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My last RMT this year


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Sup, here's an another team from moi

558.gif@ Sitrus Berry

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 124 Def / 116 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Rock Blast

- Spikes

- Knock Off

Starting with Stealth Rock and Spikes to get a nice start

Rock Blast to get rid of possible opponent's substitute or just deal damage

Knock Off to be annoying and get rid of opponent's useful item

596.gif@ Life Orb

Trait: Compoundeyes

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Thunder

- Bug Buzz

- Giga Drain

- Volt Switch

I wanted to have something to deal with Skarmory and mostly Water types, so I put this in

Thunder with Compoundeyes has awesome power and accuracy

Bug Buzz when other attacks just won't do (+STAB)

Giga Drain to recover lost HP

Volt Switch to deal damage and switch

214.gif@ Choice Scarf

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Megahorn

- Close Combat

- Earthquake

- Night Slash

Speedy strong super bug

Megahorn for strong STAB

Close Combat as well

Earthquake to damage those weak to Ground

Night Slash for mainly Flying/Psychic

205.gif@ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Toxic Spikes

- Gyro Ball

- Rapid Spin

- Counter

Supra defensive Forretress

Toxic Spikes to youknowwhat

Gyro Ball just to damage something (he has 0 speed IVs)

Rapid Spin to clean out SR and Spikes/Toxic Spikes

Counter to damage physical attackers

212.gif@ Choice Band

Trait: Technician

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Superpower

- Pursuit

- Bullet Punch

A bug team needs a strong priority move, which is why Scizor is here

U-turn for the damage-switch

Superpower for steel types

Pursuit against fleeing opponents

Bullet Punch for that priority

637.gif@ Lum Berry

Trait: Flame Body

EVs: 92 HP / 232 Def / 184 SAtk

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Quiver Dance

- Fiery Dance

- Rest

- Bug Buzz

I needed something extra to be able to take Fire type hits, and a strong Steel type hitter

Quiver Dance for the boosts

Fiery Dance for STAB and chance to boost SAtk further

Rest to stay alive longer with Lum Berry

Bug Buzz for STAB (thinking about HP Ice or Rock)

This is it, enjoy the team :feelsgd:

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Couple things.

-Swords Dance>Pursuit on Scizor, for sweeping potential.

-Chesto Berry on Volcarona. Why? If you get any other status, your Rest will be ruined, because you won't have the berry to wake up, seeing as thw aforementioned other status effect would have used it.

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-Chesto Berry on Volcarona. Why? If you get any other status, your Rest will be ruined, because you won't have the berry to wake up, seeing as thw aforementioned other status effect would have used it.

That's a Lum Berry, nooblord.

Chesto Berry only activates on sleep.

Also, the team seems a little rough around the edges. Seems like the current OU would eat it up because you've no real plan for things like Exca or Blaziken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a Lum Berry, nooblord.

Chesto Berry only activates on sleep.

Also, the team seems a little rough around the edges. Seems like the current OU would eat it up because you've no real plan for things like Exca or Blaziken.

he could still win if he gets lucky OR if its move set is bad or if he currently swept etc so sometimes yes sometimes no.

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I'm here.

- Regarding Heracross: JSC is a bro. However, if you're going to run Earthquake, perhaps you will want Stone Edge or Rock Slide. The power of Night Slash...isn't enough, honestly. That and if you are forced to switch in on Tornadus or some other flier you have no way to defend yourself before the inevitable Hurricane / Brave Bird / Air Slash sees Heracross meet its maker.

- Regarding Volcarona: this might be the weirdest Volcarona set I've ever seen. I have always thought that high-defense EVs would only belong with a Sun Volcarona that utilized Morning Sun as recovery. Also that Rest gives another Pokemon a chance to set up or destroy Volcarona from the physical side. But in the end, you know what purpose the fire moth is serving here better than me.

- Regarding additions: Did you consider Yanmega? Considering its nice Special Attack, the fact that you'll be spinning away Stealth Rock, and such, it fits nicely onto a team that takes Earthquakes neutral except Hercaross. Doesn' sound like a big deal, but it will be a pain in the ass when Landorus-T shows up Scarfed and ready to play.

9/10 is my rating. Nice one bro.

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