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Pokemon Spork Half-Blind Playthrough


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Chapter 1: New Game New Story

Welp, Here we are, Pokemon Spork. The reason the title says ''Half-Blind'' is due to the fact t hat i completed some parts of the game before this thread, but i sadly forgot to backup my save while i wiped my PC for personal purposes.

This thread will help me reflect on my adventure and help me get the best out of this spectacular game!

(Want to point this out real quick, this may not update too frequently as i'm playing through rejuv right now, thanks for being patient!)

Anyways, let's get started



So, when you start the game you find yourself in a dream, an adorable litwick comes to greet you and tells you that you're on a vacation with your sister!


Time to pick a name, my keyboard had the amazing idea of VVVVVVV, but i decided to name myself Karma, which is a reference to a particular red headed maniac in a japanese anime.


Spork has a VERY wide variety of starters to choose from.... and i mean the entire pokedex aside from legendaries! this is a fantastic idea as it doesn't limit the player to use 1 out of 3 mons to start with everytime, and allows pokemon found way later in the game normally to be obtained at the start. It also allows the picking of unique pokemon like seviper and heracross as starters. And just a heads up, i'll not be choosing or using any UBs as my starter, or overly used mons like aegislash.

Alright let's see what we'll pick as our starter!


Meet Kaizo the Dhelmise! 


Dhelmise was one of the gen7 pokemon that i actually took a liking to, sadly it's not the most used of pokemon. In fact people some times don't even recognize the poor thing.



After choosing our starter, litwick awakens us and our sister emily comes to greet us! she hands us the pokegear, running shoes, a bottle of freshwater for the journey, and challenges Karma to a pokemon battle! 



This isn't even slightly fair for her.

It had foresight but even then it stood no chance against Kaizo.


Don't worry you won't be going against a dhelmise every battle sis.

We were then told about the celios league, consisting of 18 gyms with ramping difficulty, we'll explore a bit of the hotel and see what adventure delivers!


We discovered a bunch of trainers in different rooms, we defeated them with kaizo to gain some experience.


In the room to the left, we find an espurr, and we decided to gladly take it into the team!


Nyan the espurr! Onto the team.






After we obtained our new team member, we decide to train a bit more before heading outside to Virima city! We want as much diversity as possible, so we decided to add more members onto the team!image.png.54b6941d3caa482b0dbb4d4d4f38169a.png


We explore the city and find Pokemon Breeder Sarah, who has 2 audinos with only healing wish

Fun story: back when the audinos had attacks i was walled by them, they'd spam baby doll eyes and secret power until you were completely crippled, then they would spam switch and stall all your pp, the only way out was either to reset or pp stall until you were struggling.


Down to the southern beach area, we find Splicer the corphish! 

I'll definitely do a bit of breeding with this guy, it has just about the perfect ivs for a special attacker, shame that it's a corphish who doesn't need the special attack and would much appreciate a high attack.


To the east, we find..... A pheromosa?!



It was..... Very Very Easy.


Stop with V the pheromosa, i will not be using ultra beasts so into the box you go.




After we obtained a new member of the squad, we stumble across a bike shop, we obtained a free bicycle from the generous owner.





Another adorable pokemon ^_^


Kaizo pretty much walled her, swirlix wasn't a problem at all.


And splicer took care of lickitung, which was very annoying because it para'd all 3 of my mons.



After the battle, we find another questionable person.


And she challenges Karma, here we go...


3v3, seems like this will be an interesting match as well.


Stufful was taken out by Nyan's confusions


H...Holy The inkay took out Kaizo instantly


Splicer handled it, and here comes gothita


We lived on an invisible focus sash, bet Karma's heart is pounding right now.




After our visit to the library, the gym opened! we'll train a bit before i enter the gym for my first badge!

After i balanced out my levels, i enter the gym.




It looks like i've made it!


Starly was taken out by Splicer, though splicer took a hard hit.

Whismur goes in for the revenge kill


Nyan sets up light screen before she takes any more damage.


After whismur fainted, Lilipup comes in.


Nyan takes it out with confusion.


Kaizo sets up growths while light screen is still active, rendering girafarig's confusions useless.


We have almost defeated the gym leader Jim!


Happiny comes in, not sure what it's going to do against kaizo.

Kaizo takes out happiny but furfrou comes in.



Mega drain after 2 growths 2hkos, we have defeated normal type gym leader Jim!



After the gym battle, Karma yawns and sleeps in a nearby pokecenter, may his adventure continue!


First gym thoughts:

The game is put together VERY well, the casual feeling of gameplay i only got when playing pokemon emerald, while giving the player freedom and creativity.

The idea of choosing any mon as a starter is very well polished aside from a *Certain* Type of mons allowed.

Otherwise, the level curve isn't too harsh, the battles feel casual and entertaining, i really recommend this game if you like the old school theme of pokemon.

That ends chapter one, see you in chapter two of this playthrough!

Edited by twichlove
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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 2: 

A new day starts and Karma continues his adventure across the Ceolis region. As a recap for the last episode, we defeated normal type gym leader Jim, we recruited many a team member and explored the first town!

We meet up again with Emily, who is our sister if you haven't forgotten.





She challenges us to a battle and karma gladly accepts!


So...... I might be overleveled or she might be underleveled, either way this does not make a fair match.


Great minds think alike! we both use growth in the same turn, and coincidentally we both can't hit each other for much damage...


We're slowly but surely getting through petilil! Wonder what she has next.


Vulpix might be hard to handle, we switch to nyan as kaizo can't do much damage to it.


As always, the final match between kaizo and buneary!


Our next destination is Cianosa for the next gym badge, hopefully it'll be a fun experience, then again this game hasn't fell short of that!

Edited by twichlove
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