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[OUTDATED - CHECK PINNED TOPICS] V10 - Rejuvenation Bug Reporting Thread


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Hi, I'm at this point in the game where I have to do the button puzzle but for some reason Erin decided that it was a good idea to stand still in the middle of the way and not move. Now I'm completely stuck, unless there is a way to reset Erin's position that I'm unaware of. I've tried restarting the game but nothing, still there. Hope someone can help.


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After losing a battle in Chrysalis Manor (courtyard to the left to be exact), Marianette completely disapeares as a follower, can't interact with her, see her or anything. 


*She came back after crawling into the hole and saving Luca, don't know if you wanted to know about this bug, thought I should contribute

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Ok after waking up in the apartments in dream gate city im told to go to the judicial district. Once i get there two cops are blocking me saying that they cant let me through due to the power outages. Are they there because im playing at night? what can i do to progress the story?

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I am still stuck at the prison breakout in Blacksteeple Castle. I cannot  get back to the left wing where the Absol statue is to meet with Braixen. After I pass the guards, I'm just bumping into the entrance as if it were a wall and hearing the bumping sound effect. I still cannot progress in the game. Walking back a few steps does not resolve the issue for me. Has anyone else encountered this problem and been able to fix it?  I really would like to continue the game, but I see no way to bypass this bug. My original post is on page 8 of this forum.

Pokemon Rejuvenation Screenshot (Stuck in Blacksteeple Castle).jpg

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Bugs found from restarting from the beginning for V10:


1) I can cross lava without the Magma Drift TM if I have beaten Angie + have the correct Golden item. I could've skipped restoring the TM shop in Krystalline if I had wanted to. 


2) In the Amethyst cave, the Golden item for Rock Climb does not work even when I have the correct gym badges. However, my Lycanroc can use the Rock Climb TM just fine


3) Crawli's Escavalier kept using not very effective moves against my Mawile after I got to +2 from Iron Defense, despite the Escavalier having the super effective Drill Run


4) When put to sleep, my pokemon still use up 1 PP worth of moves despite still being fast asleep. This only applies on the first turn of sleep, however.


5) After choosing the Flora path over Florin or Erin + leaving to rendezvous with Florin and Erin, sometimes the cutscene doesn't activate and I had to walk back and go into the Florin ladder down to get the correct cutscene to appear 


6) Anytime after switching from V9/earlier version, as soon as I upload V10 I receive AP points for the "Tired Feet" achievement. I only switched to V9 to catch Corphish before Blacksteeple but I tested this theory out  by switching back and forth from V9 multiple times and I was wrongly awarded for AP points for achievements that I had already completed.

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I'm not sure if this is intentional, but when you're doing the MQ and have to deal with 

  Reveal hidden contents

You're stuck in the area with it until you kill it, but if you're team is incapable of defeating it and you didn't collect the "Weird Diary" you are softlocked and stuck in that town, with NO pc or way to use the Yacht to get back.

Edited by TheLegendaryFailuré
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When I was battling Marinette's Bewear I got this error preventing me from attacking it.  [Pokemon Rejuvenation V10]
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `hasWorkingAbiity' for #<PokeBattle_Battler:0x157c3f98>
PokeBattle_Move:2745:in `pbCalcDamage'
PokeBattle_Move:3846:in `pbEffect'
PokeBattle_MoveEffects:2103:in `pbEffect'
PokeBattle_Battler:4450:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `each'
PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:5259:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:5211:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battler:5262:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:6194:in `pbProcessTurn'

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  On 4/19/2018 at 10:56 AM, icetitan777 said:

When I was battling Marinette's Bewear I got this error preventing me from attacking it.  [Pokemon Rejuvenation V10]
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `hasWorkingAbiity' for #<PokeBattle_Battler:0x157c3f98>
PokeBattle_Move:2745:in `pbCalcDamage'
PokeBattle_Move:3846:in `pbEffect'
PokeBattle_MoveEffects:2103:in `pbEffect'
PokeBattle_Battler:4450:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `each'
PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget'
PokeBattle_Battler:5259:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:5211:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battler:5262:in `pbUseMove'
PokeBattle_Battler:6194:in `pbProcessTurn'


Please make sure to apply the latest patch (also, you can see the list of bugs already mentioned, and fixed, in the original post)

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so apparently Lycanroc Midnight Form cannot learn any moves via TMs (for example Brick Break of Facade, which are moves it should be able to learn) or Move Tutors (for example Dual Chop from the library tutor). Not sure if the same issue affects Midday Form as well and apologies if the issue has already been reported.

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  On 4/19/2018 at 6:13 PM, Aegon said:

so apparently Lycanroc Midnight Form cannot learn any moves via TMs (for example Brick Break of Facade, which are moves it should be able to learn) or Move Tutors (for example Dual Chop from the library tutor). Not sure if the same issue affects Midday Form as well and apologies if the issue has already been reported.


Move tutors were not in S/M and since this episode goes by S/M mechanics (not US/UM), that's not a bug;  it's just not a feature yet.   I don't know about the TMs, but look to see if it could learn those TMs specifically in S/M.

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