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Starter type changes

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Changing types of current mons is always a risky move. If anything, you could create alternate forms or something that have different types from their regular counterparts. 


I'd also like to point out Flying-type makes no sense for Empoleon, as penguins can't fly.

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1 hour ago, Zargerth said:

Changing types of current mons is always a risky move. If anything, you could create alternate forms or something that have different types from their regular counterparts. 


I'd also like to point out Flying-type makes no sense for Empoleon, as penguins can't fly.

Nor can Dodou but it gets Fly and Empoleon can learn Feather Dance which only can be learned by flying types except Blaziken. They are birds after all, but thats just my opinion. Thanks anyway.


Edited by slowking
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Just because something is a bird, shouldn't mean it has to be a flying type.
We also have Stunfisk which isn't a water type but obviously a fish. 
I get your logic, but it feels more forced than logical. And if you'd say that every bird should be flying, then why is Decidueye still ghost? It's an owl and would actually make more sense to be a flying type than Empoleon or Blaziken.
I am also not a fan of fairy on Delphox. A magician would feel more logical to be psychic typed, as a psychic can float things with it's mind and stuff like that. Psychic fits Deplhox really well IMO.
As you can see, not a fan of type changings. But if I were to say one, I'd say give Fairy typing to Meganium.

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