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[OUTDATED - CHECK PINNED TOPICS] V10 - Rejuvenation Bug Reporting Thread


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  On 3/18/2018 at 12:01 PM, Illumi said:

Hi there. I decided to start a new run of Rejuvenion after last one went horribly for me. So I picked my Popplio, and soon after leaving lab... found a bug.

It's bug with Lightningrod ability.

Enemy Pichu had to just Thundershock me to kill, but for some strange reason... it absorbed its own move, giving the Lightningrod boost, but not damaging my pokemon. I suppose it shouldn't happen?


Can confirm same thing happened to me with a pikachu. Lightningrod redirected its own move at itself 

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This is pretty much the same problem as the maria picture appearing in the trainers card,if you are playing as Ana there is no picture in the trainers card.

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round 3
i think this was the moment where you enter hope street(?) from the right, the first building above you near the weather machine

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..theres this girl, in the first floor of HOH to the left that says: 'i have an annual physical in a few moments.' not sure if theres a word missing, like examination or test, or if thats intentional.
..line break after the events of HOH

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..google says its supposed to be disastrous and not disasterous

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..the answers aelita seeks lie and not lies

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..this probably is difficult to fix, i also forgot to take a screenshot. after leaving sheridan village(past), theres a moment when you leave cellas house and spot vivian(?), and at the same moment the screen goes grey, but if you enter a house and leave it back or save load the game goes back to normal, not an important thing since youre not supposed to even go back in but still
..specifically (also erins head turning looks weird just saying)

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..in the ship, after mimikyu hatching, i went under the first guard and talked to him. after being taken back to the room, the getting caught beep, the dialogue and screen going black were shown again. also after going for the second time to that room where i got caught the guard was still looking down. apparently the double dialogue/teleporting is caused by double tapping space at some moment, dunno

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..after that, even when i had access to my half fainted pokemon, i found the pokemon stach and was told that i found my friends' and my pokemon (which i already had). they did get healed tho

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  On 3/18/2018 at 11:21 AM, Zindril said:

My pokemon can earn experience after level 75... other than that, a decent version, although completely unexpected. I was hoping for tournament, side quests and reaper cloth, but to my knowledge none of these three things are present in V10. 



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  On 3/18/2018 at 2:18 PM, ShadeStrider said:

When I tried to enter the police station, I couldn't move my character. I was just about to report it.


Also, it seems like you can get stuck during the cutscene on the bridge in the District of Hope. Couldn't avoid it this time around since the game autosaved for me. Careful.

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Bug in Axis High

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The Speed IV buff on the Pokemon Hospital does not work:



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Post-vaccines (Speed on both EVs and IVs and Pokerus):

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I didn't try out the other vaccines but I'll check them. If I find out other bugs, I'll edit this reply.

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post breaks when I try to post something below the spoiler but @Zindril


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@Reverse @ShadeStrider I have a post on the first page of this thread with the same cop problem and a possible solution to it, so if you want to get past that point without waiting for a bugfix id recommend to check it out. other than that, gamebreaking bug here.


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So I started my game after the update n did what was told for the pop up that isn't a bug n saved, but now I just get this text that says the map is corrupt, I went to the right room n everything, plz help!



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round 4, and hopefully the last for today
..ok so even when i didnt battle, this pops up

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..on the graphical level, wouldnt consider it a bug but eh.

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..line break

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..ok so all houses are exactly the same EXCEPT two door cunt here

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..something small, just that everybody shows a blank face except Tesla (compared to val who also has that hair thing)

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..(who cares about choices when you can play them all simultaneously) anyway yeah one has those black borders nice addition btw and the other doesnt (left is do nothing, right is try to escape, both had me fighting kenneth)(they also show different scenes during castles end-events, they both look important unfortunately). oh yeah also different music, probably intentional tho, dk, ask jan.

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when walking to the east side of east gearen there is a cutscene ( only dialogue ) that appears.It moves me a few steps upwards and then the game freezes.Music continues to play though.This happens to a pre V10 save file and i just created a new save file ( V10 ) and i didnt encounter this bug so it meight be a pre V10 save file only bug.I dont know.

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Fighting Sensei Vivian on my Ice Mono, it came down to my entire team vs her Mega Alakazam. She traced A-Tales' Snow Warning, but Hail did not start to fall. The previous turn, Hail had stopped falling, so the weather was clear.

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