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Pokemon Reborn Save file?



Hello! I don't really know where else to put this.

So just a couple of days ago (last week, actually) before spring break happened, my laptop was pretty much acting up a lot and it was time to toss it out.

But you see, I'm playing Pokemon Reborn and I gotten pretty far into the game (actually have up to 12 badges, right after getting the shiny charm[and right after getting that, I end up running into a shiny Gravelar, and in my head when I ran into a Pokemon, I was thinking 'what if this was a shiny Pokemon now that I have the shiny charm?' And then boom! Shiny Gravelar]) that I don't want to start over again when I get a new laptop.

I heard that you can upload your save files on Google Drive and I kinda did that. But I actually only uploaded the Game.rxdata file instead of the other backup files that was named after times I saved my game (For example, the last back file was named '12 Gym Badges' along with the time and date of when I saved)

And also, just to test it out, I clicked on the file that I uploaded and it told me to download it. But I actually didn't download it because I thought that that meant I did the right thing.

Of course, I'm confused if I did this right. I haven't actually bought a new laptop yet to test it out (because mainly I'm broke lol) but I just want to know if I did this right or I also need to upload all of the other backup files, which will take a long time uploading since I have around 200 (I have a habit of saving a lot just in case something happens)

The reason why I think that I did something wrong was because the date of the Game.rxdata that I uploaded actually have an old date on it. As in, the file is actually way older than the other backup files (only about a couple days older) so I was thinking if I would've download it on my new future laptop, then the save file would actually probably be around when I have 9 or 10 badges or something.

The reason why it's way older is because when I save (I usually save by easily pressing the D button because I'm too lazy to go to the menu and save regularly), a new backup file appears, but it doesn't change the Game.rxdata file (am I even explaining this correctly?).

Long story short, I need to know if what I did was good or not. If I download the file on a new laptop and open Polemon Reborn, while it show my current save file?

I also thought that if I have to download it, while it be in the Downloads Folder? Or does it goes to my 'Saved Games' folder (if anything, I don't think it'll appear in that folder since I'm basically starting a new file on a game, on a different laptop)? Or even, do I have to send it to that folder or something?

Please, I really need to know because I've gotten so far into that game that it'll take months for me to just decide to replay it again if the save file I uploaded on Google Drive does not work.

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Saving your game.rxdata should be everything you have to do if I'm not mistaken. When playing normally, the game.rxdata changed with every save you made and is your "newest" savefile.

The backup files are before that point.

That being said, since apparently you've uploaded an "old" game.rxdata, you can just save one of your newest backups (the one with the name and the badges) - you'll just have to rename it to "game.rxdata" on your new laptop in order for it to work.

If you download your savefile, you will have to move it to the right place manually.


If you want, you can post your file here (the game.rxdata you uploaded) or PM me and I'll look into it. If that's the one you wanted, then you know for sure that you did everything right.

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@Bella the Eevee ~

Alright, so: in that game file, you've got 11 badges and you're on route 3, likely on your way to (or rather from) Calcenon.


If you have a save File called something like XYZh - Bella - 12 badges, I recommend renaming one of those (now or afterwards) and uploading it as well.

If you want, you can try here again and I'll take a look at it again.

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Ah, thank you! I thought I kinda messed up and have to start all over. The old laptop is having trouble turning on so when I have the chance, I'll try again.

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