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I really don't get what's so good about Fortnite


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I mean seriously I have played games way better. ( Dragon age Inquisition, Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild ) Honestly, it's just another Minecraft, Clash of Clans, or Fnaf, in that eventually it will be replaced by another popular game and 25% of the fans will leave it to follow the trend. I just don't get it.

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It has all the perks of a Battle Royale, quick throwaway games and that basic endorphin rush you get in any multiplayer game when you kill someone, it's constantly getting new content that adds to the game in some way, big or small, it's current so you get an active community and it's free so it's incredibly easy to get into.


It probably will be replaced like Dayz, H1Z1 and it's current competitor that very few people are talking about rn Pubg, the biggest reason it's so big right now is the accessibility and also the massive attention it got, iirc they pushed twitch streamers to play it for ages and a fair few YTers gave it a spotlight too.


Also meme culture took to it so easily and memes are actually a very good way of keeping something current, look a the amount of pubg memes vs fortnite memes to illustrate my point.

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I've given it a try, but there isn't really anything at all to help you to figure out how to play, so you HAVE to read guides or watch yt videos to even get to any part of the game that's fun. Unless you do that, it's pretty inaccessible for new players.

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Another game that is insanely popular right now that doesn’t exactly teach you how to play is Monster Hunter.  That game is full of secrets that you wouldn’t know unless you look it up or have someone randomly tell you.

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I've played a fair bit of both Fortnite and PUBG and I'll say, they are by no means bad games. The player is dropped into a large arena with only the clothes on their back, and forced to find weapons and supplies to survive against the other 99 or so players. Imagine the Hunger Games but bigger and with guns and (in PUBG) cars. As the game goes on, they get pushed into smaller and smaller areas until one (or two or four, depending on the gamemode) player emerges victorious and the whole thing starts again. It's a pretty enticing gameplay loop, but it's hardly Game of the Year material. The thing that makes it popular is that it's relatively simple once you get it and doesn't make you keep track of anything (unlike a lot of RPGs that many, including myself, would say are superior, some vastly). Plus, the adrenaline high is kind of insane.

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