiet. Then came the attack. Where did they come from? Nobody knew. Who were they? No identifying tags, but it wasn’t a difficult guess. How did they get so deep into Opus territory? Fuck if Shin knew. What he did know was that he and a few mercs were trapped in a guard post, with twice their number in Pax soldiers bashing on the door. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he said, pacing. “John, keep on that door! If they get in, you get in the way!” Player Phase 1 Objective: Rout the enemy Player Status: Reveal hidden contents Players: Aidan: 26/26 (Eq: Fire) Alwine: 26/26 (Eq: Hatchet) Anea: 16/16 (Eq: Heal) Beatrix: 24/24 (Eq: Worm) Bradwr: 24/24 (Eq: Slim Lance) Cassidy: 21/21 (Eq: Iron Knife) Johan: 24/24 (Eq: Soldier's Drum) Shiro: 24/24 (Eq: Slim Lance) Linton: 18/18 (Eq: Wooden Sword?) Lysander: 26/26 (Eq: Wooden Sword) Marl: 20/20 (Eq: Training Bow) Yuel: 21/21 (Eq: Lightning) Allies: (Stats) John: 24/24 Henry: 17/17 Sven: 25/25 Shin: 20/20 Guard A: 24/24 Marksman A: 22/22 Marksman B: 22/22 Mercenary A: 23/23 Soldier A: 22/22 Soldier B: 22/22 Enemy Status (Stats) Reveal hidden contents Archer A: 22/22 (Iron Bow) Archer B: 22/22 (Iron Bow) Archer C : 22/22 (Killer Bow) Swordsman A : 23/23 (Iron Blade) (DROP) Swordsman B: 23/23 (Iron Blade) Swordsman C : 23/23 (Iron Blade) Swordsman D :23/23 (Iron Blade) Axeman A: 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman B: 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman C : 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman D :25/25 (Iron Axe) Cultist A: 21/21 (Worm) Cultist B: 21/21 (Worm) Mage A: 20/20 (Fire) Mage B: 20/20 (Singe) (DROP) Mage C: 20/20 (Fire) Knight A: 24/24 (Iron Lance) Knight B: 24/24 (Iron Lance) Knight C :24/24 (Iron Javelin) Healer A: 17/17 (Heal) Healer B: 17/17 (Heal) Opportunist A: 19/19 (Iron Knife) Opportunist B: 19/19 (Iron Knife) Opportunist C : 19/19 (Iron Knife) --- F23 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES K17 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES M17 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES D12 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES Q23 Door: 30/30, 6 DEF 3 RES Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted February 7, 2019 Share Posted February 7, 2019 "Oh! Oh! Dat's me. Well well, lt's yer lucky day sir knight. l just so 'appen ta know a fink or two about them keepie outties. Stand aside and let me work me magic!" said the excitable thief able to use one of the skills she'd picked up over the years. She was used to having to improvise, so the set of thieves' tools she'd received from Leslie were quite appreciated. Funny how they had arrived just in the nick of time. Fate, a peculiar thing it was it was. She went about the job about as quickly as she did everything else, a swiftness that was beyond remarkable. She leaned against the door listening for the tumblers to fall neatly into place as she jimmied the lock to see her adventuring party to their destination. "Hmmm, yes... uh huh..." the thief mumbled to herself as she continued working. Without much warning she exclaimed "TAAAH DAH!" as the lock clicked into place. Cassidy swung open the door with aplomb, the hinges screeching a bit in agony. What was visible from the doorway was... well a swarm of enemy soldierin' types. Well... that was certainly no good. "Hmmm, well ain't dis a sticky wicket? Fink l've an idear whys that door was da way is were." she said pointing at all the men huddling down the hall.Pick Da Door, Move to H26 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rokubiraijuu Posted February 7, 2019 Share Posted February 7, 2019 The castle of Opus. It's still hard to believe. As Cassidy is working the lock, Beatrix can't help but look around worriedly. She'd been tailing near the back of the group, looking left and right, uncharacteristically quiet and swathed in an air of palpable nervousness. But then the door swings open and Cassidy says something about enemy soldiers and now isn't the time for worrying. "Whoa, Cassidy, wait up for me!" F23. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unlurking Sentinel Posted February 7, 2019 Share Posted February 7, 2019 Sir Marl knew that the locked door was suspicious. Have the Paxi soldiers following Elizabeth come here? Before their "scout" finished unlocking the door, he visited the nearest armory and brought out an assemblable ballista to set up in front of the door. When the door opened, he saw the men in red armor storming the castle, and heading for the throne room. "An invasion of the castle? How did these assassins get this far?" They look like Paxi. I understand they must think this girl is important, but this was going too far. "Well regardless, they shall not reach their target. I swear on the Denuvic family name." Place Ballista on E23, move to E23, fire at Cultist A "Target the healer first! Once the path is open, Elizabeth will pursue them directly, with Alwine protecting her in the pillars and breaking them up from within. The faster we eliminate them, the less complications we will have." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 As the soldiers had begun to press in, Linton Rye's fingers began to tap out a rock-steady beat against his hip, as he began counting out the careful rhythm, the precise measurement of time that ruled the white-haired, dapper-dressed swordsman's movement and attacks on the battlefield. At the same time as he kept the rhythm passively, he looked over the situation. Things were difficult, for sure, as a press of likely-Paxi soldiers outnumbered them and was gunning for the room. It wasn't unsalvageable though... if they used the room to their advantage, Linton figured that they would likely survive until Opus forces arrived. Well... at least if the other mercenaries remained cool and competent. And looking at Shin... "Calm down. They may outnumber us, but if we can maintain superior organization, since we have control of a chokepoint, we should be able to make it through this. I have seen forces with superior numbers be defeated this way before." Linton intentionally neglected to mention that said force had been the incompetents he had been working for during his entry into the mercenary career. "These are likely Paxi forces, so that won't necessarily be easy -- so we need to remain calm so our decision-making capacity remains at its best." He took a step towards the door. "I do have a suggestion for how we can do this, if you'll take it, Shin. What we'll want to do is make sure that we can outnumber them in here at any given moment. The way I figure it, John should stay where he is right now. Shin, you should go to the east of John, so he's between you and the door, and so you can fire into the pocket we make this way. Sven, you should move right up north of him, so to trap two or so of them in here without you getting shot from beyond the walls. I'll move up to the wall to complete the pocket. Now, while I can stay on the defensive, I'll be in the most vulnerable position, so Henry should station himself to John's south to keep the both of us up. This'll be bloody, but I think it will allow us to pull this off." Linton moves to R24, and uses Leaf on the Wind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedMageCole Posted February 8, 2019 Share Posted February 8, 2019 "...Well, isn't this rather concerning...?" Aidan was wondering if anything would go wrong; he had been hoping his gut feelings would be incorrect, but it seemed that things were going to be a bit of a struggle to get through. Readying his tome, he idly wondered to himself if this was when Beatrix's contest would start. If it was or wasn't... he was still going to do his best. "Leave it to me, then!" Aidan moves to G24. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinwolf Posted February 8, 2019 Author Share Posted February 8, 2019 Marl fires the ballista at the shaman in the middle, but misses. "What the- behind us! Ready, men!" Reveal hidden contents Marl: AT: 14 + 2 PS - 1 DEF = 15 Hit: 82 + 10 Charisma - 11 Eva = 81 Crit: 5 - 1 Dg = 4 Ignis: 15% AS: 0 Cultist A: AT: - Hit: - Crit: - AS: 5 Marl attacks! 87, miss! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 9, 2019 Share Posted February 9, 2019 "Don't worry, my friends, I will be your shield!" Alwine's armor thundered against the hard stone floors as she moved upward, shield and axe both raised and ready for combat - until she reached position, and pitched her hatchet at the enemy. "Hrrraaah!" H23 hatchet healer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElfCollaborator Posted February 9, 2019 Share Posted February 9, 2019 Johan had not been particularly quiet since Winston had conducted the report, mostly regaling whoever would listen with feats of immense bloodshed. He'd noticed the guards were gone already, something he quite looked forward to. A fight was a fight, and blood would be spilled, and Johan was always happy when blood was spilled and fights were had. Then he caught a glimpse of the soldiers before them as Cassidy opened the door. and the others charged forward. They were Paxi. Needless to say, the bloodlust in Johan went from barely imperceptible to radiating off of him like a roaring flame. "Pax?" "Pax?" "COWARDS WHO CALL YOURSELVES MEN! COME FORTH AND DIE LIKE THE RATS YOU ARE! THE HAMMER OF THE GEATS BRINGS YOUR DOOM! WE SHALL BATHE THESE WALLS IN YOUR BLOOD! WE SHALL LEAVE NO QUARTER! TODAY, THE VALKYRIES WILL HAVE THEIR PICK OF THE SLAUGHTERED!" The fury was palpable in Johan's booming voice as he storms forward behind Aidan and Alwine, his gargantuan frame practically oozing bloodlust. His roar practically shook the timbers of the door as he strode past. This was going to be fun. "Oden! Guide our ships! Our axes, spears and swords! Guide us through storms that whip and in brutal waaaaaar!"G23, sing Alwine and Aidan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unlurking Sentinel Posted February 10, 2019 Share Posted February 10, 2019 (edited) Ach! Too loud! Too loud! Are you trying to render me deaf!? ow ow ow ow ow ow ow... ...No. Not gonna flinch. I have to stay cool, and win this battle. I won't be satisfied until one of those songs is about me. So, I won't flinch, I won't flinch... Unbeknownst to Marl, he had fallen to the ground with his hands over his ears, making a noise comparable to a dying capybara. Winston to I23, Attack Healer with Slim Lance If Healer is dead, Elizabeth to J23 Edited February 10, 2019 by Unlurking Sentinel Added an action for Elizabeth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedMageCole Posted February 10, 2019 Share Posted February 10, 2019 OH DEAR. OH GOD. Johan's yelling was enough to get Aidan's blood pumping at what felt like lightspeed, but him getting close enough to perform for him was the real dealbreaker. Barely before he even played a few notes, Aidan was off and running at the enemy. "T-To war! We fight with everything we have! Let's go! Chaaaarge!!!" To be honest, Aidan just kind of rambled whatever first came to mind so that he could get a running start, but it certainly did get the job done. Aidan moves to I24 and casts Fire on the Knight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powder Miner Posted February 10, 2019 Share Posted February 10, 2019 Two rooms away, Linton heard somebody shouting so loudly that it was still loud where he was. “What the f... oh, God.” Linton knew that kind of shouting, and he knew those words. That was a Kahlan shouting, and a very specific kind of Kahlan — not the darker-skinned wyvern riders he’d seen sometimes, or any of the other tribes he’d more regularly dealt with, but one particular tribe that he’d only seen a couple of times. On one hand, this meant for sure that there were reinforcements helping wipe the Paxi. On the other hand... “Well, this is about to go insane, gentlemen.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted February 10, 2019 Share Posted February 10, 2019 K23, guard Elizabeth and also hatchet the swordsman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swordstar Posted February 11, 2019 Share Posted February 11, 2019 J-22, stab the swordguy with my lance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinwolf Posted February 12, 2019 Author Share Posted February 12, 2019 Alwine rushes forward and tosses an axe! Reveal hidden contents Alwine: AT: 15 - 1 DEF = 14 damage Hit: 97 - 17 Eva = 80 Crit: 8 - 7 Dg = 1 AS: 3 Healer: AT: - Hit: - Crit: - AS: 7 Alwine attacks! 57, hit! 70, no crit. 14 damage dealt! Johan lets out a roaring battlecry and song, reinvigorating Aidan and Alwine. In the guard post, a muffled cry comes out - “AND MAY THE WORTHY FIND VALHALLA!”. Opus had been taking some mercs lately... From Linton’s perspective, it turns out Sven is from Kahla. Shin visibly flinches and Henry steps back a little. Winston follows up Alwine’s axe throw, and… well, Winston things happened. Reveal hidden contents Winston: AT: 13 - 1 = 12 Hit: 102 - 17 = 85 Crit: 9 + 10 PS - 7 Dg = 12 AS: 7 + 2 PS = 9 Healer: AT: - Hit: - Crit: - AS: 7 Winston attacks! 43, hit! 1, crit! 12*3 = 36 damage! Healer A is really, really dead! “Inspired” by Johan’s song of war, Aidan steps forward to blast a knight in the face. Reveal hidden contents Aidan: AT: 14 - 3 RES - 3 Armored = 8 Hit: 105 - 6 = 99 Crit: 5 + 10 PS - 1 = 14 AS: 8 (Double!) Knight B: AT: - Hit: - Crit: - AS: 3 Aidan attacks! 74, hit! 74, no crit! 8 damage. Aidan attacks again! 53, hit! 81, no crit. 8 damage! Alwine steps between the pillars before tossing an axe at the swordsman. Then, she prepares to guard Elizabeth from any attacks. Reveal hidden contents Alwine: AT: 15 - 3 DEF - 1 WTD = 11 damage Hit: 97 + 10 Charisma - 16 Evasion - 15 WTD = 77 Crit: 8 - 2 Dg = 6 AS: 3 Swordsman B: AT: 15 + 1 WTA - 12 DEF - 3 Armored - 1 Pillars = Tink Hit: Irrelevant Crit: Irrelevant AS: 6 Alwine attacks! 44, hit! 59, no crit. 11 damage! The swordsman counters! There’s a dull ‘tink’ sound! Then, Bradwr charges down the swordsman to hit him too, running him through. Reveal hidden contents Bradwr AT: 12 + 1 WTA - 3 DEF = 10 Damage Hit: 98 + 15 WTA + 10 Charisma - 16 Evasion = Autohit Crit: 8 - 2 Dg = 6 Luna: 9% +5% PS = 14% AS: 7 Swordsman B: AT: 15 - 4 DEF - 1 WTD = 10 Hit: 85 - 15 WTD - 17 Eva = 53 Crit: 3 - 3 Dg = 0 AS: 6 Bradwr attacks! 22, hit! 5, crit. 91, no luna. 10*3 = 30 damage! Swordsman B dies! Player Status: (17/100 XP) Reveal hidden contents Players: Aidan: 26/26 (Eq: Fire) Alwine: 26/26 (Eq: Hatchet) Anea: 16/16 (Eq: Heal) Beatrix: 24/24 (Eq: Worm) Bradwr: 24/24 (Eq: Slim Lance) Cassidy: 21/21 (Eq: Iron Knife) Johan: 24/24 (Eq: Soldier's Drum) Shiro: 24/24 (Eq: Slim Lance) Linton: 18/18 (Eq: Wooden Sword?) Lysander: 26/26 (Eq: Wooden Sword) Marl: 20/20 (Eq: Training Bow) Yuel: 21/21 (Eq: Lightning) Allies: (Stats) Elizabeth: 18/18 Winston: 22/22 John: 24/24 Henry: 17/17 Sven: 25/25 Shin: 20/20 Guard A: 24/24 Marksman A: 22/22 Marksman B: 22/22 Mercenary A: 23/23 Soldier A: 22/22 Soldier B: 22/22 Enemy Status: Stats Reveal hidden contents Archer A: 22/22 (Iron Bow) Archer B: 22/22 (Iron Bow) Archer C : 22/22 (Killer Bow) (STEAL: Iron Bow) Swordsman A : 23/23 (Iron Blade) (DROP) Swordsman B: Dead/23 (Iron Blade) Swordsman C : 23/23 (Iron Blade) (STEAL: Iron Blade (a second one)) Swordsman D :23/23 (Iron Blade) Axeman A: 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman B: 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman C : 25/25 (Iron Axe) Axeman D :25/25 (Iron Axe) Cultist A: 21/21 (Worm) Cultist B: 21/21 (Worm) Mage A: 20/20 (Fire) Mage B: 20/20 (Singe) (DROP) Mage C: 20/20 (Fire) Knight A: 24/24 (Iron Lance) Knight B: 8/24 (Iron Lance) (STEAL: Rabbit's Foot) Knight C :24/24 (Iron Javelin) Healer A: Winston'd/17 (Heal) Healer B: 17/17 (Heal) Opportunist A: 19/19 (Iron Knife) Opportunist B: 19/19 (Iron Knife) Opportunist C : 19/19 (Iron Knife) --- F23 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES K17 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES M17 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES D12 Door: 20/20, 5 DEF 0 RES Q23 Door: 30/30, 6 DEF 3 RES Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted February 12, 2019 Share Posted February 12, 2019 Shiro moves to H23, holds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caleocek Posted February 12, 2019 Share Posted February 12, 2019 "Paxi troops here of all places..." Lysander gets to comment in the moments before Johan's screams. "Gah! Well, they're certainly aware of us now...!" A bit of an understatement, given his ears are ringing from it... Still, he moves up with the others, otherwise undaunted... Until he reaches Marl. "...Erm, are you alright?" He questions the archer on the ground with concern. Not that he's likely to be heard. Lysander to E-24, hold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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