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Champions to Learn in LoL


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Don't mind this topic just me trying to find a place where I'll see this daily to keep and remind myself. If you have a list of champions you'd like to learn feel free to make it here as well.

Mash's list of Champions to learn!~

Top : Jayce, Rumble, AD Nidalee, Jax

Mid : ZILEAN!~, Twisted Fate, Orianna, Veigar, LeBlanc, Cassiopiea, Annie, Anivia

Jungle : Amumu, Fiddlesticks, Elise, Jax, Xin

Support : Zyra, Janna, Nami, Taric.

AD Carry : Sivir, Vayne, Varus, Corki, Kog'Maw.

OKay yeah thats it for me for now. I'll strikeout the ones I've learned/am starting to learn from time to time. OKay thank you for letting me be selfish and make a topic :D

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Then lemme post my list here SO I'LL BE SELFISH TOO:

Top: Warwick, Wukong (I love him), Poppy, Rumble, VIVIVIVIVIVIVIVI

Mid: Ziggs, Fizz, Veigar, Brand, Anivia, Annie, Katarina, Syndra, Ahri, URGOT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Jungle: Rammus (Ok), Shyvana, Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Master Yi.

AD Carry: Corki, Twitch, Varus.

Support: Sona, Lulu, ZILEAN!, Blitzcrank.

And yes I'm updating this thing to.

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Might as well post the champs I'm currently trying to improve on (but don't know what they are e.g. ad ap or which lane they should be in):

Alistar, Ziggs, Katarina, Nidalee, Udyr.

Alistar is tank, but builds AP if anything damage wise. He used to be able to function as an AP mage. He goes either bot or jungle (although admittedly I don't know if AP is best for him in jungle too, or...?)

Ziggs is AP mid

Katarina is AP mid

Nidalee can be either top mid or bot support, and can go either AD, AP or Hybrid

Udyr is AD and jungle

If I were to.... uh.

Top: Vi, Irelia

Bot: Miss Fortune, Vayne

Support: Morgana, Zyra, Orianna, Lux, Fiddlesticks, Taric (after rework only. >.>), Nami

Jungle: Zyra, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn

*deep breath*

Mid: Lux, LeBlanc, Fiddlesticks, Diana, Evelynn (I finally learned her S2 and then boom deathfire change >.>), Katarina, Annie, Nami, Akali,

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Someone needs to learn annie?

Last hit with q

Harass when your passive is ready

Rinse and repeat

Level 6: Tibbahs

Use tibbahs on people with your passive ready

gg scrubs


everyone tells me these things

I know them

I've taught other people to play Annie

but I cannot play her myself

I just



jungle zyra


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My main jangler <3.

So what DO I want to learn...

TOP:Ryze, Rumble [needtobuy] Blitz, Lee Sin [NTB] Kennen [same as Lee] Graves [i have plans] and Pantheon [sOOOOO DUMB]

Support: Sejuani [NTB] Riven, Lee Sin, Karthus, Cho Gath.

ADC: Draven [i know how but those damn axes, can't juggle two well yet] and Jayce. I know how to some weird adc's so it's kinda not an area that lacks for me. Plus I really trust my Ezreal/Graves/Tristana.

Mid: Leblanc because I need to know how to counter her more precisely, NTB Karthus/Brand/hiemer/Victor/Kennen/Kat/Ziggs/Fizz/Galio. Yeah that's a lot of mids. I need to learn Zilean mid, otherwise I know all those already.

Jungle: Need to perfect Annie, NTB Lee Sin, Cho, Shyv, Skarner and Xin. Need to improve Ryze Shaco and Morde as well.

Basically need to buy a lot and learn a little.

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Lets seeeeeeeeeee....

TOP: Teemo (still need to learn a few more build paths), Rumble, Yorick, Jax (same as Teemo), Vladimir

MID: Katarina, Kassadin (pls counter moar), Casseiopeia, Swain (he looks really interesting), Vladimir

ADC: Ezreal, Graves, Tristana, Caitlyn

SUPPORT: Soraka, Sona, Zyra, Janna

JUNGLE: I'm never jungling... EVER

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Bought Syndra, and rebought Ahri for half price. I got the hang of Syndra pretty well and owned a few Teemos, and Ahri actually turned out to be more fun than last time (although I can still not hit skillshots with her for the life of me...).

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